
Long Time Member
Been Kinda Chilly Here for a Couple of Months!

I Liked Last Winters Temps Better!:D

-10 Here This Morning!

Highs Yesterday Around The Basin Where I Was were 6-16 Degrees above!

I Can't Wait For January's Global Warming!
minus 6, yampa colorado
Dad and I hunted OTC archery elk up above Trappers Lake in 2008. Had a ball. Tons of elk and only saw a few hunters hundreds of yards away. Sent a buddy up there 2 years ago and it was the worst hunt he's ever had. Never saw an elk and the only thing he called in was other hunters. Times they sure are a changin.
Looked warm outside until ya went outside!! Then went WTH when i went outside?! And had some crown then went, well this ain't so bad until momma bear yelled; Hey loverboy! You been drinking!! Then I got cold. Real cold....
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Phone says 27 this morning Didn't feel that cold, didn't have any wind.
Snow on the mountain.
On the coast we had a 40 deg morning and it'll be low 60s for the high today. About average for us this time of year.
connected weather
2 of them Weather Bug and The Weather channel both show up om main screen
connected weather
2 of them Weather Bug and The Weather channel both show up om main screen
Roger. Lately it seems dumb to me that I have to go to my truck to text someone the weather. It would crash the internet if everyone could text the real-time weather to each other. :)

I imagine that phones with weather data are available but I’m way to cheap for that. An altimeter would be cool too.
Roger. Lately it seems dumb to me that I have to go to my truck to text someone the weather. It would crash the internet if everyone could text the real-time weather to each other. :)

I imagine that phones with weather data are available but I’m way to cheap for that. An altimeter would be cool too.
App on my phone. Called compass deluxe

Supposed to be in the low 20's here on the Gulf
Coast mid/late next week.
........Global warming ?.
A couple of days back, it was -31 at the sinks (Logan Canyon), which is about 10 minutes from my house. The only good this cold does, or will do, is freeze Bear Lake.
It’s been high 20’s low 30’s all week here in Sonora. No where near as cold as some of the temps you guys are posting, but it makes for some very chilly mornings in the high racks!
I had to run the space heater in my office today.....it was about 46 degrees at 9:30 am. Its up to about 62 now. We've been going through a cold spell as well.

Hopefully with the reparations given out to black people here in Cali, Newsom can bring in some warmer weather.
High's in the 50's lows high 30's gonna get some rain here in a day or so.
Last Friday was so nice we had to call a "Fitter Friday" around 9:00am and hit the golf course

supposed to be in the -20's weds in the Bighorn Basin. need to bring in more wood and open more wine.

up the rifles
Tomorrow a high of 52 and a low of 48. I've never experienced single digit temperatures in my life. I have no idea what that's like, but then I'm only 74 too so there is still time.
Eel: My dad is 74. I took him ice fishing last year and for some reason he does not want to go again :)

You have lived a good life if you've never been in single digits!
Eel: My dad is 74. I took him ice fishing last year and for some reason he does not want to go again :)

You have lived a good life if you've never been in single digits!
Sure the weathers nice, but they have earthquakes over there. :oops: I don’t know why, but they scare me more than woofs.
It's warm up here as well Bess. However, the snow was coming down sideways this morning.
Did your Duramax start this morning with these cold temp's :D
-15 and that's without windchill . Blizzard came in and roads got shut down. Left for work and highway patrol said go home

-40 with windchill
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She Starts!

We Haven't Seen Any of the -30 to -40 Yet!

But I Can't Wait For January!

All The Diesel Additive Has Been Slicked Up Here In The Basin!

And Small Electric Heaters!

We Go From Item To Item to Item!

Now Even If Some Additive Does Come In They're Gonna Rape You For It!

It's warm up here as well Bess. However, the snow was coming down sideways this morning.
Did your Duramax start this morning with these cold temp's :D

She Starts!

We Haven't Seen Any of the -30 to -40 Yet!

But I Can't Wait For January!

All The Diesel Additive Has Been Slicked Up Here In The Basin!

And Small Electric Heaters!

We Go From Item To Item to Item!

Now Even If Some Additive Does Come In They're Gonna Rape You For It!
The year I moved from the Basin It got to -47. Nope, not goin’ back.
13 this morning. Feels like on app -1, for some damn reason I was laying out trying to shoot a damn goose. Stupid kids?
Chit is going to hit the fan here tomorrow when that front gets here early in the am. Could be -9 below by 9:00 am,
36 degrees this morning with a dusting of snow for the first time in about 10 years. This is starting to upset me. Supposed to be 27 tonight. That's BS!


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