

Active Member
Hey guys I hunted the steens 4 yrs ago with a friend for the first time,we did ok he got a 27 inch 4x3 and i got a nice 4x4 that i should of let go. He was young with great genetics.I have heard it is so much worse now,I would be going solo this time any word on the steens or advice would help!

Thanks Dean
Archery draw this year. And it is way worse. But it sounds like you've done better than most. Good luck.

Steens is included in the new Mule Deer initiative as a problem unit. Deer populations are at 35% of management objectives. 65% down from where they should be.

that should explain it all
>>Must we discuss the steens on
>>the internet?
>I don't think the steens are
>a secret.

Not since the www
>>Must we discuss the steens on
>>the internet?
>I don't think the steens are
>a secret.

Not since the www

What are you going to give away?...that the unit sucks?..that it once was a great area for mule deer? Just curious?

LAST EDITED ON Mar-16-10 AT 08:08PM (MST)[p]I think Im going to apply for the Steens unit now and I think I will tell everyone I know to apply also. LMAO...
Let everyone draw they won't want to again. deer numbers are down all over Oregon but SE Oregon is probably the worst. I hunt chuckar down there quite a bit and it's dismal, anyone who tells you different is a newbee who got lucky.

I'm an eastern Oregon native and I still don't know where I'm going to apply for deer but it won't be the Steens.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-16-10 AT 09:05PM (MST)[p]Muleyman i did not mean ok in a bad way we had a good hunt
for our first time that was all we could ask for. Why do you think i want to go back?

Also to Gazelle, people have laughed in my face for real when i tell them i put in for the steens its not some unit that is a sleeper secret like HK said the unit sucks.
Well, I guess I am the lucky one here. Killed a 210 with a bow a couple years back. Saw some up and comers in the same area. I have hunted or been with guys hunting for elk and deer in the steens for about 7 years now. It has the potential for great bucks, it has excellent genetics, just not the numbers the ODFW wants (or what we want) for that matter. It is slowly moving in the right direction. Draw for archery and rifle might just help it some. A few less tags couldn't hurt.

I am holding out for another steens tag. Didn't make it last year for the archery hunt, which killed me, but work is work. Guess I missed the last hurrah.

The steens is a very large unit, with lots of hidey holes. It isn't for everyone, it's storied past leave people depressed. They call it hunting for a reason. I for one, can't wait to get back up there.

You misunderstood me, I was laughing with you, not at you. Your starting to act like me, just go hunting and have a good time. Cross your fingers and maybe we will draw Nevada soon.

kickerbuck...I didnt mean to sound negitive by my comment, but looking at it, it was a bit :( sorry. The steens use to be a great unit for muleys! We camp up there during the summer and see some decent deer on public ground. they head to private when the archery hunters move in im sure...

taker easy

"It is slowly moving in the right direction"

How do you figure? Deer numbers have been plummeting. ODFW is finally trying to find something that works. the Steens deer numbers are probably the worst they have ever been. Numbers haven't just dropped to make it a mediocre unit, they dropped far enough to make it one of the most threatened units in the state.

Yes there are great genetics and yes, if you hunt hard, you can maybe find a deer. limiting archery is a start, but i really doubt that high numbers of deer are taken out of there archery season.

So here is the secret:

It was a fantastic unit. its not anymore
Limiting archery hunters ain't gonna do $hit, The whole unit is just one piece of garbage these days. The Steens is in my backyard and I've been playing in it for thirty years and it's terrible. I diddn't want to accept it for years but two years ago a friend and I scouted for almost two months for a friend who drew a sheep tag. We spent most of our time in the high country backpacking and glassing. Also looked several times in the low country and I think the total number of deer spotted was like 13 deer in sheep country. I don't care much about the deer around the alfalfa, the steens to me is about the high country and there just is no deer! I know there is a Diamond in the rough now and then and some of you have been fortunate and I'll bet it was near private land. Still awsome country it just has too many salad eating butterfly catching queers up there now.
Oh Yea we got a 163" ram!!
Yote is 100% correct. It always amazes me when someone kills a decent buck and sees a couple more that "the hunting was off the hook." This is simply a myopic view from someone who doesn't know any better. If you guys want to know how the critters are doing call John and Cindy Witzel. They live on that damn mtn and know it better than probably anyone in the world. Get their opinion.

