Type X tags?


Long Time Member
I noticed at today's Task Force meeting there was a chunk of time spent talking about Type X tags. From the sound of it they would be separate from Type 1 or 2 tags. They were super vague in their description and most of the details. My guess is they purposely were vague? Does anyone know any of the details? This certainly raised a lot of red flags that I think some of the Task Force member caught onto?
I had a sneaky suspicion that's what they were about but didn't want to raise a stink until I was certain. They certainly tried to sugar coat the protocol with a whole lot of vagueness in the description. My guess is the landowners/outfitters are joining arms and testing the waters on how to approach this.

It sounded like the Task Force members were open to comments in regard to TYPE X tags. Hopefully Wyo res and nonres DIY/OYO hunters can stand together and relay solid comments in opposition to TYPE X tags to the Task Force!

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