SFW, Ensign, and Adam Eackle


Long Time Member
Those of your that have suffered through my rants about SFW may be suprised but I want to throw out "props" to Ensign, and SFW, especially the Batemans. I caught Adam Eackles new show Sat. and they were hunting deer on Ensign(a donated hunt) with a young lady who has a type of MS that has taken her mobility and some motor skills. If you haven't seen it find a clip(KSL here in Utah). In order to get this deer she has a bench set up that they haul around so SHE can pull the trigger. The first deer she missed, and started crying(which started the tears on me) Bret Bateman leans in and tells her something that must of helped out because they were off again, finding a nice 3x4 bedded down. After getting her all set up she kills this deer and instantley the sobbs of joy break out both with her and off camera.(By now I am crying like a baby). In the end this beautiful girl and her dad(who carries her) go down to see their deer(just the two of them). I am telling you guys this is the BEST HUNT I have ever seen on T.V., and the shot of this girl and her dad(carrying her to her deer) says everything about dads, and why we love the outdoors.
SFW played a major role in making this happen, especially Byron Bateman.
Byron, SFW, Ensign, Adam, and anyone else associated I want to personally thank you, and I don't know this girl or her family, but you made a girls dream come true, and shared it with lucky viewers. WELL DONE

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-19-11 AT 09:08AM (MST)[p]Wonderful episode! It just goes to show you there is good in all of us, as long as we are willing to let it out!

I have to commend sfw on this one. I am not a member and probly never will be, but this lets me look at them in a whole new light.

I am extremly happy for the little girl and her family! Every one involved did a great job!
One of the reasons we all do what we do is stuff like that. I am sure all of us have had moments like that with family, friends or strangers. Nice to see and hear the good things once in a while.
How does one go about getting a hunt donated for someone like that cause I have a good buddy who is a stage four cancer patient who is not doing good I think the end is coming this winter and I wish I could buy him a cwmu hunt but I cant afford to and if I could I most definatly would hes got bone cancer and I really dont see him livin much longer hes 43 yrs old and I wanna see him kill a good buck before he goes.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-19-11 AT 11:09AM (MST)[p]Hey Hoss,
Thanks for your comments on the new show. The Bateman's, Halls and Murphy's all stepped up to help this young lady. I would be a lying fool if I told you I didn't have tears streaming down my face after that shot. You don't have to have kids to realize when something special happens in front of you. This kid practiced for months to make that shot. I doubt I could have with a camera in my face and 10 adults standing around! Hats off to Rusty Hall, Byron Bateman, D.J. Biggler and Travis Murphy for making this girls dream come true. I was just fortunate to tag along.

I've got another great story for you coming up on Oct 8th. Some of you might remember Brian Harris. He was the Kane County Deputy who was shoot in the line of duty August 26, 2010. Brian was an avid outdoorsman and was just starting to teach his young girls his passion for the outdoors. After his death, Southern Utah stepped up and I mean big time. The community tore down the Harris family house, rebuilt it much bigger and better and then sportsmen and women and a great DWR Conservation officer named Gabe Patterson stepped in. They awarded the family an elk hunt on the Johnson Ranch in Central Utah. You'll have to tune in on OCT 8th to find out how it went, but again another great story about how sportsmen and women step up to help one of their own.

Adam Eakle
[email protected]

Oh yeah, don't forget to send your snapshots into our new Camp Chef Snapshot of the week. We've just launched and need some great bucks and bulls shot from this years hunts. You never know it might win a new stove from Camp Chef? Send them to [email protected] or to me at the above email. Thanks!
Adam, great show, and why I am happy to see Utah outdoors action every week, I would love to see as many of these stories as possible. Great way to start your new show!!!

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
Pretty damn cool, thanks for sharing

Awesome show. If even half the shows are that good its going to be great watching.

Don't be afraid to live for fear of dieing.

great story. Keep them up.

Byron Bateman, D J. Bigler, Rusty Hall, there are thousands of sportsmen just like them who are part of SFW.

This past year SFW also sent a wounded warrior on a grizzly bear hunt (sucessful), sent three wounded warriors on a couples trip for a week, and another Army Ranger got his Dall Ram.

these are awesome guys, and this little gal takes the cake

thanks a lot, you are filling some BIG shoes, but i think Mr. Miller is proud of you as well

>Hoss don't forget that Ensign is
>a CWMU as well:)
>Todd Black
>Visit our YouTube page

Yup Todd I know it. PM sent

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
>great story. Keep them up.
>Byron Bateman, D J. Bigler, Rusty
>Hall, there are thousands of
>sportsmen just like them who
>are part of SFW.
>This past year SFW also sent
>a wounded warrior on a
>grizzly bear hunt (sucessful), sent
>three wounded warriors on a
>couples trip for a week,
>and another Army Ranger got
>his Dall Ram.
>these are awesome guys, and
>this little gal takes the
>thanks a lot, you are filling
>some BIG shoes, but i
>think Mr. Miller is proud
>of you as well

I so badly want to rip this, but in the spirit of the post I will only say thanks again to SFW, glad Don pays attention when he can get some attention. All these are good things you guys are doing, I could live without you using it for promotion Don. But the important thing is these things were done so good on you boys!

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
Now that was neat. If you didn't feel the heart strings being tugged you need to check yourself in.

It makes me want to hunt with my daughter and it also makes me want to go back and hunt Ensign again.
is that episode online? my boy still gets excited to go camping to use "his" oven we won a few years ago with his picture holding the bass. he is 6 now. still loves every minute of the outdoors. thanks
That was awesome! That little girl will cherish that the rest of her life. That is one of those that just brings tears to your eyes!
Tinebrother you can see the action from Adam's linc, post number 8.
Great job guy's, and congrat's to the young hunter and family.
Congrats Adam on your new show,That was a great opening show,me and the wife felt the emotional moments that all involved lived that day while we watched your show,what great feeling.I personally know all of the people who were involved with this girls hunt,Good on you guys,What a great story filled with good Karma,puts things in perspective ....Thanks again Paul P...
I watched it Sat. And got a case of the lumpy throat, and that's when something got in my eyes. But I was able to get them to stop watering shortly there after.

Well played to all those involved!

I look forward to the next hunting/fishing adventure.

Absolutely loved it! Thank you for sharing this story and the link. I missed the show as I didn't realize it started last weekend. I have been anxiously waiting for it to start again.

Thanks again! Can't wait to hunt with my son on his first deer hunt this year. Been waiting for it for WAY too long. Tears were falling here, and I guarantee they will again.

Great show Adam. It is hard to comprehend the challenges parents like this go through every day, to have so many reach out to help a dream come true. What a great experience and now memories for this family. Good luck with the new location. Thanks for taking us along. Better get the timer set on the DVR.
Adem, Great job! I have done some of these hunts with you in the past, and Cody is doing well. Need any help with others let me know Blake.
Great story and a good way to start off your new show. My wife even liked it and she is "anti-hunting"!

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