It isn't just the Steens, you can go into the Trouts and the Pueblos and it's the same thing. of course the Trouts are better but you'll only draw every 15 years, it's just tough right now to be an Oregon hunter.
P.S. Hntfool, Not meaning to rip on you, i just think its important to hold ODFW accountable. If we tell ourselves "their working on it and its getting better" we are letting them off the hook. I think its important as sportsmen to face the truth on what is happening with our game.

You and Kickerbuck are probably pretty good hunters and made it happen through some hard work but lets not fool ourselves that the deer populations are in trouble.

With populations at 35% lets run through an example with some imaginary numbers.(if anyone wants, they can get actual numbers off the ODFW website)

If the management objective was 2000 deer(i know this is low but its a handy number). 35% makes that 700 deer in the entire unit. Whats the buck to doe ratio there right now? Steens is setting at 28 bucks per 100 does. Call it 196 bucks.
now take into consideration how many square miles the steens unit is and also consider a higher distribution on the private/fields.

Finally, consider that to find a buck like kickerbuck got, it would be 1 in 50 1 in 100(?)

Tough odds, the unit needs help.
kickerbuck post a pick of that 210 buck...I want to compare it to the 201 P&Y non-typical I got a few yrs ago in the ochoco's, and will post pics also.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-10 AT 09:37AM (MST)[p]First, For those that don't know me and want to take a shot at me for being 'lucky', go ahead. Those that know me will tell you that I spend most of my summers scouting for that buck of a lifetime. I work hard to find that one buck, then I get a tag and Presto. it's picture time. I wish it were that easy. I have been very fortunate to harvest some great bucks. They are posted below.

I guess I should explain myself about my ODFW comments above.

I think we all agree that they do a horrible job.
What I ment was that they are just barely starting to make some moves in the right direction. I am not condoning there past actions in any way. I like that the Steens went to an archery draw. I am not sure if it will help. When you think about it those 125 archers might actually work harder to harvest than the 300 that hunted it in the past. We'll see.

202 buck


210 buck


199 buck


Hey, HKSHOOTER I got a spot you can kiss, I'll give you a hint:
It's not on the left
It's not on the right
but it's right in the middle!
"Well, I guess I am the lucky one here. Killed a 210 with a bow a couple years back. Saw some up and comers in the same area. I have hunted or been with guys hunting for elk and deer in the steens for about 7 years now. It has the potential for great bucks, it has excellent genetics, just not the numbers the ODFW wants (or what we want) for that matter. It is slowly moving in the right direction. Draw for archery and rifle might just help it some. A few less tags couldn't hurt.
I am holding out for another steens tag. Didn't make it last year for the archery hunt, which killed me, but work is work. Guess I missed the last hurrah.

The steens is a very large unit, with lots of hidey holes. It isn't for everyone, it's storied past leave people depressed. They call it hunting for a reason. I for one, can't wait to get back up there."

Hnt fool, perspective is all I ask for. Just some perspective. To paint a rosey picture of the Steens is naive. You have some amazing bucks, which is a great accomplishment and I'm not taking anything away from that. In fact, you must be a freak of a hunter to get a buck like that off the Steens, considering the odds. Not sure why you took it so personally?

Nice bucks!! Looks like you like the low country in the Steens, Good call cause It's time to ditch the high country where the deer should be in great numbers.

You said "It always amazes me when someone kills a decent buck and sees a couple more that "the hunting was off the hook." This is simply a myopic view from someone who doesn't know any better."

