Spotting Scope while Elk Hunting?


Long Time Member
I am kind of a pack-weight nut, always trying to cut ounces.

The one place I won't cut weight is in optics. My spotter/tripod combo is sturdy, but heavy at just over 7 pounds. (ATM 80 HD spotter in a neoprene case with a carbon Promaster tripod and magnesium Manfrotto head). 7 pounds is a lot considering all the rest of my pack weight combined is less than 11 pounds including the pack, meat processing, food, water, filter, rain gear, insulation layers, first aid, etc...

My question for you more-experienced guys is, "Do you take a spotter on elk hunts?"

My wife drew a LE Muzzy elk tag this year and it got me questioning myself. I have helped buddies in past years, but this is the first time I will be the main guy on an quality elk hunt.

I see some of the extreme guys say to take a spotter for deer but not elk, but others never leave home without it. What do you guys think?

My binos are Leica 10x42, so I'll still have good glass with me. Is it worth the weight of the spotter? Or are bulls big enough that you can tell through binos, even over a mile away, if the bull is worth the trip to get over there?


PS. Tristate, please be an adult and respect my wishes that you do not respond to any of my posts. I, in turn, will do you the courtesy of not responding to any of yours. I simply do not wish to converse with you.
My philosophy is like the TV commercial where they say: "Dont leave home without it!", but that may be because my eyesight is very poor and I need all the help I can get besides my binos! That is on day hunts though and I don't know what I'd do if I went on a backpack hunt where I was out for a length of time and needed to cut weight down. I will say that the area we hunt is conducive to the use of spotting scope, while many areas might not have enough open stuff to make it worth taking. I also use my tripod to shoot from so it serves a dual purpose.
I have a Slik tripod w/ panhead. Total weight is 2.1 lbs for around $100. ounce for ounce it's a great set up. It's sturdy enough for my 80mm swaro.
I never pack one...because my son always has his and he is always right next to me! LOL
I pack my Swaro 15s and a tripod. That is heavy enough.
If you are just going to shoot any bull you see? Then I guess with binos you can see it has horns and go for it. I would rather check out the bull with my glass then walking over a few miles to see.
I would say check out any bulls you see with your spotting scope. Then decide if it's the one and go after it. You can't do that with just binos. My 2 cents
I would say take it if you are looking for a bull over a certain size. If you are fine with just a 6x6 then might not be worth it. If your wife has tag then she will be carrying the gun so that's one plus.
The farther away you can see something gives you several advantages. You can cover more ground, see more animals and have a better feel for the ground you have to cross to get to your target.

You bought the thing to use.....might just as well get your money's worth.

"Being an idiot is NOT an art form. Give it up!"
I agree, if big antlers isn't what you are after, then you will be fine with just the bino's. But if a larger than average bull on your wish list then it would be wise to pack it with you. I always pack mine with me because it allows me to not have to hike up to each and every bull to check him out.

BUT, I shot a bull solo last year and while packing it out, I thought many times about just dumping the damn spotter in the snow and leaving it! LOL
LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-13 AT 11:35AM (MST)[p]As posted prior, I take mine along most of the time. I'm usually not "Trophy" hunting. But each day I size up the weather conditions and the spot I'm going into. The older I get the less I take it.

It is a good tag, one she has waited for years to draw. I guess I'll just man-up and pack it.

If it is worth buying, it is worth carrying.

Thanks guys.


PS. Tristate, please be an adult and respect my wishes that you do not respond to any of my posts. I, in turn, will do you the courtesy of not responding to any of yours. I simply do not wish to converse with you.
Pack it Grizz. 7#s is nothing compaired to a pack full of meat...

Tho my setup is about half the weight,I kick myself everytime I leave it. Where I live and hunt is mesa PJ country and makes long distance spotting a neccessity. My 10x50 binos just aren't long enough at times. At 58 I figure if I can't carry a 30-40 # pack I have no business being out hunting . A pack full of meat will put a sorry smile on your face....Good Luck and Good Hunting!

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