Sight Position....?


Very Active Member
Ok, heres my question. I have a new sight on my bow which has 5 pins starting with the 20 yarder. As it sits right now my sight is as far down as it will go. My 20 yard pin is shooting right on but is positioned just above center in the sight cirlce(I hope this makes sense) the other 4 go almost all the way to the bottom of the circle. Should my pins start closer to the top or does that even matter. I've had several people look at it and they have all told me different things.

The way I look at it is if it shoots fine it shouldnt matter righ? I cant lower the sight itself anyways as its already bottomed out. Thanks for the input.
put your middle pin in the center and sight it in at 40 then sight in the rest. This way all your pins look like you new what you were doing when you set them up.


Nets are for fish!!
As long as all the rest of your pins are lined up and hitting where you want them you'll be fine. If your sight is bottomed out and you did decide you want your 20 at the very top, you'd need to move your rest and knock up make it work. If all 5 pins are hitting there mark, don't mess with it. Unless of course you want room to add more pins, then you would need to move everything up.

Don't feed me sh!t then try to convince me it tastes good.
check your peep. if you raise your peep your sight will need raised aswell that way you can raise your pins/sight up. check to make sure you knock point is correct too. it should be around 1/8" above center.
I've found when someone brings a bow to me with this complaint (pins all bottomed out) the number one reason is their anchor point is high. Generally, the lower the anchor point (jawline vs. corner of mouth) the higher your pins. Where do you anchor?

BOHNTR )))---------->
I am no expert by any means, but my experience tells me that there are many variable to this problem. As BOHNTR already pointed out your anchor point could be to high which would lead to your peep being too low. You may also be nocking your arrow too high up the string (which is basically the same thing) or your rest may be too low. Could be a combination of everything. I also like to put my middle pin in the center of the site and then site it the rest of the pins.
Thank you for all of the suggestions! I recently took my bow in to have it looked at and the guy working on it said my anchor point (loop) was to high so he moved it down. This was after he broke my sight off and replaced it with a new one. It appears that is my problem. Thanks again.
My bad. I guess I gave you bad info. I was trying to remember how I fixed the problem on my old bow and I guess if was moving my knock down and not up.

Hey, at least you have a new sight!!!

Don't feed me sh!t then try to convince me it tastes good.

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