Spot and Stalk Mtn Lion Utah?


Very Active Member
I’m curious as to what is the best strategy to this tag. I am bound and determined to get an opportunity at one at least. And are there any unit limitations with these tags? I know you can’t use dogs but just wondering if there is any other rules I’m missing.
I’m curious as to what is the best strategy to this tag. I am bound and determined to get an opportunity at one at least. And are there any unit limitations with these tags? I know you can’t use dogs but just wondering if there is any other rules I’m missing.
Spot and stalk is not going to be productive 99.99% of the time.
Use a predator call. Still unlikely, but there is a slim chance of calling one in.
If you sit in one spot long enough where there’s lions you just may see one. Long enough you ask? Hours, days, weeks, but law of averages says there’s a chance that one will eventually be seen from that one spot. Honestly that’s about as good as walking around looking for um
Has anyone tried tracking one in fresh snow?
Yes you need a fresh track or a lion that isn't on the move to much. You need to be able to push the track at a fast pace or you will never make them nervous so finding one in the right terrain is important. If you get to the point where you start seeing your own tracks start looking in the trees they usually won't go high and they'll likely jump out once your in view. Predators aren't use to being followed so it's usually curiosity that makes them stop the first time once you bump them push the track as fast as you can they're only fast for a little ways.
Best of luck with it, lotta good ideas posted to increase the slight odds. I’d sit/ glass fresh lion kill or fawn bleats on a predator stand near fresh tracks. Or I’d honestly just swallow my pride and call Wade Lemon @@(435)795-2299, and book one of his canned hunts with his wonder dogs than just tell everyone it was spot and stalk unless by some slim chance you get subpoenaed to testify in an ongoing litigation of wrongdoing, at which point I’d probably get a good Christian lawyer on retainer or on second thought I’d probably just glass lion kills on the winter range and selectively do some calling stands.
I know a guy who knows a guy who would sit in a church parking lot on the wasatch front in the winter time looking for hours and hours with good glass up on the mountain. Not sure if the dude had a job but he put in hours and hours and days. He would eventually glass up a cat and make a move on it and kill it with a long range rifle shot--killed a few apparently. I don't know the guy but I did see the truck in the church parking lot an awful lot. Kind of like watching paint dry on the hill side or maybe watching snow melt!
Your best chance of seeing a Lion is not having a gun with you or not buying a tag. But that doesn't accomplish the goal, so I would say hunt the Wasatch Front where guns are still allowed. A glassing vantage point is highly recommended.

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