Unit 34 whoppers


Very Active Member
Wheres all the scouting pics of 34 and all the magnum bucks. all i saw on here all winter was how great 34 was. Lets see em
Wheres all the scouting pics of 34 and all the magnum bucks. all i saw on here all winter was how great 34 was. Lets see em
Why don’t you do us all a favor and go have a look for yourself. Then when your done you can send me gps coordinates to the big bucks you see.
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Book, no one is fighting. There will be plenty of little 150 class bucks to go around. After all everyone waited 10 plus years for their chance at a 150 inch buck right? The unit is over rated and can’t produce bucks bigger than the dinks posted above.
Book, you sound like you have some hostility towards the guys that drew the unit this year or perhaps it’s the unit in general? Did you apply for the unit with less than 10 points and not draw?

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