Unit 61 archery elk


Active Member
So I got the answers I needed about if I can draw and archery elk tag in 61. Now I'm just looking for some advice on the unit. Not after honey holes, just an idea of the land. I'll get out scouting when things dry up but wondering if anyone would be willing to chat and share some info!

Have info on units 21,22,10,11 to trade for info!
Stick around and become a productive forum member and more of us will help. I’ve helped too many people who just disappear
Not that I'm going to just poof away. I have a family member who's been on here for many years. But I'd LOVE to know what's so wrong with helping someone on a limited draw unit regardless of their activity on a website??
I’ve helped many people with 61 info over the years including enough turds that I am very reticent to provide info to new members. Stick around, I’ll help if you draw.
There’s piles of Elk in 61. If you draw, and have time to really hunt it, you’ll have a great time. You might even kill a 320 Bull, but I wouldn’t expect that, or bigger for sure.

These guys have a right to be turned off by people showing up and asking a bunch of questions about their backyard, where they’ve spent years and years.

Spring for a $100 membership to Epic Outdoors, when you draw a tag, ask them for a list of other members that have drawn. Some of them will be very willing to share info with you from their hunts. It’s worth the cost of the membership.
There’s piles of Elk in 61. If you draw, and have time to really hunt it, you’ll have a great time. You might even kill a 320 Bull, but I wouldn’t expect that, or bigger for sure.

These guys have a right to be turned off by people showing up and asking a bunch of questions about their backyard, where they’ve spent years and years.

Spring for a $100 membership to Epic Outdoors, when you draw a tag, ask them for a list of other members that have drawn. Some of them will be very willing to share info with you from their hunts. It’s worth the cost of the membership.
I'm honestly just after a great time hunting! If I get a 300in bull I will be tickled like a little girl hahaha.

I truthfully get not wanting to just throw out honey holes and other areas that are of great importance to these guys. Where I get frustrated is when I'm asking for just a lay of the land (how the terrain is, a general area to look at and hike around in,etc..) and I get nothing.

And I've never heard of epic outdoors, I will for sure look them up! Does the money go to a good place that's not CPW?? Lol, not a huge fan of what they have been doing.

Thanks for the info though man! Truly appreciate it! Wasn't trying to be rude or confrontational, just needed basic land info.
I’ve helped many people with 61 info over the years including enough turds that I am very reticent to provide info to new members. Stick around, I’ll help if you draw.
I appreciate the offer to help if I draw. It will probably be a year if i draw so luckily I'll have time to hit the hills and do some looking.
There really isn’t a drainage in 61 that won’t hold elk. You will encounter about every type or elk country there is (excluding high alpine) from steep nasty canyons full of oak brush, Aspen pockets, dark timber, big open parks, burns and desert type cedar, pinion and sage type country down low. I’d recommend driving the divide road from north to south or south to north and start exploring some of the the side roads off the divide road to get your feet wet. 61 is a big unit and it can be a daunting task narrowing where to exactly to hunt. Like I stated before you can dive into about any canyon/drainage in the unit and you will run into elk. However finding a bull of size can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. Majority of the bulls harvested in 61 don’t touch or break the 300 mark.
There really isn’t a drainage in 61 that won’t hold elk. You will encounter about every type or elk country there is (excluding high alpine) from steep nasty canyons full of oak brush, Aspen pockets, dark timber, big open parks, burns and desert type cedar, pinion and sage type country down low. I’d recommend driving the divide road from north to south or south to north and start exploring some of the the side roads off the divide road to get your feet wet. 61 is a big unit and it can be a daunting task narrowing where to exactly to hunt. Like I stated before you can dive into about any canyon/drainage in the unit and you will run into elk. However finding a bull of size can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. Majority of the bulls harvested in 61 don’t touch or break the 300 mark.
The divide road! Thanks man! When I get out scouting I will be sure to hit that area a ton. Honestly If I get a 290 or 300 bull infront of me that will be awesome! I appreciate the info man!
You must've been collecting points as a baby :). 25 yo and have the points to draw 61?! I'm jealous. Wish I was collecting points when I was 8. On a serious note, if you actually have the points and draw the tag (resident I assume) it's a really great hunt and only a truly lazy man would have trouble finding elk. Find areas that you'll have to work to get into and have all the things elk need (food, water, cover, etc.) and you'll be into the elk. It's honestly that simple in this unit. Good luck!
As stated above, get ready to work. I worked harder in 61 than in my OTC unit and I didn't even kill a nice bull. Regrets, kind of, but it is what it is.

