So...who made allegations of corruption:


Long Time Member
Chris Miller
& bribery within the @UtahDWR tonight @KUTV2News.

Chris Miller
Hunter? Care about Wildlife Conservation? I'm exploring allegations of corruption & bribery within the @UtahDWR tonight @KUTV2News

Will we get to see who made those these allegations? Will Chris Miller reveal his sources?

Tune in.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-16 AT 05:52PM (MST)[p]Well if some org offered MORE tourism $ and 100% of the tag fee, and lost to 30% offer I'd ask that question too. Watcha think lumpy??

O o o o o! Time out. GOP debate is starting.

Most thing are more important than this, huh?

I personally would love to see a show like 60 Minutes pick up this story and run with it. It could well enough, be entertaining a News story about the current state of big game hunting in the Western US as there is, that who knows, might make a 20 minute segment. I sent them a email with links from here, also mention of tonight's TV event. We'll see.

If it walks, talks, and looks like a Duck,..


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Let's see who he cites in his story. It is my understanding the he reached out to the DWR and the conservation groups. Did SFW accept the opportunity to speak with the reporter on camera and explain its position? If so, then SFW would be one of his sources.

I would be willing to bet rmef had nothing to do with it. I am sure it was the whining people on here. Hawkeye seems to know much about it. He probably played the boy in the back of the bus. One thing I know, there will be some assumption made but as for proving wrong doing? Don't think so. Everything with the groups involved has been legally handled and above board.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-16 AT 09:05PM (MST)[p]I'M INTERESTED IN MR. MILLER'S USE OF THE TERM: allegations of corruption & bribery...........

The individual or individuals might be interested in reading the following. The following is the reason I asked who it is that is/are making allegations, because, apparently, if they are proven to be untrue and then proven harmful, my understanding, and I may be wrong, there could be some fairly serious consequences. Now.........if they prove to be true, and there is corruption, according to a legal decision, then the corrupt will suffer the consequences.

So......who made the allegations, besides Igottabigone and desertpointbrian?

I noticed the boy in the back of the bus hasn't stated he made any to the reporter, wonder why he let y'all do it. Do you suppose he's believes he's smarter than y'all. Just my opinion, of course.

Defamation of character occurs when someone makes a false statement about you that causes you some type of harm. The statement must be published (meaning some third party must have heard it), false, and it must result in harm, usually to the reputation.?Those essential components of a defamation claim are fairly straightforward. But what kinds of harm can result from a defamatory statement, and can you recover damages for those harms in a lawsuit?

Harm to Reputation
The most obvious negative consequence that a defamatory statement can cause is harm to your professional reputation. Perhaps you are a local businessperson and someone made a statement about you to others indicating that you did something dishonest. Such ALLEGATIONS might cause your customers to take their business elsewhere. Perhaps the statement caused your employer to doubt whether you should remain employed. Those are clear-cut examples of harm to your reputation in your professional community
There are the two main types of defamation: libel and slander. Both involve harmful, false statements that cause damage someone?s reputation, but libel requires that the statement be in writing or somehow ?published.? With slander, all that is required is that the defamatory statement be spoken to a third party (someone other than you).
In many cases, damages (the harm you suffered) are handled differently depending on whether the statement at issue is considered libel or slander. Falsely accusing someone of having committed a crime is considered ?defamatory per se? or ?actionable per se.? That means harm is taken as a given in the eyes of the law, and harm to your reputation is presumed.

Depending on the state?s laws, you may only need to show that a individual made the statements, and that the statements were false.

Again, depending on the state?s laws, the individual might be liable for any resulting actual damages stemming from the statements and harm to your reputation because of the false accusations of your having committed a serious crime. You may also be entitled to compensation for things like embarrassment, mental anguish, and humiliation.
I'm not an attorney, like I've said, I'm just that stupid old country boy, so I'm just doing my own research, it gets all kind of confusing, don't it?

oh yea, I copy and pasted the definitions from the All Law web sit, I remove parts there were not related to this specific report.

