
Long Time Member
Spin it Boys!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

He has the trained professional killers convincing him what to do. He can't resist them like Obama did.

Sounded like we're going into Pakistan.
Unlike Obama he said he is going to make them hold up their end of stick and we will be going in to defeat the enemy, not nation building. He also said the military will be running the show, not being micro manage by Washington D.C.
How you got we are going into Pakistan is a stretch on your part. I took it that Pakistan will not be getting any more aid money which is many millions until they change their ways of supporting terr groups. Something that Obama should have done years ago after finding out they were hiding out Osama Bin Laden.

What a crock of chit. Trump is clueless as ever.

No wall. no replacement for obamacare. no infrastructure bill. no tax reform. no embassy move. lil' kim is running the show. and now an endless war he promised to end.

Your orange POS is just conning you again and you're too stupid to see it. or are you too embarrassed to admit it?

You have battered woman syndrome at the very least. chumps.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude your hearing is as piss poor as your reading comprehension. Trump stated in his speech that he "at first" wanted to just pull out of Afghahistan. Just like Obama did with Iraq, but after seeing what happen there and listening to his advisors, he changed his mind knowing the terr groups would just fill the void.

In other words he allowed prior history shape his final decision and you are still deaf and dumb.

So you're saying Trump is just like Obama.

With Bannon gone you're going to see Trump A LOT more like Obama. enjoy. but at least he's white right ?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>So you're saying Trump is just
>like Obama.
>With Bannon gone you're going to
>see Trump A LOT more
>like Obama. enjoy.
> but at least he's
>white right ?
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
Yes he is white,you just noticed?
LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-17 AT 10:16AM (MST)[p]

Breitbart is starting his war on the the administration and those who are left after Bannon's ouster.

The headlines are telling.


"Flip-Flop", "Yuge Foreign policy Blunder" "America first base unhappy" "Is Trump's Afghanistan policy THAT different from Obama".

Comparing Trump to Obama is considered a blood sin inside the White House and it never appeared before on Breitbart but now there it is.

You never saw negative headlines regarding the talking Yam as long as Bannon was inside the tent.

Must be more fake news right? Suppose Trump will call out Breitbart as fake news or is the Trump base actually unhappy with his flip-flop on Afghanistan? Both can't be true.

#sad, #bannonatwar

It's not worth my time to answer the Trump haters on this forum. If Trump could walk on water you would find excuses to berate that feat.
I hope Trump can make headway to improve life in this country and I am willing to give him a chance to put up or shut up.
You Trump haters are not true Americans when it is more important to you that he fails. You are no different then the socialist progressive liberals that would run this country into the ground.

>It's not worth my time to
>answer the Trump haters on
>this forum. If Trump could
>walk on water you would
>find excuses to berate that
> I hope Trump
>can make headway to improve
>life in this country and
>I am willing to give
>him a chance to put
>up or shut up.
> You Trump haters
>are not true Americans when
>it is more important to
>you that he fails. You
>are no different then the
>socialist progressive liberals that would
>run this country into the

+ 1000
LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-17 AT 02:32PM (MST)[p]Total cognitive Dissonance there. Bannon, the fired co president put those headlines on his alt right megaphone, not me. So is Bannon a Trump hater now?

Is it fake News when Breitbart and Bannon put it out there or is it the truth? Is Breitbart in the "Lame Stream" media or does it cater to Trump core voters?

Has zero to do with Trump hate and everything to do with whether Trumpteers are honest about what is going on or not? Seems like you all are not.

Any who says you can't call the President out for his Stupidity, his ignorance and political incompetence more far more UnAmerican. To suggest other wise shows that the professed love the Constitution is just more blather from fakers.

>AT 02:32?PM (MST)

>Total cognitive Dissonance there. Bannon,
>the fired co president put
>those headlines on his alt
>right megaphone, not me.
> So is Bannon a
>Trump hater now?
>Is it fake News when Breitbart
>and Bannon put it out
>there or is it the
>truth? Is Breitbart
>in the "Lame Stream" media
>or does it cater to
>Trump core voters?
>Has zero to do with Trump
>hate and everything to do
>with whether Trumpteers are honest
>about what is going on
>or not? Seems like
>you all are not.
>Any who says you can't call
>the President out for his
>Stupidity, his ignorance and political
>incompetence more far more UnAmerican.
> To suggest other wise
>shows that the professed love
>the Constitution is just more
>blather from fakers.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-17 AT 02:57PM (MST)[p]Keep on with the blabbering, it is all you are capable of. Never a counter argument, never a coherent defense of Trump, never a principled argument on policy, just blah, blah, blah. It all you know, isn't it?

The stock market is over 20 thousand ,more jobs ,the libs get to take down our past ,our soldiers can be soldiers again,Hillary is keeping her pie hole shut and Trump will fix your Obama health care dilemma.
So if there is a big correction in the Stock market, that will happen at some point, will that be Trump's doing too?

You must have gotten some of the good stuff the last time you toked up. The Repeal and Replace is past you and you are like Trump, not understanding how things work in DC.. McConnell won't bring to the floor again this session.

IF and that is a mighty big IF, congress can get the government funded and the budget done prior to Oct. 1st, then they must pass the debt ceiling increase to allow the government to continue to finance the budget, then they MUST reauthorize the Children Health Insurance program prior Sept 30, or 9 million kids will lose coverage. Then then must also deal with the National Flood Insurance program and the Federal Aviation Authority prior to Sept. 30. Some how the must also shoe horn in Tax reform in there that will require leadership in the Senate to push that over the finish line.

That all has to be done before any one of those guys and gals can even think about health care again and by then it will be 2018 and all eyes will be focused on November 2018's elections.

Again you are incapable of anything other than swallowing all of Trump's stupidity.

Nemont I will say one thing is that your fowl mouth hasn't been is bad since you got a time out from Founder.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-17 AT 07:26PM (MST)[p]
I never got a time I had a tragedy to deal with but you are too classless to understand that. Typical very typical. Just like the talking Yam, no class and clueless about how things work in DC.

Ask Founder if I got a time out, ya idiot

LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-17 AT 08:20AM (MST)[p]That is more fake news. Do this go look at the articles quoted and tell me which Breitbart reporter wrote the article and on what day did it appear on Breitbart?

If you think Bannon isn't going to war with the people in the west wing you are delusion.

Bannon is gunning for Boy Wonder and super tramp . what do you think the orange sphincter is going to do when the first punch is landed? smile or start a war? and the war will be a civil war use your heads you morons.

Trump is toast . will he quit soon or drag you to the bottom that is the only question .

Stay Thirsty My Friends

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