Trinity Alps?????


Long Time Member
After an 0-36 draw season, my wife and I are going to pack into the Alps this year. This is something I've wanted to do for 10 or more years and without a tag this year, the timing is perfect.

We are doing a summer pack trip July 28-August 3. Kind of a "make sure the gear is good, get horses in shape, do some scouting trip."

I've spent hours on-line researching. Seems with budget cuts there is less trail maintenence. And with the 06 and 08 fires there are tons of blow downs. A common term in reference to the quality of a particular trail is, "Stock stopper."

Just looking for a little advice on a jumping in place.

Spent 7/27 through 8/3 in the alps. Fantastic country!! Saw lots of seer and either 7 or 9 bucks. Coulda been 2 I saw twice. A couple of 4X4s, one really good.

Anyways, have any of you ever hunted the willow patches with dogs????

We basically set up a camp at one of the lakes and hiked to other areas each day, mostly mid-day. Anyways I had my shorthairs and my male jumped lots of deer out of those willow thickets right next to pack trails. 3 different bucks I could have shot. I know if I went in those willows, either the deer would circle on me and never leave the cover, or sneak out where they know I can't see em. But with him pushing them, they seemed in kinda of a panic, just trying to get away and not worried about cover.

My tenative plan is to glass early and then hunt the willows with him, put the wife on the other side. He'll come off of the deer real quick with a tone on the e-collar. I'll put his orange vest on. Anyone see problems with this??

I'm going to try to post some pics of our trip.
Califelkslayer -you might want to check the california regs :?265. Use of Dogs for Pursuit/Take of Mammals or for Dog Training . I think it's saying no dogs can be used during deer archery season and only one dog per hunter during the general deer season.







That little buck and a doe were in our camp several times a day. They drove the dogs crazy. " Chuck, NO!" and he'd watch that deer for ten minutes for 1015 feet away BUT he always broke eventually and I'd tone him back. Had to carry the e-collar the entire time because of deer.

The first night the horses were fidgeting on the picket line around 10 PM. Headlight and handgun, out I go to scare the bear off. Instead it was 6 deer within 20 yards of our tent. Just a great time.
Thanks for that. I'm aware of that. And I'll only use one for the two of us, my male. The female is only 6 months old and until she has a solid season or two on birds, no way is she gonna get involved with deer.

WTF!!!!!! I uploaded 7 DIFFERENT photos, not the same fricking photo over and over.
Hope you'all enjoyed 12 views of the same picture. I don't. Gotta get to bed, another 16 hour day tomorrow BUT I will get back on here and upload the GOOD pics.
King Crow , only in archery season or out of season. You can use dogs in rifle. I never have but I know a few who do and it works really well.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
>If you scroll through the pics
>really fast you can see

I see a skull in the reflection in the water.

Just beautiful country. This is typical of all of the drainages we were in.


Not sure if this is the button buck or the doe. Both were regulsr guests.


Our camp guards. Not alot of good they did since they slept in the tent with us every night.

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