>OF THE TERM: allegations of
>corruption & bribery...........
>The individual or individuals might be
>interested in reading the following.
> The following is the
>reason I asked who it
>is that is/are making allegations,
>because, apparently, if they are
>proven to be untrue and
>then proven harmful, my understanding,
>and I may be wrong,
>there could be some fairly
>serious consequences. Now.........if they
>prove to be true, and
>there is corruption, according to
>a legal decision, then the
>corrupt will suffer the consequences.
>So......who made the allegations, besides Igottabigone
>and desertpointbrian?
>I noticed the boy in the
>back of the bus hasn't
>stated he made any to
>the reporter, wonder why he
>let y'all do it.
>Do you suppose he's believes
>he's smarter than y'all.
>Just my opinion, of course.
>Defamation of character occurs when someone
>makes a false statement about
>you that causes you some
>type of harm. The statement
>must be published (meaning some
>third party must have heard
>it), false, and it must
>result in harm, usually to
>the reputation.?Those essential components of
>a defamation claim are fairly
>straightforward. But what kinds of
>harm can result from a
>defamatory statement, and can you
>recover damages for those harms
>in a lawsuit?
>Harm to Reputation
>The most obvious negative consequence that
>a defamatory statement can cause
>is harm to your professional
>reputation. Perhaps you are a
>local businessperson and someone made
>a statement about you to
>others indicating that you did
>something dishonest. Such ALLEGATIONS might
>cause your customers to take
>their business elsewhere. Perhaps the
>statement caused your employer to
>doubt whether you should remain
>employed. Those are clear-cut examples
>of harm to your reputation
>in your professional community
>There are the two main types
>of defamation: libel and slander.
>Both involve harmful, false statements
>that cause damage someone?s reputation,
>but libel requires that the
>statement be in writing or
>somehow ?published.? With slander, all
>that is required is that
>the defamatory statement be spoken
>to a third party (someone
>other than you).
>In many cases, damages (the harm
>you suffered) are handled differently
>depending on whether the statement
>at issue is considered libel
>or slander. Falsely accusing
>someone of having committed a
>crime is considered ?defamatory per
>se? or ?actionable per se.?
>That means harm is taken
>as a given in the
>eyes of the law, and
>harm to your reputation is
>Depending on the state?s laws, you
>may only need to show
>that a individual made the
>statements, and that the statements
>were false.
>Again, depending on the state?s laws,
>the individual might be
>liable for any resulting actual
>damages stemming from the statements
>and harm to your reputation
>because of the false accusations
>of your having committed a
>serious crime. You may also
>be entitled to compensation for
>things like embarrassment, mental anguish,
>and humiliation.
>I'm not an attorney, like I've
>said, I'm just that stupid
>old country boy, so I'm
>just doing my own research,
>it gets all kind of
>confusing, don't it?

Oh now sfw cares about public perception absolutely hilarious.
Y'all haven't harmed me SG1, it isn't my organization nor have I suffered any financial loss, embarrassment, mental anguish, or humiliation so I'll continue to limit my "doing" to post out my azz. ;-)


On Capital Hill that halo don't shine as bright as you think.

May not be this year, but like Lumpy says "the tires are a spinning"

That welcome mat is wearing thin.

Finn 2/14/16
LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-16 AT 09:24PM (MST)[p]Desertpoint, I have not seen any freaking out by sfw followers. Just people like you thinking we are. Just watching you and others thinking illegal things have taken place. Don't think anyone in sfw is worried. Just pissed of at Jerks making false statements trying their best to destroy sfw. You have no idea how much sfw works to keep things legal. Believe what you want.
Lumpy, be in Richfield on the 29th for meeting with dwr and forest service for next year's fishing. Come join.
I'd love to see a defamation lawsuit filed. ALL of the SFW books, communication, finances, payments, etc., etc would all be discoverable. In fact, I'll volunteer my time to assist in the defense. First person I'd depose would the number one Lump. LOL!
Actually I do. I've defended defamation cases (successfully) where most of the alleged defamatory content has been online. I'd be happy to meet you for lunch to discuss specifics if you'd like. Then we can talk about the stream access cases too.
Took a big SFW and flushed it down the toilet tonight, then I realized Humpy, and Bird Sh*t were still around guess I didn't get rid of the SFW problem. What you uneducated SWF cool aid drinkers forget to realize is there is a lot of crooked sh*t going on with SFW. If there was not then your proposals as a non profit would have transparency, you wouldn't be hiding behind a sh*t hole redacted proposal or other redacted docs.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
Just remember, truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Not sure SFW would ever have the balls to file a suit on that basis alone.
Bring it on son. File your complaint and give me a date! I'd be honored to be first. LOL!

