The Thorofare Today



We've all heard or experienced the Thorofare of yesterday but what is the elk huntin like today? you hear one guy talk about the great numbers of elk and the next say they're gone and it's just depressing to return. I know the wolves have hit it, but how bad?

My wife who's been on many pack trips with me is obsessed with going into the Thorofare . at some point we need to go or I need to tell her it's a bust.

We just want to hunt elk, we've both killed large bulls it's not about size just the experience. Is it still any good or would it just be a camping trip? I can live with eating tag soup but I don't want to feel like I was hunting elk where there were no elk.

Stay thirsty my friends
I'd look at the 2012 & 2013 photos from some of the outfitter websites up there. Shouldn't be too hard to make a decision...
After talking to some unsatisfied clients of some of those outfitters I'm not sure pictures tell it all.

I never trust an outfitter or a skunked hunter to tell the whole story unless I know them.

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-14 AT 06:01AM (MST)[p]A very close friend of mine guides back in the Therofare. I sometimes help him pack in supplies. But the numbers are down no doubt. But it takes a hunter with ambition to hunt the area. Most people just want to hunt from the tent. But hey a guy can only get lucky so many times. My buddy is up there guiding now and wont be back for a couple weeks so by then I can see how they did.

Last year they got a lot of 320-330 bulls. One in the 350 range and a nice bull at 370. Lots of rag bulls but finding the special bull just puts the extra pressure on.

I think as a long as a guy will go will the guide will go it would be no problem. It sure is some nice country to see. But also a guy needs to be able to handle a 30 mile ride on horseback. I use to ride the Eagle creek trailhead off the North Fork drainage which leads to the Therofare. Holy Bear infested area. Its very brutal. Expect bear problems.

Colby Gines guides that area about 17 miles in so 12 miles from the therofare. Colby is Jake Clarks son in law. That camp gets nailed hard by bears. Couple years ago they had 2 bears that ended up dead. But that area is over run by grizzlys.

Numbers are very low but seems like some years they get a lot of good bulls and seems like a lot of nothing.
I guide in the Thorofare area. For Two Ocean Pass Outfitters. I was never there pre-wolf, went in the first time in 2005.

Most of our hunters kill or have a decent chance. The weather can either help or hurt that country depending on when and where. I think most of the outfitters do pretty well, but that is probably because they know the country, know where to hunt, and can handle long days afield.

It is easy to go in there and not see hardly any elk if you don't know where to be.

There are bears and you should be ready but we have hunters every year who see 0 bears. Get your elk out quick, leaving them overnight is asking for trouble.

I would not go in there expecting shots a big bulls. In the right spot with the right weather they are taken every year, but it isn't a hunt to do if you are after a giant.
We don't need big bulls as long as it feels like hunting that's good enough. it's more about the experience. I'd rather take a raghorn on a pack in trip than a booner off the hood.

Sounds like maybe I should be talking to some outfitters .

Stay thirsty my friends

Talk to Colby, he hunts not far from the Thorofare. Some awesome country. may not be able to contact to Colby for a few days but he will be back before rifle opens and can give you a good report. 12 miles from the Thorofare isn't that far away..

I was able to talk to my buddy today. The elk are being pretty quiet right now Not a whole lot of luck with bowhunting. A friend of mine got a monster 370 5x5. but he wont let me post the pic.
We are getting snow right now.

Last year someones horse died and they left it on the trail. 13 bears were fighting over that horse and a lot of riders got charged.
Make sure you take your Obummer bumper sticker off your saddle before heading in....all those liberal wolves love to bite the hand that feeds them!

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

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Urge 2 Hunt

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J & J Outfitters

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Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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