Unreasonable an illogical!


Long Time Member
Some of you may have noticed I don't post on here much anymore. It's probably the same reason I don't like to teach handicapped kids but instead prefer high ability learners. The rewards are less for me with the kids that don't get it. With that said I believe many posters on here much like the resource kid struggle with the developments in modern society and politics. Ziggers post caught my attention. The post concerning the hatred of Bush. I have no idea why anyone would hate Bush he was totally overwhelmed by the presidency in my opinion but is a good man and person.

With the my premise that Bush accomplished little positives as president some of you still insist that Obama has accomplished nothing. I'll give you my list Obama's 10 IMO best accomplishments and you give me the list of what Bush accomplished. No B.S. Obama wants your guns, he's a Muslim, he wasn't born in the U.S., he mishandled Benghazi, or any other of Manny's tin hat dribble but actual facts of why you feel Bush rates higher than Obama as president. By the way Obama is about a "C" about the same as Bush.

1. The ACA isn't the disaster you are claiming it is. Implementation was terrible and ill prepared, but it is beginning the process of health care reform which the executive and legislative branch has been looking at since the 70's.

2. The numbers vary but during Obama's administration 3.9 million private sector jobs have been created to date. That is more than the 8 years of the Bush administration.

3. Wall Street had decided it was regulation free the Dodd-Frank reform Act is an attempt to pull back some of the power.

4. Iraq was a disaster which we needed to get out of, we are no longer there.

5. The restucting of the auto industry was controversial no doubt but the industry was saved and for the first time in 27 years the big 3 automotive companies are actually increasing market shares over foreign auto makers.

6. The government quit subsidizing large banks by ending the implementation of the program through the banks.

7. How can you dislike helping out the veterans? The veterans affairs budget was increased 16% in 2010, 10% in 2011. (Yes I know a lot of wounded disabled vets came home, who caused that?)
Because of the change in veterans benefits program 78% now qualify for tuition for college or tech training. This doesn't even mention the tax credit allowed now for hiring a veteran.

8. The sanctions on Iraq appear to be working at least we haven't sent more troops to die in that crap hole.

9. Bush's signature program No Child Left Behind was ended. Find me one positive by a reputable source on that the billions of dollars spent on NCLB weren't money wasted.

10. Were not in war in Syria no doubt in my mind Shooter Cheney would have had Bush pull the trigger an as week as he was he wouldn't have been able to resist.

That was more thinking than I like to do. Someone prove me wrong, use your brain and give a realistic answer not your typical canned response. It's to bad AA is smoking a pipe or something he would have to bite on this.
1. The ACA cannot be judged until all of the employer mandates are working. Might also be nice to know exactly how many people are paying, how many are free on medicaid and how many young people are really paying premiums.

2. 3.9 million new jobs yet the unemployment number is still at 7.5% not counting those that stopped trying. Bush unemployment was 4.7%.

3. Wall Street is still stealing money and is the latest bubble. It is going down.

4. Great job in Iraq. Pulled all of the troops out and gaver it back to Iran/Al Quiada.

6. You think the bank bailouts worked? Try to get a loan as a small business. They are killing the recovery.

8. There are no Iraq sanctions so you must mean Iran. I do think the Iran deal may just work out.
Forgot #10- I seem to remember that Obama had us on the brink of war due to his dumbass red line speech and Putin actually saved the day and forced him to stop the war talk.
1. Good valid points. I would expect better than has occurred.

2. 6.7 percent unemployment released last week. 4.7 was the lowest but regardless who was in power it was going up with the melt down.

3. Wall Street has always played above the rules but rules an effort are better than a blind eye on the situation..

4. If we stayed in Iraq for 20 years and lost thousands of men would that have changed the situation.

6. I think it beat the alternative.

8. Correct I meant Iran.
Cornhusker I though you were a educated man and here you come on here and still defend the idiot you voted for after all his failures and not keeping his word on just about everything.
Where in tarnation is your common sense. This is not about Bush if he was good or bad, this is about Obama and his record which is dismal at best and about more repeated coverups in the history of any president I can think of.

Defending Obama is comparable to defending Charlie Manson and saying he was a poor mistreated youth.

If Obama cured cancer you wingnuts would find a problem with it. he was too late, it costs too much, it's too cheap, blacks get treatment too, it's not the governments role. something.

It all comes down to sad little people who aren't getting their way. you really can't say why you hate him without interjecting BS into your story but you're not going to let that stop you.
Once again, only facts now , why hate the man?

Stay thirsty my friends
It is not a matter of hating the man. It is a matter of hating what he has done as president. If you can not see what his piss poor record is, then you are too blind to argue with.
Now even the New York Times is calling him the most secretive president they have known. This is from a paper that endorsed him both times. I guess that leaves you and Cornhusker the only ones that can be blind enough to continue your support of the biggest con man ever elected to that Office.
He now makes even Tricky Dicky seem like a piker for pulling the con act.

>It is not a matter of
>hating the man. It is
>a matter of hating what
>he has done as president.
>If you can not see
>what his piss poor record
>is, then you are too
>blind to argue with.
> Now even
>the New York Times is
>calling him the most secretive
>president they have known. This
>is from a paper that
>endorsed him both times. I
>guess that leaves you and
>Cornhusker the only ones that
>can be blind enough to
>continue your support of the
>biggest con man ever elected
>to that Office.
> He now
>makes even Tricky Dicky seem
>like a piker for pulling
>the con act.
I didn't defend Obama I simply explained that it is unreasonable an illogical to state that Obama has accomplished nothing. I listed what I felt were his top 10 accomplishment at least Glen explained what he thought was faulty concerning the list.