I wouldn't call myself a great elk hunter, I've arrowed over 20, but if you think you're going to walk into 61 hop out the truck and arrow one a 1/4 mile from the road because its limited, well, get ready for a wake up. Trust me, the bottom of the Big "T" is down!

The only tip I will give, is go early. Avoid the ML shitshow.
Mountain, I hunted 61 first rifle in 2020. Lots of these folks in here gave me a lot of insight to the unit, BeanMan being one. I don't know that you have the points to draw an archery tag yet. But if in fact you do, scout, scout and scout some more. Like Coloradoboy said, there is elk in every single drainage. I seen elk, all day, everyday. In the end I never seen a bull that I thought was worthy of the 13PP's that I used but I was also quite ok coming home with an unfilled tag. Good Luck!
You must've been collecting points as a baby :). 25 yo and have the points to draw 61?! I'm jealous. Wish I was collecting points when I was 8. On a serious note, if you actually have the points and draw the tag (resident I assume) it's a really great hunt and only a truly lazy man would have trouble finding elk. Find areas that you'll have to work to get into and have all the things elk need (food, water, cover, etc.) and you'll be into the elk. It's honestly that simple in this unit. Good luck!
Sorry shoulda said that I am a resident haha. I've got 12 or 13 points I'm dontn100% remember. But I have been in the pool since 12 and haven't touched them. It will be atleadt a year before I apply simply because I've got WY points im burning for a trophy goat this year, a Canada fishing trip and then some. Kinda why I'm starting to scout and ask around now so thay when I do draw I'll be ready to hit the hills and not last minute going ..."where the heck am I going" lol.
But I appreciate the info! I'll take that divide road as recommended earlier and start hiking around looking for the goods them elk like!!
Ya 13 l points (assuming you started building points at 12) isn’t going to get it done. 15 to 16 points is realistic
Yessir, 12 years old is when I started. I have like 12 pts now and won't be applying for thay tag even until maybe next year. Heard from a ton of guys that they drew at 13 pts for archery and some even at 12 so fingers crossed when the time comes
As stated above, get ready to work. I worked harder in 61 than in my OTC unit and I didn't even kill a nice bull. Regrets, kind of, but it is what it is.

I wouldn't call myself a great elk hunter, I've arrowed over 20, but if you think you're going to walk into 61 hop out the truck and arrow one a 1/4 mile from the road because its limited, well, get ready for a wake up. Trust me, the bottom of the Big "T" is down!