Or are you going to crawfish too?

While your at it, call the Federal San Francisco Investigators office while your at it.

Bird man. If sfw works so hard to keep everything legal then why won't they be more transparent?
Sorry Kenny, don't do DWR meeting any more. I've got bigger plans. All the best though. If I was going to be in the neighborhood I'd deep fry up a few gizzards for ya. Mmmm!

So a television reporter is doing a story about an issue of public concern and the SFW minions are crying and threatening a defamation suit before they have even seen the story? That is laughable. If SFW is so concerned about the story then perhaps SFW should have spoken with the reporter and shared its version of the facts.

Before the SFW boys lecture a lawyer (igottabigone) about a defamation claim, consider these points. First, truth is an absolute defense to a defamation claim. That is why I stick to the facts when discussing these points. I have yet to see anyone point out anything that I have said that is false. Second, if SFW were to file a defamation claim alleging that statements about SFW were false, it would open the door for that party to explore/discover all relevant facts regarding SFW and how it has used the Expo Tag funds. So be careful what you wish for SFW.

Don't threaten sportsmen for asking legitimate questions. Time to tune in. Believe it or not - I have not seen the story yet.

Too bad, IGAB1, you would have had a good time deposing me. Well lets hope there's a reason, after the next few minutes, won't want to disappoint ya.

So.............go ahead and provoke a defamation suit folks, that's the quickest way to get into those records, yes?

Or are you scared you'll loose the defamation suit? Ya, your scared!

No....that wouldn't be it, would it?

>So a television reporter is doing
>a story about an issue
>of public concern and the
>SFW minions are crying and
>threatening a defamation suit before
>they have even seen the
>story? That is laughable.
> If SFW is so
>concerned about the story then
>perhaps SFW should have spoken
>with the reporter and shared
>its version of the facts.
>Before the SFW boys lecture a
>lawyer (igottabigone) about a defamation
>claim, consider these points.
>First, truth is an absolute
>defense to a defamation claim.
> That is why I
>stick to the facts when
>discussing these points. I
>have yet to see anyone
>point out anything that I
>have said that is false.
> Second, if SFW were
>to file a defamation claim
>alleging that statements about SFW
>were false, it would open
>the door for that party
>to explore/discover all relevant facts
>regarding SFW and how it
>has used the Expo Tag
>funds. So be careful
>what you wish for SFW.
>Don't threaten sportsmen for asking legitimate
>questions. Time to tune
>in. Believe it or
>not - I have not
>seen the story yet.

While I agree with you, I tend to run my mouth a little more. The reason why these SFW guys forget that they have not shown any transparency at all. I asked for a slightly less redacted copy of their proposal to prove to me there was no fraud. Guess what they told me via email that they just couldn't do that because all of those many pages of redacted proposal were sensitive information. Yeah sensitive information, last I checked a non profit needs to be transparent and the SFW has not been this. That is a fact.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
I could be there lumpy. As lumpy said, it is not his decision on a law suit. I don't think Igottabigone is much of a threat. I don't think sfw is s have a king in there boots either.
Hawkeye seems to know more about this and it hasn't even been on the news. Does that mean Hawkeye started it. Sometimes I think hawk would like to see sfw gone. Then he can start a new group and head it up. According to him lots of money to be paid to a leader. How about it hawk. Was you one that got this issue started? You have a great way with words being a lawyer but then you went to school to learn how to win a court case for your clients while hiding things that could be detrimental to your clients. Isn't that what a lawyer does.
Also I asked if I could possibly meet in person to see a non redacted or less redacted copy to just read not take, I told them I would consent to a search and they told me no. So Lump and Bird the truth is there is no transparency and as a result gives the impression you guys at SFW are full of bird do do.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
CEO Jon Larson for SFW declines the interview but thinks a story about the expo should be done on how the expo is so successful.

