unit 35B Got Him


Very Active Member
Thanks for all the help on where to go especially 4bigbucks. I got my first Coues deer and I'm very Pleased!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-11 AT 07:39AM (MST)[p]Here's another pick. Sorry about the pic only way it would load.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-11 AT 07:17PM (MST)[p]That is an awesome buck! Congrats!...But yeah lets hear a story (not to many details though...LOL)
We spotted the buck in a steep canyon a week before the season opened. My wife and I planned on hunting this area opening day. We stayed in a hotel in Patagonia and I guessed how long it would take us to arrive at our spot in the morning before day light. Well, we left too late on opening day... anyway, we walked up an old four wheel drive road and found a rock outcropping not too far from the road that offered a good vantage point to glass. There were a few hunters in the area with some on quads that passed us on the road we hiked in on. I was a little worried they might spot the buck before we did. I spotted 3 deer up the canyon that were heading for their bedding area and one looked like a buck spike. We waited awhile until they bedded down. It was getting late so we decided to come back in the morning. The next day we hiked our way up a little higher and started side hilling it to see if we could get a closer look. It took us awhile to get into the steep canyon where we last saw the deer the day before. We started glassing and I spotted the big buck above a rock face cliff. He was 623 yards. I took aim and fired once but the bullet hit low, by his front left hoof. After the shot, he moved up the hill about 25 yards. The Buck, not realizing where I was at stood there looking around and then offered one more chance at a broadside shot before he entered into the trees. After my second attempt at a shot and due to the recoil, I couldn't tell what happened. So I decided to go up the steep hill to see if I hit him having my wife wait for me until I came back. Man that hill was steep. I had to go up a cliff to get to where I last shot at him. When I finally got up there, much to my dismay there was no blood. Absolutely nothing! I was so discouraged. I got back down to my wife and we started heading down the hill to our truck. I found myself contemplating how I could have possibly missed that shot? Before we left the area I decided to recheck my rifle sighting it in at 600 yards. I found it took two clicks to get my scope dead on. We had to leave, so I told some other hunters in the area where I saw the buck. I didn't know if I was going to be able to come back and wanted someone to get this buck. My wife made it possible for me to come back one more day before the season ended. This time I made it even higher up and on time just as the sun was coming up. I started glassing and almost immediately spotted him only hundred yards from where I first shot at him on opening day. I couldn't believe my luck, he was only 410 yards away. I began feeling Buck Fever, trembling as I quickly looked around for a rest to place my rifle on. Still shaking I took the first shot and missed again! He ran up the hill and stopped on last time and looked around. This time I calmed down and held real steady and squeezed the trigger. After the shot, he rolled down the steep hill. I let out a big yell. I called my wife on my cell phone to let her know I got him and to tell her thanks for making it possible for me come back. It about killed me getting him out of that steep canyon! I had to make two trips but it was worth it! I thank the Lord for giving me the strength to harvest my first Coues buck. :)

redrabbit I guess he felt safe. I think he was more interested in getting his belly full and getting ready for winter one other thing I don't think you could get any closer than 400 yards without getting busted.

The funny thing is I put in for this unit by accident. I use the wrong number when putting in and was ah struck when I open the envelope and found out I had drew this tag. I think the lord had his hand in this lol. Anyway did you guys do any good Travis?

Congrats I was thinking that buck had to go 100+. Beatiful Beatiful deer! I too have noticed the whitetails seem to head back to the spot they like even after being shot at. Way to go!

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