The only tip I will give, is go early. Avoid the ML shitshow.
Dang man that's harsh...im happy to walk. The area I currently OTC elk hunt is all walk in only and it's well over 2 miles in some mean terrain so I'm ready for it! I could go home eating tag soup along as I have a great time! I love chasing elk, nothing else like it.
Mountain, I hunted 61 first rifle in 2020. Lots of these folks in here gave me a lot of insight to the unit, BeanMan being one. I don't know that you have the points to draw an archery tag yet. But if in fact you do, scout, scout and scout some more. Like Coloradoboy said, there is elk in every single drainage. I seen elk, all day, everyday. In the end I never seen a bull that I thought was worthy of the 13PP's that I used but I was also quite ok coming home with an unfilled tag. Good Luck!
I'm sitting on 12 points right now so should be sometime in the next two years hopefully. And that's the plan when things dry up is to hit the hills and start looking. Sounds like you had an awesome hunt though regardless and that to me is worth is. Don't need to kill something to make a hunt awesome to me, just give me the chance to work elk and chase them about and I'm having a good time.
If you're set on 61 don't be swayed, but as a resident I'd be looking at some other units if I was in your boat.
Just to keep you grounded, nobody has drawn with less than 15 points last year and 14 the year before. If you stick it out you will gain by about 1/2-3/4 of a point each year and draw in no less than 4 years, probably more like 6-7. You've got a LOT of time to get to know the unit. Being your age I'd probably stay the course regardless of chasing point creep. Scouting is more than half the fun though. Start now and you'll be an expert on the area by the time you draw and you'll really get to sink your teeth into the hunt. Good luck
Just to keep you grounded, nobody has drawn with less than 15 points last year and 14 the year before. If you stick it out you will gain by about 1/2-3/4 of a point each year and draw in no less than 4 years, probably more like 6-7. You've got a LOT of time to get to know the unit. Being your age I'd probably stay the course regardless of chasing point creep. Scouting is more than half the fun though. Start now and you'll be an expert on the area by the time you draw and you'll really get to sink your teeth into the hunt. Good luck
Sorry was meaning for 1st rifle it takes 13ish. I have 13 so hopefully the point cheap isn't stupid and 2 or 3 years I'll draw but you're right
Sorry was meaning for 1st rifle it takes 13ish. I have 13 so hopefully the point cheap isn't stupid and 2 or 3 years I'll draw but you're right
Copy. Great tag. A good friend of mine got the first rifle bull tag off the reissue list 2 years ago and killed a 350" on day 2. The hardworking hunter has a real shot at 320"+ with that tag.
Copy. Great tag. A good friend of mine got the first rifle bull tag off the reissue list 2 years ago and killed a 350" on day 2. The hardworking hunter has a real shot at 320"+ with that tag.
That's awesome man! Congrats to him! I would be tickled with a 300" bull tbh.
Your realistically 3 to 5 years from drawing a 61 archery tag and you’re 50/50ish at best at first rifle for next year. Honestly that first rifle tag isn’t nearly what it used to be with the inception of the early rifle tag. Majority of the “bigger” bulls will be long dead by the time archery, Muzzy and early rifle finish up or they will be off the cows and be hiding out out in the desert country. I personally hate having only 5 days to hunt on those first rifle tags. I’d honestly advise you to start digging into 40 more and putting some time into it. A ambitious individual who isn’t afraid of a cliff or two can really strike gold there, especially on the later rifle season hunts before a lot of the bulls make their way into Utah to winter.
Your realistically 3 to 5 years from drawing a 61 archery tag and you’re 50/50ish at best at first rifle for next year. Honestly that first rifle tag isn’t nearly what it used to be with the inception of the early rifle tag. Majority of the “bigger” bulls will be long dead by the time archery, Muzzy and early rifle finish up or they will be off the cows and be hiding out out in the desert country. I personally hate having only 5 days to hunt on those first rifle tags. I’d honestly advise you to start digging into 40 more and putting some time into it. A ambitious individual who isn’t afraid of a cliff or two can really strike gold there, especially on the later rifle season hunts before a lot of the bulls make their way into Utah to winter.
Ok, I've got a pretty decent understanding of 40 and I know I can draw that archery tag this year if I wanted. I'll keep doing some looking. I'm not so much after a giant bull, more after just a fun fun hunt with a good chance at encountering a good number of animals.
Can somebody please explain to my why the archery hunt and the early rifle hunt aren’t on the Hybrid list? They have both taken more than “ 10 points for 3 consecutive years”??
Can somebody please explain to my why the archery hunt and the early rifle hunt aren’t on the Hybrid list? They have both taken more than “ 10 points for 3 consecutive years”??
Because why would CPW do something that made sense...or followed their ideology lol
Can somebody please explain to my why the archery hunt and the early rifle hunt aren’t on the Hybrid list? They have both taken more than “ 10 points for 3 consecutive years”??
The period used for determining "10 or more" points ends with 2009, as explained in the Big Game brochure, page 19. Same time frame is also still being used for determining whether a GMU is an 80/20 or 65/35 Res/NR split. As to why, you'd have to ask the powers-that-be in the CDPW.
I’ve officially committed to burning my NR points for the archery tag this year. Had to decide between UT Pauns archery deer and this hunt. My determining factor was I feel the CO points are more vulnerable to being cheapened by CODOW than Utah’s. There’s only one tag in the NR quota so I don’t see UT cutting thir own meal ticket. That’s my logic anyways. I picked a type 1 elk hunt for WY and began other state picks outside of September. So let the planning begin.
I’ve officially committed to burning my NR points for the archery tag this year. Had to decide between UT Pauns archery deer and this hunt. My determining factor was I feel the CO points are more vulnerable to being cheapened by CODOW than Utah’s. There’s only one tag in the NR quota so I don’t see UT cutting thir own meal ticket. That’s my logic anyways. I picked a type 1 elk hunt for WY and began other state picks outside of September. So let the planning begin.
