Too Late Now


Long Time Member
The crew showed up to reroof my house. I was out watching them and the supervisor showed up. I asked him if I could change my mind? He said it was too late. :)

They Gonna Clean the Mess Up?:D

I Can see a Shingle that never had the Tab Pulled!:D

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

Bbop, I put that roof on about 25 years ago. You're supposed to pull the tabs? :D

Yeah, they cleaned the mess up. That's the biggest reason I hired it done. :D
Eel, we just hired a painting contractor to paint the farm two story Victorian house since it has been 10 years or so since it was last painted. I hope your roofing contractor was cheaper then the bids we got for the paint job.

Rule # 1 thru 100!

Don't use the Cheapest Bidder!:D

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

Bess you are right on that. The wife passed on the cheapest as he failed to take photos, and write notes. He just took about 1 hour to walk around the large Victorian home that has a lot of gingerbread and told her he will send her the bid.
The one she decided to use took over 3 hours doing a close examination, noticed several small areas that needed restoration. Took careful notes and many photos. He also has his own scaffold and power lift that will allow him to get up the 25 feet in the air as the house is two story with 12 foot ceilings.
The first contractor told the wife he would have to rent the scaffold to get to the top gutters of the house.

First guy was 1500 bucks cheaper, but wife went with the second contractor as she feared the first would later find problems that needed to be added to the bill to fix or do. He was not very professional from the get go and she felt the contractor she decided to go with would do a better job.

It was not cheap, but neither was having a new roof put on 3 years ago and 5 years ago all new electrical wiring to bring the 113 year old Victorian up to code.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-17 AT 10:34PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-17 AT 10:34?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-17 AT 10:26?PM (MST)

DC, the turtle represents slow and steady. That's me. That's the way I drive. :D

Of the 4 bids I got, he was the cheapest by about $1100. Plus he's installing six more roof vents and using stainless steel roofing nails. Several people I know have used him and all were happy. He's been around for many years.
Here I figured it was a climbing "post turtle".

A turtle that knew how he got there, knew what he was going to do while he was up there, and knew how he'd get down.

A turtle too smart for politics!!!! A mutant and very crafty!!

DC, a totem can be whatever the builder wants it to be.

The bear with the fish represents the family provider.

The turtle means slow and steady wins.

Above that is my daughter and her 3 sons.

Above that are two migrating geese with a sun and moon. Represents the changing of the seasons.

The Thunderbird at top never sleeps and watches over everything.

Eel quit your fibbing. That was a fiberglass kayak you towed that totem back with. You should be shame of yourself, that boy may believe you that you used a seal skin kayak.

eel, you truly are an........ unrivaled eclectic enigma!

Only you, would raise a self carved, family vision inspired totem. It looks fresh, did you create that since you retired or has it been with you a while?

I'm a little surprised you're not roofing your home with a sod based, solar thermal, sea weed thatch. Maybe next time, when you've further refined the molecular adhesion tension for a 4/12 pitch.

>eel, you truly are an........ unrivaled
>eclectic enigma!
>Only you, would raise a self
>carved, family vision inspired totem.
> It looks fresh, did
>you create that since you
>retired or has it been
>with you a while?
>I'm a little surprised you're not
>roofing your home with a
>sod based, solar thermal, sea
>weed thatch. Maybe
>next time, when you've further
>refined the molecular adhesion tension
>for a 4/12 pitch.

Keep it Quiet Lumpy!

It Might Have New Paint!

But that's an Artifact out of Southern TARDville!

I'm Surprised you don't Recognize it?

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

Ain't no Juniper/Pinyon that straight in TARDville, that's a bona fide, MaryJane cured, thuja plicata. eel knows he's trees.

I built both of them a couple years before I retired. I got inspired when I saw a real one while up in Alaska one year.

The true story of how I got the redwood logs. (the kayak story was a fib. RELH catches me every time.)