First, I saw a couple of 190's runnin around as well as the 210. I think that's pretty good. Not sayin that deer numbers are up and the unit is back to it's former glory, it ain't. but to kill a 210 in that unit says that it's still a unit with great genetics and that big boys are still around.

Second, when you write me off as "someone who doesn't know any better." You show a complete lack of respect and I take a little offense to that. I think I do know better. So I felt it necessary to post some pics to prove it.


The 210 buck was actually kill up high, in McCoy to be exact. Don't mind giving up the spot, since that buck is dead and for the most part people won't be able to capitalize on the tag which takes years to draw.
htnfool you are the man! awesome bucks,your pics give me hope, someone once told me if you have a tag and your out there you always have a chance.I may or may not get a tag with 4 pnts but if i do i can only hope to just see one like yours. congrats!
Lucky? Maybe it helped, but no one tags that many nice bucks like that on public land with out hunting hard and knowing what they are doing.

And even that much more of a tophy considering what unit its in.

Nice job, huntfool
1st time poster: that HKSHOOTER sure seems to end up with his foot in his mouth a bunch.........

just cause your incapeable doesn't mean others are to. hit the gym buddy, bet your odds go up a little :)
What a wonderful first post......NOT!
These guys seem to be getting things worked out and along comes the clown with the gas can!
We have enough crap on these sites without needing another idiot!
did you kill any of them?

the biggest one isn't yours, looks like the other guy shot the 4 point bull, he's holding it and there is a pse resting on the bull, you seem to like mathews[ which means your not all that bad] the other big bull kinda looks like the other guy is the proud one. hmmmmmm??

oh but it is a nice spike though, DID THE LADY SHOOT IT?

j/k relax. if you can dish it out , you gotta be able to take it.

i'm just hopeing to get my first antlered animal this year with my bow. but this is oregon- should be no problem.

[ cool pics, thanks for sharing];)
Nice pics HkShooter. Those are all great animals.. Im getting pretty sick and tired of all the b"tching that goes on in every forum of this website. Its pretty much if you dont have anything constructive or positive to say THEN SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!!! End of rant....

dfowler08x you seem to be on HKShooters side kinda, but then turn 180 deg and say knock the negative stuff #18 by HKShooter:

"Yote is 100% correct. It always amazes me when someone kills a decent buck and sees a couple more that "the hunting was off the hook." This is simply a myopic view from someone who doesn't know any better. If you guys want to know how the critters are doing call John and Cindy Witzel. They live on that damn mtn and know it better than probably anyone in the world. Get their opinion."

This seems pretty negative to me. and I agree...hntfool should be calling the "Witzels" right away to get their opinion! "they know it better then anyone in the world" right? Probably why hntfool doesn't see anyone when he's slaying phenom bucks....they got the "Witzels" opinion and are hunting some other spot where giant bucks hide...probably where HKShooter is hunting for his 215" bucks....because he thinks hntfool's 210 is "decent"....

HKShooter: you're probably a nice guy who hunts hard, but you tried to act like you were the dude and treated htnfool like he was a tinhorn and you got slapped down like a little kid. As soon a you started in on the "little girl" and "you couldn't carry my pack" stuff, you showed how insecure and imature you are. The icing on the cake is the pictures of dink bulls and bucks, that aren't even all yours. I'm glad you have been successfull in hunting, and I usually would never point out to a guy how small his animals are, if he thinks they are huge, but you are in a different class then hntfool if we are going off of pictures and internet bravado.
Im not on anyones "side". I use this site to gain and share information on a passion that I have which is hunting and the outdoors.. Im just sick of all the whining and BS that is going on. I enjoy looking at all the pics and animals that everyone harvests each year. NE ways I guess back on topic. I have never hunted the steens so I dont know if it is getting worse but Im pretty sure its following the trend of other units in the state. I have heard some great things about the Steens tho. If you hunt hard and do alot of scouting, Im sure you will increase your odds. Just like in any other unit...