Heck yeah man. I hopefully will be drawing a antelope WY tag (fingers crossed). I've got enough points for wherever I want to go so it's time to burn them! Also have enough points for an archery goat hunt as well, but that will wait till next year haha. This year is already booking up quickly!
I hope you have an awesome WY elk hunt! I've never thought of elk hunting there. What's it like? And how many points did thay type 1 tag run?
Heck yeah man. I hopefully will be drawing a antelope WY tag (fingers crossed). I've got enough points for wherever I want to go so it's time to burn them! Also have enough points for an archery goat hunt as well, but that will wait till next year haha. This year is already booking up quickly!
I hope you have an awesome WY elk hunt! I've never thought of elk hunting there. What's it like? And how many points did thay type 1 tag run?
I don’t expect to draw in WY. I just mentioned that my app choice there was for type 1 because that takes place outside of Sept, when I should be archery hunting CO 61. All my other state app choices will revolve around Sept because I will highly likely hunt the entire 4 weeks. I tend to pass a lot waiting for older bulls and even if there aren’t many I’ll still try. I’ve had some success in lower tier units in the past. Wish more hunts would be for as long a period as your WY pronghorn. It does not influence choices in other states because those hunts overlap virtually anything lol.
I don’t expect to draw in WY. I just mentioned that my app choice there was for type 1 because that takes place outside of Sept, when I should be archery hunting CO 61. All my other state app choices will revolve around Sept because I will highly likely hunt the entire 4 weeks. I tend to pass a lot waiting for older bulls and even if there aren’t many I’ll still try. I’ve had some success in lower tier units in the past. Wish more hunts would be for as long a period as your WY pronghorn. It does not influence choices in other states because those hunts overlap virtually anything lol.
Ohhh I gotcha! Yeah I archery hunt OTC normally and I tag out most years. Most of my hunting will be before and after September simply because of a fishing trip. Aug I'll be chasing WY Speedbeef
The period used for determining "10 or more" points ends with 2009, as explained in the Big Game brochure, page 19. Same time frame is also still being used for determining whether a GMU is an 80/20 or 65/35 Res/NR split. As to why, you'd have to ask the powers-that-be in the CDPW.
I am looking at page10 of this years regs. E-M-06101-M. Muzzleloader Only
76 comes to mind.
Spend time this summer if you draw a tag. WHEN YOU ONLY GET a chance in a new area it takes time to find the lay of the land. I did this a few years ago. Worked out well on the first day. My son did the same the next year. Takes time to find the right spot. And then it all changes when hunters move in. Divide Road will let you see a lot !! Hope you get a tag.. You know this years statistics are out.. Archery will take 15 points and first rifle you need 12 points. hope all goes well..
Spend time this summer if you draw a tag. WHEN YOU ONLY GET a chance in a new area it takes time to find the lay of the land. I did this a few years ago. Worked out well on the first day. My son did the same the next year. Takes time to find the right spot. And then it all changes when hunters move in. Divide Road will let you see a lot !! Hope you get a tag.. You know this years statistics are out.. Archery will take 15 points and first rifle you need 12 points. hope all goes well..
Appreciate it man. I'm not planning on getting the archery tag this year. It will be probably be 2 or 3 years so right now is just learning and scouting. I have plenty of big game tags I'm going to hopefully be drawing between then and now so that will make the wait easier luckily haha.
Been hunting Cow Elk in 61 for about 30 years. If you draw hit me up. Plenty of bulls in 61. I saw 2 last year and one the year before well over 300. All were in archery range when I saw them too. I would love to have that archery tag but at this point I would have to buy a landowners tag to have one. I'll stick to my other states for archery elk before I spend that much money on a land owner tag for now. Or OTC tags in other units.
Well I did end up drawing 61 archery. It’s my only tag this year, so will be able to devote the full four week season, plus the one before the opener, if necessary. Research has been very limited so far due to working hard to get ahead of quota at my job. I got many water tanks identified in the Southern portion of the unit, but it looks like all brush country there. Hoping to find some timbered areas where I can use my climbing tree stands some days.
Well I did end up drawing 61 archery. It’s my only tag this year, so will be able to devote the full four week season, plus the one before the opener, if necessary. Research has been very limited so far due to working hard to get ahead of quota at my job. I got many water tanks identified in the Southern portion of the unit, but it looks like all brush country there. Hoping to find some timbered areas where I can use my climbing tree stands some days.
Heck yeah man congrats! Make sure to upload some pics if ya harvest anything! I'm about a short 2 hour drive from 61, and if I'm free and ya need some help with packing out or your stuck or something let me know!
Can somebody please explain to my why the archery hunt and the early rifle hunt aren’t on the Hybrid list? They have both taken more than “ 10 points for 3 consecutive years”??
Because of money. NR tags bring in so much more money than res the CPW didn’t want to lose the $. Not saying it is right but there is no other explanation. I suspect that will be corrected in the next 5 year plan
Anybody use an ebike in this unit? I want to buy one though I’d only use it two months/year. Figured this would be a good time. In time for this hunt.
I would rather have a quiet dirt bike that an ebike. You can likely cover more and rougher country with a dirt bike…although it won’t be as quiet getting you there.
The quiet part is mandatory for me. I’ll just hike whatever the difference is. I’m used to that. Never owned an ATV, but backpack hunted often. More my style. Just want to expand my range a bit. 95% archery.
There is very little terrain in 61 that you can take an ebike that you can’t take a <50” atv. If you aren’t already a capable mountain bike rider an ebike won’t gain you much access to the few trails that don’t allow motorized Travel.

