Shot it down early.

China conducting "high altitude virus experiments".
Then say it's our fault for shooting it down, thus killing
half the population.

I was told, even by guys in here, that NOT shooting down stuff was the correct thing because debris could hit things(in Alaska), and now we are shooting things down?

Thank God we have experts
Yeah cuz there’s sooo many buildings in alaska ??

Those in the know know and you are not in the know…
Wonder how much it costs to launch a balloon with an empty canister. Bet it's cheaper than a missile to shoot it down...
We need to figure out what it is so the fighter pilot can paint a picture of it on his plane. I wonder who the first UFO Ace will be?
Right On!

We Need To Bring them Down Slowly!

Recover 100% of Their BS Weather Balloons!

Prove To The Whole World Who Cares Less About us What's Really Going On!

I Get A Feeling We Are Way Behind The Times of Being The Strongest Nation On Earth!

They're either toying with us or something far more sinister is going on.
I really feel like we're not getting the whole story.
Not a very comforting situation with these balloons or whatever they are flying over our country and a Commander in Chief that seems clueless! Maybe I am just missing something?
Beyond helping Canada shoot down their balloon, this also happened.

Beyond helping Canada shoot down their balloon, this also happened.

Ya- that's strange- what, a 1000 miles away??
Shooting an AIM 9 which is a heat seeking missile at a soft target with no heat signature will cause the munition to self detonation. Warhead is like a big frag grenade tightley woven steel that explodes when close to a heat source. If it misses or dectects nothing the missile explodes. So where does this fragmentation go if its a balloon?
They are all civilian aircraft, there's nothing going on. Or that's what some think with their heads in the sand
What is going on with all these things being shot down? Why the change of description of these new objects? These last 3 objects are being described as unidentified objects, not balloons. They are also saying these last 3 haven’t been spotted until already over North America….something is going on.
You Boys Gonna Damn Well Listen To Me One Of These F'N Days!

You've Heard Me Bittching About China for Longer Than I've Been Here!

Nobody Ever Answers Me!

Who The F Voted This JOKER In?

We Were Once The Toughest On Earth!

Now We're Looking Like The Weakest!

We Can Shoot Down 4 in a Week!

But Nobody Noticed Anything Previously?

The reports from Kirby at the press conference were “these were NOT detected” entering our airspace….that’s scary!

Amazing how this is happening at the same time all these investigations are getting going.

Look here…shiny object!
I've yet to see a pic of these things.
And why do they insist on shooting them down over
water,,,,,the latest, Lake Huron.
So they have an excuse to not show the public?
This is some weird Scheite.
Wasted half a day today!!! Thought I had it spotted, but it was bird doo on my windshield!!

Sorry guys, I need to quit sending up party balloons, it’s costing us tax payers millions to shoot them down.
it’s times like these i’m happy to be in the inner west though now they know where al the ICBs are in montana so it might be time to move

edit to add:
WW1 started by an assignation of a
WW2 an invasion of a sovereign nation

WW3 started over …. balloons…

I've yet to see a pic of these things.
And why do they insist on shooting them down over
water,,,,,the latest, Lake Huron.
So they have an excuse to not show the public?
This is some weird Scheite.
They haven’t recovered the one off the SC coast and haven’t found the one’s in AK or the Yukon. Don’t know about the one in MI.

That’s a worse recovery rate than when I go quail huntin.

I sure wish someone would have warned us about the Chi-coms. :ROFLMAO:
Recover what? After all, they were "Made in China"- did you think there would be anything but a billion broken pieces of cheap plastic? ;)
What is going on with all these things being shot down? Why the change of description of these new objects? These last 3 objects are being described as unidentified objects, not balloons. They are also saying these last 3 haven’t been spotted until already over North America….something is going on.
Brandon needs to get his head out of Zelenski's Ukrainian arse. Start protecting the homeland first.
You Haven't Been Listening To Me Again?

Or Forever?

They haven’t recovered the one off the SC coast and haven’t found the one’s in AK or the Yukon. Don’t know about the one in MI.

That’s a worse recovery rate than when I go quail huntin.

I sure wish someone would have warned us about the Chi-coms. :ROFLMAO:
You Haven't Been Listening To Me Again?

Or Forever?
I remember the lectures I used to get in my global geopolitical class back when I was a freshman in college in the ‘70’s. China was the biggest threat to western civilization way back then, and that was before Reagan made Russia tear down the wall (and pay for it).

You didn’t discover fire when you recognized China as a threat. In fact most people didn’t until their cheap Harbor Freight tool broke. Welcome aboard newby (y)
And Why Did People Buy Harbor Freight Tools?

