Slam # 1393


Very Active Member
Hello all,

Found out today that I'm now oficially Grand Slam #1393. Still find it hard to believe. Hope everyone has a great fall hunting season.
A big CONGRATS!!!!!
One day with a lot of luck and a lotto pick, I hope to join ya.

There might be 5 digits on the slam number though.

Gongrats again, quite an acomplishment.
Congrats! Sweet feeling isn't it.

CB I am with you on that one.... 5 digits by the time I get mine! ha

Congrats to you on the GS and being awarded a number, something a lot of us will probably never obtain, you deserve it.

No fair!!! You can't come on here bragging about your grandslam without some pics. Post 'em up!!! :)
I saw the bighorn, but was wanting to see the dall, stone and desert. Are those somewhere too?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-07 AT 05:54PM (MST)[p]Here's a try at the links to my desert and dall hunts:

If that doesn't work, try doing an archive search. The desert photos are listed under the thread: Nevada Desert Ram Unit 286. Date of post: 12/06/03
The Dall is under: Dall Sheep (Pics). Date of post: 01/04/06.

Sorry, forgot to add thanks for all the kind words by all. I hope everyone gets to go on their dream hunt at least once in their lives.
Thanks!!! That grandslam has to be the pinnacle of north american hunting. I'm only 4 sheep away from mine ;-)
Gee, I forgot that I posted those other threads for you, how time fly's by these days. Congrats again on the SLAM.

That is something very few of us will ever do. Great job and Congratulations!


Proverbs 3:5-6
Congratulations on a huge milestone acheivement. I'm sure you've got many special memories of time spent, and rams hunted, in some of our most spectacular country. Cherish it all!
A Big Congrats...........some of us can only dream!

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
Too cool, congrats, I can only imagine what kind of dedication it takes to accomplish that, and when I say dedication that's a pretty encompasing word, the time, the money, the effort!
CONGRATULATIONS Dave!! I hope you get to spend many more years chasing them sheep around the mountains.


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