Edit: you can take an ebike on singletrack that allows motors but not on singletrack that does not allow motors in the GMUG National Forest
Another issue is the vehicle I’ll be driving is a Toyota 4Runner in pristine condition. I’m used to driving my beaters through sage & oak brush that scratched up the side panels routinely. Don’t want to do that with this vehicle. So figure an ebike could help avoid that. I can scout/hunt 5 weeks and typically camp 4 days then head to town one day to rest/check in at work. So I could recharge batteries those days.
Plan is to use my 4Runner + hiking for most of the getting around. Ebike would just be to supplement travel. I would even backpack a spike camp if I found some place that would warrant that. Did exchange PM’s with a couple locals that used ebikes extensively for their 61 bow hunt last year. Said they even had two ATV’s but never used them.
Your realistically 3 to 5 years from drawing a 61 archery tag and you’re 50/50ish at best at first rifle for next year. Honestly that first rifle tag isn’t nearly what it used to be with the inception of the early rifle tag. Majority of the “bigger” bulls will be long dead by the time archery, Muzzy and early rifle finish up or they will be off the cows and be hiding out out in the desert country. I personally hate having only 5 days to hunt on those first rifle tags. I’d honestly advise you to start digging into 40 more and putting some time into it. A ambitious individual who isn’t afraid of a cliff or two can really strike gold there, especially on the later rifle season hunts before a lot of the bulls make their way into Utah to winter.
Looks like that hunt is increasing 1 point every 2 years. Had believe that will be a 20 point hunt for residents in 10 years.
Looks like that hunt is increasing 1 point every 2 years. Had believe that will be a 20 point hunt for residents in 10 years.
Honestly surprises me that 61 can still some what produce like it does when those bulls are hunted relentlessly form archery, Muzzy, early rifle, second rifle, third rifle and 4th rifle…if they managed it like the NW corner the place could be absolutely incredible.
Bigger towns in the area, more business for locals most likely. Seems like that is what the locals told them in some regional meetings a long time ago.
Honestly surprises me that 61 can still some what produce like it does when those bulls are hunted relentlessly form archery, Muzzy, early rifle, second rifle, third rifle and 4th rifle…if they managed it like the NW corner the place could be absolutely incredible.
I’d also like to see 62 included in the limited hunt units. It’s got better habitat then 61 . Side by side those units would produce some great bulls.
Always made me wonder how many times people “hunting 62” venture on the wrong side of the divide road…
Back in 94, I had a mulie tag in 61. I had taken a decent buck, my first mulie. Was in camp on the Tongue when the game warden came by. If I remember right his name was Ron Arant. He checked my buck, license etc., then said he had to go down into the basin below because some folks were hunting down there without a unit 61 tag. Over the next hour there were at least four vehicles that came up out of the basin. I heard most had received tickets!
Lots of bear too. This guy from yesterday, had a volleyball sized bloody wound on his left hip. He only ran about 50 yards when I bumped him and then stopped. I threw a rock and that just made him vocalize his displeasure with me
Lots of bear too. This guy from yesterday, had a volleyball sized bloody wound on his left hip. He only ran about 50 yards when I bumped him and then stopped. I threw a rock and that just made him vocalize his displeasure with meView attachment 81001
Seems like the bears are finally coming back to being well populated in the NW/W side of the state after that big disease kill a few years back.
I’d also like to see 62 included in the limited hunt units. It’s got better habitat then 61 . Side by side those units would produce some great bulls.
Dear Santa… Please!