Its funny how my simple post has turned into this, i did not ask anyone where i should go or ask where their honeyholes are. I have not been there in 4 years so just asked for advice from fellow MULE DEER NUTS (such as myself), and now everyone is taking shots at each other. Come on guys we can do better than this!

Also I did talk to John Wetzel and he painted a dark picture but also said there will always be a few nice bucks in the Steens. Also, he thinks the main problem is POACHING he says he hears gun shots all through bow season, and has seen 6 guys hunting on one tag. There is no place in any outdoors for that, my opinion only.
:) this thread is great ROFL!

i think you[ hk] picked the wrong person to call "lucky" or ignorant etc...

and then your reply-- nice, that didn't help. oohps
This is why the hunting in Oregon has fallen behind about every other state in the west. good enough is good enough to most hunters here, as long as there's a 1 in a million chance of finding a good animal there's a chance. if that's not good enough for you then you're a whiner or you're just negative.

ODFW has exploited our complacency into their salvation, they are so confident with our ignorance they feel free to reward themselves with a 100% increase in fees. sad part is ther'ye right.

Don't expect to ask about deer hunting in any unit of eastern Oregon without this debate coming up. if it didn't I'd think Oregon's hunters were even dumber than I already think they are. if you need proof hunt another state or two, that puts it all in perspective.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-10 AT 11:54AM (MST)[p]"This is why the hunting in Oregon has fallen behind about every other state in the west. good enough is good enough to most hunters here, as long as there's a 1 in a million chance of finding a good animal there's a chance. if that's not good enough for you then you're a whiner or you're just negative.
ODFW has exploited our complacency into their salvation, they are so confident with our ignorance they feel free to reward themselves with a 100% increase in fees. sad part is ther'ye right.

Don't expect to ask about deer hunting in any unit of eastern Oregon without this debate coming up. if it didn't I'd think Oregon's hunters were even dumber than I already think they are. if you need proof hunt another state or two, that puts it all in perspective."

Why couldn't I have just said that? Enough said. I'm moving on.


And for those adults on here, I applogize for letting these kids take me down to their level and for sidetracking this thread.

All you had to do was let it go and then you pop of by calling someone a 'kid'. This is precisely why you will get no respect.

the problem is , is it's hard to completly explain what a person is trying to say over the internet.

both side of it:
1. if you dont say oregon is awsome hunting then your a whinner

2. if you dont complain about oregon being the worst state for hunting, your an ignorant, must not have ever hunted another state dreamer.

i'm pretty sure we both know oregon hunting is in dismal[sp?] shape. some guys just try and let you know , without getting into the complainers line, that with some effort- you can still have fun here. i'm ABSOLUTLY not saying it is great hunting

another problem is i dont belive alot of the very same guys who say " you should hunt another state" are comparing "apples to apples"

you cant research a unit in wyoming for good deer hunting, draw the tag, then say how much better wyoming is than oregon.

i killed a six point bull in idaho a few yrs ago, went with 2 other buddies. on are 7 day hunt WE DID NOT SEE A BUCK! this was the end of october into november. i'm quit certain i can do better than that on 90% of the units i hunt in oregon.

2 yrs ago me and a buddy drew tags in wyoming. both killed decent bulls- we seen 1 buck , AT NIGHT, that was "decent" 3x4 with good mass, 22" wide. lots of does and 2 points. i can do better than that here in oregon also.

5 yrs ago me and 2 buddies bow hunted montana for elk. yep you guessed it, not 1 big buck seen NOT 1! i CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT here in oregon.

everyone who says " go hunt another state" need to just go to the different forum right here on MM and see EVERY STATE has their issues. EVERY ONE OF THEM. you make it sound like the best hunt in oregon is worse than the worst deer hunt in any other state. that is ignorance at it's best. you should take your own advice and hunt other states a little more.

