Stuck in an elevator


Long Time Member
Aside from me, which MM member would you most NOT want to be stuck in an elevator with? 12 hours. Just you and that person.
I think it would have to be 1911 and his "old jokes" he keeps telling....would drive me to strangle him I think.

Not sure if he's still around this site or not but Manny. Or maybe I should be stuck with manny so he could use his jesus skills to get us out LOL
Stinky, hands down.
Between checking out photos of his wife and asking how big of inplants he should get for her, and how good of shot he is with that Lapua, and how stupid the common man is, and how much money he has, and how good SFW is for us, I think I'd just blow my brains out after 5 minutes, cause we all know bullets would just bounce off him.


But the list goes on and on.

Jack Russell

Just a starter and in no particuler order.
I would have to go with Feleno or Cjboz. I just couldn't take them carrying on about Dancing with the Stars. What's next Guy's , you gonna fill us in on the Young and the Restless ? LMAO.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-10 AT 06:18PM (MST)[p]It would have to be Bigonedown,just to see how long he could go without a cot...


You don't have to be the best,just good
as the best,forget the rest.
Oh my god how did I forget Hunt_lez_wemidouche_ute_bag or whatever his name is?!?! I guess I have been trying to forget him for so long it finally worked.

Let's not be silly cjboz. Once she got in the elevator, there would not be room for anyone else. :)

NV too funny. At least dude has some good hunting insight...I might strangle him if he brought up politics, but he does know Oregon's game situation pretty damn well. KBdouchebag +100

Nickman. Apparently he drops a deuce every six hours or so.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-10 AT 07:26AM (MST)[p]Hey Tag dont be a #####!! I am finishing the summary of what happened on yesterdays episode ASAP and I will email it to you!!!Yes the suspense is probably killing you right now but chill out OKAY!!! LMAO

1911- So what you are saying is no one would be in the elevator with her because there is no room due to over capacity??? So I have to pick someone new?
if i got stuck in the elevator with one of them hardcore guys from the political forum I'd probably climb through the trapdoor and gnaw through the cable till we plummeted to our death. I'm sure just as many would be as happy to see them political talkers go as me.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-10 AT 11:16AM (MST)[p]How many do you think we can we fit in an elevator F-er? Why dont you venture over into MM "hell" called the political forum where the outcasts lurk and ask some weights so we can try to work up some figures.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-10 AT 11:20AM (MST)[p]boz
It'd be something like cramming 50 clowns (how close to truth is that?) in a Volkswagen but I'd be willing to take one for the team.

I ventured into MM Hell once and they didn't like my humor. I'd probably never see the light of day if I went back, especially if I was inquiring about weight. Not a good idea.
"I ventured into MM Hell once and they didn't like my humor. I'd probably never see the light of day if I went back, especially if I was inquiring about weight. Not a good idea."

I started a survey for you....... Terry
LAST EDITED ON Mar-25-10 AT 03:27PM (MST)[p]Yep its there!! Nice bait you used as a subject title Terry!! I hope we get a bite!!!!LMAO Get your popcorn and MT dew ready boys!
Good luck with the survey :). Anybody know the weight capacity of most office building elevators?
Does it matter? We will put peanut butter on the cables so the rats will naw it down...well, No, they will be in the elevator. Let me think about plan B:)
I think it might be a scary feeling if you/I were stuck on an Elavator with SMACKDADDY?
Just razzin ya RACK,but it's true,lol!
"Anybody know the weight capacity of most office building elevators? "

2500#..... If we get the wrong/right guy in there just one ego might exceed this...... Terry
Sooo true :)

Also if you get stuck with the wrong political type in the elevator it could become very unbalanced as many of them guys lean extremely to the left or the right
I could go forever without a cot just not when I paid for it and a piece of ##### outfitter like Rob Wiley owner Non-Typical outfitters doesn't supply the gear you paid for and over books with clients. Also I wasn't the first client he did this to do some research and talk to Huntin Fool he did it to another hunter who paid extra to hunt with just him and upon arrival subbed the hunt out. I hope someday I run into Rob Wiley in Wyoming I will get my moneys worth then.

Better look at Hayden3006.

I'd have to go with stinkystomper as well. I can't seem to stand my online personality most of the time either ROFDL!

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