I was out in the log yard one day after work looking at the redwood log deck and the mill owner drove up. He asked me what I was doing? I told him I wanted to buy a couple logs to make totem poles for my yard. So he helped me pick out two. I got the 950 and set them aside and he said "give me $40 cash so my wife doesn't know I have the money." His wife keeps the books. So I did.

I hauled them over to the retail yard and loaded them on a truck and they delivered them to my house. It all happened in 1 day while his wife wasn't around.

The wings for the Thunderbirds were custom cut 2X16's one day at the mill.

I put this one in the back yard over looking the road below.

Just just seems like the nicest things happen when the wife is not watching.........

Those are very special eel. Has anyone in your neighborhood ever accused you of being normal? :D

After I got them carved and painted and the bases set in concrete, I had an old fashioned Potlatch, complete with Alaska Amber beer. Traditional when raising a totem.
DC, not really, but the local Native American Society put my address on their tour. About once a month their bus drives by and the people get to see them. It's an honor I like.

I don't really have any neighbors. One house across the street.
Well, they are way cool eel, you did a great job, and if you only have one neighbor, who's to decide who the normal one is anyway. :) :) :)

I've enjoyed the totems in British Columbia, especially the one's in Kispiox, British Columbia. One of my favorite memories was spending time in a Ksan Winter House with a young Ksan archeologist.




It took a couple looks through this thread to notice the roof and the guys working thereon. I was too enamored with the totem pole to notice much else. That's cool.
Good luck on the new roof and show pics when done.
Like Bess said, have them pull the tabs off so it'll stick to each other!
>It took a couple looks through
>this thread to notice the
>roof and the guys working
>thereon. I was too enamored
>with the totem pole to
>notice much else. That's cool.
>Good luck on the new roof
>and show pics when done.
>Like Bess said, have them pull
>the tabs off so it'll
>stick to each other!

25 years ago my Dad handed me the shingles while I nailed. I could have swore he pulled the tabs. He's up in heaven laughing about the ones he missed.
>25 years ago my Dad handed
>me the shingles while I
>nailed. I could have swore
>he pulled the tabs. He's
>up in heaven laughing about
>the ones he missed.

My own dad has been gone for 28 years this September 9th. A year after my dad died I shot a bighorn in Colorado on the 1st anniversary of his passing. Kind of a cool thing actually!

The only time I've roofed anything was with metal roof sheets. That's where a guy soon sees if his base lines are true!
There no "fudging" with metal sheets! LMAO

"There no "fudging" with metal sheets! LMAO"

I know. They cut those things square. Just about ruined my wood shed out back. LOL!
I've been a roofer for 38 years,
And have owned my own company
For 21 years
And for the life of me I'm not sure what tabs you fellas are talking about pulling off.
Are you talking about the cellophane strip that they put on the shingles to keep them from sticking together while in the bundle?
>I've been a roofer for 38
>And have owned my own
>For 21 years
>And for the life of me
>I'm not sure what tabs
>you fellas are talking about
>pulling off.
>Are you talking about the
> cellophane strip that they
>put on the shingles to
>keep them from sticking together
>while in the bundle?

Our nomenclature might be a bit lacking (since we're not roofers) but you caught the idea that I was thinking. No one actually pulls the "tabs" off! That would defeat the purpose.

Yes, the cellophane strips on the sticky PSA stuff.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-17 AT 06:09PM (MST)[p]

That new metal roof is gonna look nice eel. #2's gonna be grateful! Pretty sure runamuks gonna come back and tell ya that cellophane dissolves the first hot day.
so..... a roofer is gonna get educated by a plumber on how to roof a house...and pulling the tabs?????....PRICELESS
>so..... a roofer is gonna get
>educated by a plumber on
>how to roof a house...and
>pulling the tabs?????....PRICELESS

Not Educating Anybody!

Just Checking to see How Lazy The Roofer is?:D:D:D

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

My Dad & Grandpa Got in an Argument over this Many Years ago!

From What I Understand!

The Tabs Do Not need to be Pulled before Installing!

But Then Again!

I'm No Roofer!