I guess I should have seen that one coming! LOL

Theodore Roosevelt's guidance concerning
"The movement for the conservation of wildlife,
and the conservation of all our natural resources,
are essentially democratic in spirit,purpose and

"We do not intend that our natural resources shall
be exploited by the few against the interests of the
majority. Our aim is to preserve our natural
resources for the public as a whole, for the
average man and the average woman who make
up the body of the American people."

"It is in our preserve game..and to give
reasonable opportunities for the exercise of the
skill of the hunter,whether he is or is not a man of
Good job to all you mm ers Making noise! Sfw is in the hot seat now. Let's hope this opens books or dqs them from the expo!
Yea, I'm full of do, do. Can't speak for Kenny.

I've never need more transparency, and if it was up to me I wouldn't give you diddly, beyond what the law required.

Go build something yourself, with all the State resources you can muster. I promise I'll never ask to see your financials, but the boy on the bus will be up you azz, so put a contingency in there for him.

>Yea, I'm full of do, do.
> Can't speak for Kenny.
>I've never need more transparency, and
>if it was up to
>me I wouldn't give you
>diddly, beyond what the law
>Go build something yourself, with all
>the State resources you can
>muster. I promise I'll
>never ask to see your
>financials, but the boy on
>the bus will be up
>you azz, so put a
>contingency in there for him.
Foolish comment!
Couldn't SFW have at least allowed Lumpy, Birdman or Tristate to appear on camera? Any spokesman is better than complete radio silence.

Don't know about you lumpy but I am shaking right out of my boots. All that money being shoveled to sfw staff and I am guessing higher ups. They sure hide it the way they live.
Don't think sfw feels like they are on the hot seat. Only thing I can see is people pissing into the wind and pissing off people in key places. Now after statements made on mm about how corrupt sfw, mdf, wildlife board, and dwr and them being in bed together, ought to be interesting when
the boy on the back of the bus goes before them to make a proposal.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-16 AT 11:04PM (MST)[p]Anyone have a link to the newscast?

*Edit: it's posted now. KUTV 2 News
or they could of least sent one of their wives out there. Bensons wife did a pretty good job of getting rid of the Fox news reporter.
Hey Birdman, you are right about one thing SFW works very hard to make sure everything is legal. Do you know how they do that? They take wheelbarrows full of our conservation dollars and deliver it to their Lawyer Buddys to keep themselves out of jail. Grant Foster of Foster and Foster comes to mind. Isnt that the Law firm that gets most of the SFW cash? Hey, didnt one of the Fosters get drawn a Free Sheep Hunt out of the barrel last year?Remarkable.

Grand Slam #911
>Yea, I'm full of do, do.
> Can't speak for Kenny.
>I've never need more transparency, and
>if it was up to
>me I wouldn't give you
>diddly, beyond what the law
>Go build something yourself, with all
>the State resources you can
>muster. I promise I'll
>never ask to see your
>financials, but the boy on
>the bus will be up
>you azz, so put a
>contingency in there for him.

Give up your 503 non profit status and then you can gladly not show a damn thing. Sorry but the law allows for inspection and auditing of all financials as a non profit. When you can't do this, when you cannot account for funds being spent there becomes a problem. SO YES YOU ARE FULL OF DO DO!

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
>or they could of least sent
>one of their wives out
>there. Bensons wife did a
>pretty good job of getting
>rid of the Fox news

Isn't it ironic that I know enough about the Benson clan to fill a wheel barrel. But thats for another day. Love how these SFW individuals don't think anyone should be getting a copy of their financials and the like, well that isn't fishy. I will check some of the regs Monday when I go into work requiring a non profit to be transparent.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams

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