t/c B.S.


Very Active Member
Anybody else have a lousy time dealing with t/c? I sure have. I have made 4 purchases from this company but will never make another. Not only will i make no more purchases, I will advise all my friends to follow suit.

sorry, feel like I have to vent
Well is there any particular reason for your dissatisfaction with them or is it just because you purchased four of their products? I have about eight times that many and I am courious as to what is the current problem they are causing. Haven't had any reason to contact them lately, in the past they have been very, very good on support.

Perhaps you could share the details of your problem to help others from making your mistake.

Tom Krupinski
Glendale, Arizona
Well first of all this guy at t/c was all short with me . treated me like im an ass. Then he said that my gun needed to be cleaned each shot and i responded "what do i do in the field when im shootin at elk. Bottom line is my gun does not shoot worth a damn. I've fired every possible combination through it and still tumble bullets out the other end. Im just getting lousy service and support.

Which gun and which types of loads are you talking about?

Which gun and which loads are you talking about? Is it one of their inlines or one of the traditional styles? Some exact information would be helpful in understanding what is wrong.

As far as being short with you, maybe you should write a letter to the president of the company asking him if they still are interested in your business explaining the details of the conversation you had with their technical support person.

Give that a try, but I am still interested in knowing which of their products you have that is not performing.

Tom Krupinski
Glendale, Arizona
RE: Which gun and which types of loads are you talking about?

Box it up and send it back with a letter tell them what is wrong I'm sure they will take care of it, They been really good to me and friends you might of got a guy who has not gotten any for awhile so he mad at the world. Call and talk to his Boss I think you will get better results, one shot and clean sounds like he don't hunt.
RE: Which gun and which types of loads are you talking about?

t/c encore .45

I have already boxed it up and sent it back.

i just bougt a black diamond .50 cal last month and i shot every combination and it wouldnt group at all . the shots were all over the place . every shot was further to the right until my sight was adjusted all the way to the left and it still wasnt enough .so thompson told me my barrel had some tension in it and wasnt straightend right at the factory , as the barrel heated up it pulled the shots off . i sent it back and i got a new one and the new one groups real nice , i even tried it at 200 yds and it shot very well . i found the 777 powder (140 gr) and the hornady 240 xtp bullet , and musket cap worked the best for me , i shot a 1-1/2" group at 100 yds with this combination .send it back and maybe you will get a good one .and one more thing ,i adjusted the trigger before i shot it and lapped the barrel .
Thanks for the info.yea, we sent this one back and t/c still cannot say what is wrong but at least now they have acknowledged that something is wrong. I'll tell you this, I could go one of two ways about my attitude towards t/c and so far im getting a bad one, however, if they take care of this immediately I will think they're ok. I just have a hard time with some middle manager treating me like I dont know $#!+ and then damn near calling me a liar when i told him that the bullets were tumbling.


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