But Roofer Enough to Roof Anything I'd Ever Build & Not Worry about the Roof Leaking!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

I just never heard of anybody pulling tabs off of shingles and was curious as to what some were talking about.

The only thing I could think of was the cellophane strip, I've seen many a arguments started over whether you should or shouldn't pull em.
Ive actually had homeowners rippin' my ass for not pulling em, had one old timer
Insist I had no idea what I was doing even after I showed him right in the instructions on the package, DO NOT REMOVE..
Wish I could remember his name,
I think it was something like Bess. ?

The only reason it's on there is to keep the shingles from sticking together in the package.


Thought Some Roofer would have Ripped Me 20 Posts ago!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

LOL! I asked the roofer this morning. He said "nooooooooo" leave the "tabs" alone."

It's 49 degrees here this morning with a predicted high of 61. 61 will be the high for the year. The "tar" isn't ever going to melt anyway. LOL
Perfect temps to apply the shingles eel.

If it's to hot the nails tend to blow through the shingles.
And the foot traffic while installation is in progress will scar up the shingles that will look like hell plus decrease the life of the roof.
If it's to cold the asphalt in the shingles shatters with every nail and also blowing through the shingles.

As far as the shingles getting hot enough for the tar line to seal there shouldn't be any problem there, even though the outside temps are in the 60's the shingles will soak up the sun and will be a solid 15/20 degrees warmer, they should seal perfectly.
I Remember when Shingles were twice as Thick as anything you can Buy today!

F'Rs are Probably Imported from China Now days!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

Thanks runamuck, I'll post a photo when it's done. Only one man showed up today. He did get most of the house done. The detached garage is almost as big as the house, not shown in the above photo.

elkassassin, that's one good thing about getting older. They don't have to last as long. :)
Since were on home improvement subjects and there is so many experts in here, I'm thinking of replumbing my house, I've had a few leaks over the years and the old copper pipes are about shot. Any opinions on PEX vs. Copper.... RAS
PEX is the New Way!

And You can Run it yourself RAS!

We've had this discussion many times over the last few years!

I Like My Piping Level,Plumb & Square!

PEX has alot of Expansion & Contraction to it!

Most Modern Day Plumbers Run This Sshitt Like Wire!

Point A to Point B just as Quick as they can get it there!

And Don't Give a RATS ASS How Bad it looks!

I Like Copper But...........

Our Copper & Brass Products have been Re-Manufactured So many times that it's not Good/Pure Copper & Brass anymore!

I See alot of Inconsistency in Pipe & Fitting Size as well!

Either so F'N Tight you can't get the Fitting on the Pipe or it's so F'N Loose Goose it's a Joke!

(((You Think China Cares?)))

To Support the PEX Properly it takes time & Needs to be supported in shorter Spans than Copper!

The PEX piping/fittings will be Less Money for you but The Crimping Tools are Spendy!

If You Were Close I Have Loaners!

I Call PEX part of the Obama Plan!

Take a look at the Orifice on a 3/4" PEX Fitting!

You'll Notice it's about the same size as 1/2" Copper!


We Lost a Whole Pipe Size!

Same Outside Diameter but check Flow Rates!

I Think People Like Homer Like it though!

Just SPOOL that Sshhhiiittt out & Crimp it!

And if you Really wanna know what somebody Thinks of PEX we need NUNYA to make a Reply!:D:D:D

>Since were on home improvement subjects
>and there is so many
>experts in here, I'm thinking
>of replumbing my house, I've
>had a few leaks
>over the years and the
>old copper pipes are about
>shot. Any opinions on PEX
>vs. Copper.... RAS

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

bess, iv had 2 guys want to buy refer. copper pipe from me, they wanted 5/8" and 7/8" said it was the best 1/2" and 3/4" plumbing pipe you could get. I told them to talk to my partner, if it aint made of tin or can be made of tin I dont mess with it anymore.
Dont let the word refer in my last post get some of you folks over excited... it aint what you think im fraid

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