Making 62 a Quality/LE unit would definitely be a win IMO. It’s stupid to manage a herd so differently based on the divide road.
Dear Santa… Please!

Making 62 a Quality/LE unit would definitely be a win IMO. It’s stupid to manage a herd so differently based on the divide road.
Local towns said no the last time their input was asked for. They did not want to lose all the income from hunters.

But I agree 100% it should be done. It would be an amazing place to hunt if they did that.

Again, first hurdle that has to be crossed: Make all elk licenses limited. Then start chipping away at the number of tags they allow.
Resident go camping in there this summer a few times. Good place to camp and learn the here.
A 62 1st rifle tag I had obtained was the only tag I ever sent back to Colorado. Ultimately decided I was not interested in that zoo of a unit.

And I’ve hunted OTC archery several times elsewhere in the state and would again.
Seems like the bears are finally coming back to being well populated in the NW/W side of the state after that big disease kill a few years back.
My amateur but experienced eye says bear numbers are down here in the sw part of the state. I see far less sign. Everyone having a tag in their pocket last year helped (y)

In a couple of years we might even see some more deers and elks.:)
Local towns said no the last time their input was asked for. They did not want to lose all the income from hunters.

But I agree 100% it should be done. It would be an amazing place to hunt if they did that.

Again, first hurdle that has to be crossed: Make all elk licenses limited. Then start chipping away at the number of tags they allow.
Shoot if they made all elk license limited 62 would point creep into a decent unit… well depending on amount of tags sold… if they are selling 1k a year it would be tough, but with a few hundred it would jump to a 3/4 pointer quick

Colorado Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Rocky Mountain Ranches

Hunt some of the finest ranches in N.W. Colorado. Superb elk, mule deer, and antelope hunting.

Frazier Outfitting

Great Colorado elk hunting. Hunt the backcountry of unit 76. More than a hunt, it's an adventure!

CJ Outfitters

Hunt Colorado's premier trophy units, 2, 10 and 201 for trophy elk, deer and antelope.

Allout Guiding & Outfitting

Offering high quality mule deer, elk, bear and cougar hunts in Colorado units 40 and 61.

Ivory & Antler Outfitters

Hunt trophy elk, mule deer, moose, antelope, bear, cougar and turkey on both private land and BLM.

Urge 2 Hunt

We offer both DIY and guided hunts on large ranches all over Colorado for archery, muzzleloader and rifle hunts.

Hunters Domain

Colorado landowner tags for mule deer, elk and antelope. Tags for other states also available.

Flat Tops Elk Hunting

For the Do-It-Yourself hunters, an amazing cabin in GMU 12 for your groups elk or deer hunt.

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