i will be right in the same line as you guys when it's time to do my b!tching and moaning to ODF&W about the issues we have here, but year after year i'm still going to give it my best shot and try to outhunt a unit. b!itching should be saved for the people it matters to, but when were all here together- dont try and convince me that you know more or have more "experiance" because you dont. we both agree, it's just how we go about life, someguys will sit on there butts complaining about how bad things are, others - while fighting the same battles to make things better- will go make the best of it they can.

oh but by the way- i did just use some of my worst experiances in other states as an example. i'd love to tell you about some deer deer hunts in new mexico and colorado:) that was some OUTSTANDING buck hunting:)
In my opinion hunting multiple states every year for years is exactly why I say Oregon is terrible, especially the Mule deer. I should say that when I say Oregon Im referring to where I live and spend most of my time, that is southeastern Oregon. Im excited every year waiting on all the state draws and Oregon is now the least exciting result for me, except for sheep.

I don't have much to add and agree with most of the thoughts on here about what Oregon has become.

With that said, I had a Steens tag last year and I applied again for 2010. I killed a good buck (29 7/8") 4x4 w/ eyeguards on opening day and seen two other bucks taken that would rival any other state's rut hunts (27" non-typ & 34" monster typ). I personally saw 20-25 deer a day with at least 6 up and comer bucks each day while hiking/hunting with my partners. It definitly is not what it was when I hunted it in 2000, but I love the country and still feel it is the best hunt in the state for rifle mule deer.
KBKILLER said it pretty well! One part I'm not sure about though...I have hunted several other states and think comparing apples to apples is the best units in other states to the best units in Oregon...Oregon's suck. I would rather hunt the best units in any other states then the best in Oregon.

I have been lucky and hunted some very good units in other states....THAT REALLY SUCKED! We hardly saw any deer. I'm not at all saying other states don't have problems and are the answer to always finding big bucks. I do know my excitement level is way higher when I'm headed out of state! I still get very excited going hunting period, I'm just saying....
So the question is are we ever going to do anything about it? lions are a major part of the problem and while I don't hold ODFW rsponsible for a bad law passed in '94 I do hold them responsible for not using the emrgency managment tools they do have to control them better. I'm sure in a large part that is due to lack of funds because they blew them on studies rather than hired houndsmen, who wants to bet now with a doubled income they still won't admit lions are the problem and focus on the ground work it takes to get cats killed by contract houndsmen.

If this lion hunting legislation in the works now fails we might as well write Oregon of as a loss. I don't like OHA they're pretty much just a bunch of ODFW yes men, but how involved are they in this new lion hunting petition? if they're not making it the only issue on their plate the members should be busting some heads.
+2 Sixpack! Chapter president where I reside wanted me to sit on the board of directors for his chapter. I asked what we as OHA members could do to put the squeeze on ODFW to do something PRODUCTIVE about the cat problem. I got the typical politician answer that had three circles and a backflip in it and never gave an answer. Long answer short, he said we had to pick our battles wisely...I did not renew my membership this year!
440 wrote:
"If this lion hunting legislation in the works now fails we might as well write Oregon of as a loss. I don't like OHA they're pretty much just a bunch of ODFW yes men, but how involved are they in this new lion hunting petition? if they're not making it the only issue on their plate the members should be busting some heads"

i couldn't agree more.

i dont see OHA doing anything with the cat problems.

what's great is (not really)- i could get on here 1 day , like today, and we'll all be agreeing about us doing whatever we can to work on these cat issues.

i could get on here the next day and say i shot a cat and left it lay-- Chit would hit the fan.

i personally hope every bobcat hunter out there is shooting lions. unfortunatly- this is basically all we as oregon hunters can do to help. dont forget - we live in one of the biggest tree hugger states there is. as much as we rally the troops we are out numbered.

now dont get me wrong, last week at the sportsmans show, they had a group of people taking signatures to get hunting with dogs on the ballot. i dam sure signed as well as the people that were with me. and i do think we need to keep trying.

but honestly we all would not be suprized if it gets shut down again.

are only options is to move to another state, or try and help areselves.

that might be a little much for some , but when you think about it - it might be the only choice
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