Alot of The Better Brands or What Used To Be Better Brands are Now Made In China As Well!

And What's The Attitude of Most?


If I'm Buying China,I'm Buying Harbor Freight!


I remember the lectures I used to get in my global geopolitical class back when I was a freshman in college in the ‘70’s. China was the biggest threat to western civilization way back then, and that was before Reagan made Russia tear down the wall (and pay for it).

You didn’t discover fire when you recognized China as a threat. In fact most people didn’t until their cheap Harbor Freight tool broke. Welcome aboard newby (y)
Just The JOKER You Voted For That's Trying To Run This Country!
Hahaha. You got no idea who i voted for.

But you are talking **** about the USA online like a *****.

Why dont you run off to china. Take your sisterwives and brotherhusbands with you. See how they treat your kind over there
Go Ahead & Post Up All The Great Things That Have Been Happening Here in The US of A For Several Years Now!

Tell Us How GREAT Your President Is Again?

You Voting For Him Again?

Hahaha. You got no idea who i voted for.

But you are talking **** about the USA online like a *****.

Why dont you run off to china. Take your sisterwives and brotherhusbands with you. See how they treat your kind over there
Go Ahead & Post Up All The Great Things That Have Been Happening Here in The US of A For Several Years Now!

Tell Us How GREAT Your President Is Again?
This is the country my family lives in always has always will. This is where i raise my kids this is the country that has given me a beautiful life and freedom.

Head on out to china if you dont want to be here you un american little *****
god bless america land that i love.
stand be side her and guide her till the early hours of the morn.

this land is your land this land is my land
from california to the new york island
this land is made for you and me

balloons a popping, markets flopping
republicans crying, democrats don’t give a
neither care about you and me…
I did! I'm scarred for life. I used to have the hots for her when she came onto the scene. Now, she looks like that socialite that had all the work done and looks like a lion.
And Why Did People Buy Harbor Freight Tools?

Alot of The Better Brands or What Used To Be Better Brands are Now Made In China As Well!

And What's The Attitude of Most?


If I'm Buying China,I'm Buying Harbor Freight!

Look, the point I’m trying to make is that everyone here agrees with you that China sucks.

I don’t ever remember one single comment from anyone praising the f’n Chi-coms.

So you can stop yelling at us for not agreeing with you. Hell, I’ll put it in my sig if you’ll lighten up (y)
Not Yelling blue!:D

Grouse Legs Just Told Us How Good Things Are!

He'd Best WAKE TF Up!

Look, the point I’m trying to make is that everyone here agrees with you that China sucks.

I don’t ever remember one single comment from anyone praising the f’n Chi-coms.

So you can stop yelling at us for not agreeing with you. Hell, I’ll put it in my sig if you’ll lighten up (y)
elkassassin has been saying wake t-f up for as long as I've been around here. But we didn't wake t-f up! We don't even know what gender we are now days.

Nah, don't wake up now, it's too late. Blame it on the boomers and go back to sleep.
Hey Chicken Legs!

If You Haven't Seen Things Changing You're One Blind Secluded Person!

So I'll Play You A Song!

LOL, OMG, It just can't get any crazier.

1st: We have a real spy balloon. Joe let's it cross the US, then under pressure shoots it down.

2nd: Suddenly there are balloons everywhere, and we are shooting them down like duck season.

3rd: It now looks as if Biden used a $400,000 missile to take out a $100 hobby balloon. No- seriously!

Figure China can launch 10,000 of those, hoping the US blows through $4B worth of military hardware. Upside? I suppose it gives the military some satisfying practice.
LOL, OMG, It just can't get any crazier.

1st: We have a real spy balloon. Joe let's it cross the US, then under pressure shoots it down.

2nd: Suddenly there are balloons everywhere, and we are shooting them down like duck season.

3rd: It now looks as if Biden used a $400,000 missile to take out a $100 hobby balloon. No- seriously!

Figure China can launch 10,000 of those, hoping the US blows through $4B worth of military hardware. Upside? I suppose it gives the military some satisfying practice.
Do we even have $4B worth of hardware? Between what we're shipping to Zelenski in Ukraine & what we gifted to the Afghans we gotta be running pretty dang low & our military officials have confirmed just that.
Do we even have $4B worth of hardware? Between what we're shipping to Zelenski in Ukraine & what we gifted to the Afghans we gotta be running pretty dang low & our military officials have confirmed just that

You are on to the evil plan my friend :ROFLMAO: :cool:

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