Comparison of the way one president functions is logical and always occurs, since Bush was the previous president it is the obvious comparison. Obama is similar presidents of the last 30 years probably not as effective as Clinton or as honest as Bush 1 but similar to Bush 2 an in my opinion more effective.

What were significant accomplishments of any of the 3 presidents before Obama? Give me a list I might agree.
>1. The ACA isn't the disaster
>you are claiming it is.
> Implementation was terrible and
>ill prepared, but it is
>beginning the process of health
>care reform which the executive
>and legislative branch has been
>looking at since the 70's.

The ACA is actually worse than it's being portrayed. Doctors are retiring in record numbers. People planning on Med school are now looking for alternatives. Insurance rates are going up even faster than before. The quality of health care is dropping faster than Obamas poll numbers. This country is heading headlong into a health care disaster. Sara Palin's "death panels" might have been inflammatory wording, but the premise is true. Within a few years, most of the country will be subject to government employees deciding if they get life saving care, or if they are just to old and expensive to treat.
>2. The numbers vary but during
>Obama's administration 3.9 million private
>sector jobs have been created
>to date. That is
>more than the 8 years
>of the Bush administration.
So Obama created 3.9 million jobs, and lost 20 million.
There are 20 million fewer people working today then when your hero took office.
I know, I know, it's Bush's fault, right ? Give me a break

>3. Wall Street had decided
>it was regulation free the
>Dodd-Frank reform Act is an
>attempt to pull back some
>of the power.

The only thing Wall Street has decided is that they like it when Obama borrows money from other countries and pumps the market
>4. Iraq was a disaster which
>we needed to get out
>of, we are no longer
We are no longer there because we pulled out exactly on the Bush/Cheney time table. Possibly the only thing Obama has done right is follow Bush/Cheney policy on Iran/Afghanistan to the letter.
>5. The restucting of the auto
>industry was controversial no doubt
>but the industry was saved
>and for the first time
>in 27 years the big
>3 automotive companies are actually
>increasing market shares over foreign
>auto makers.
Obama didn't "restructure" anything, he stole it from the investors, and then pumped it up with tax payer money that he borrowed. Crap, Pewe Herman could be a great rocket scientist if you stole the rocket science industry and gave it to him along with a check for 50 billion.
>6. The government quit subsidizing large
>banks by ending the implementation
>of the program through the
I got nothing, but I'm skeptical
>7. How can you dislike
>helping out the veterans?
>The veterans affairs budget was
>increased 16% in 2010, 10%
>in 2011. (Yes I
>know a lot of wounded
>disabled vets came home, who
>caused that?)
>Because of the change in veterans
>benefits program 78% now qualify
>for tuition for college or
>tech training. This doesn't
>even mention the tax credit
>allowed now for hiring a
So lets see if I have this right, Obama screws the veterans over and over (and over and over) again. The he does one thing for them and you want to throw a ticker tape parade ? Ask a veteran.
>8. The sanctions on Iraq appear
>to be working at least
>we haven't sent more troops
>to die in that crap
Like I said above, Bush/Cheney policy to the letter
>9. Bush's signature program No
>Child Left Behind was ended.
> Find me one positive
>by a reputable source on
>that the billions of dollars
>spent on NCLB weren't money
Ask any kid, or the parent of any school age kid about public education under Obama's education department. They can tell you all about it.
>10. Were not in war
>in Syria no doubt in
>my mind Shooter Cheney would
>have had Bush pull the
>trigger an as week as
>he was he wouldn't have
>been able to resist.
No thanks to Obama
>That was more thinking than I
>like to do. Someone
>prove me wrong, use your
>brain and give a realistic
>answer not your typical canned
>response. It's to bad
>AA is smoking a pipe
>or something he would have
>to bite on this.
Why don't you use YOUR brain and give us something that isn't cut and pasted from the DNC web site.
Anaconda I'll commend you on an effort it is one I disagree with but a quality effort regardless. For the record I haven't been to the DNC or the RNC website since 2012 before the election. If you think that has been copied and pasted you obviously missed some of my grammar mistakes I also missed until I retread it.

1. This is typical Teabagger rhetoric, not true but if you say it enough someone will believe it.

2. Working Americans latest figures a little over 131 million Bureau of labor. That means it would have to be greater than 151 million in 2007 yet several sites list workers in 2007 at 121 million or 124 million. I'm not sure why the discrepancy but both are not the 20 million loss you stated.

3. You obviously have not read Dodd-Frank which I find complex reading but does lead to more Wall Street control.

4. Who signed off on the actual withdrawal plan? Gen. David Patraeus quit reading www.rightwing news.com they are biased.

5. Did the one of the main industries in the country the auto industry survive an now thrive or not? Look it up first increase in U.S. Shares of auto industry.

6. It is a fact if you doubt it research it.

7. Some veterans approve of Obama some don't my dad 82 Korean War veterans dislikes him because of less health care benefits.. The number of veterans at C.C. In technical areas machinists, mechanics, electricians up from 17 percent of students to 31 percent. (Partly because of the economy and because a large number didn't reenlist.)

8. Mistyped on initial post we have no sanctions against Iran it was supposed to be Iraq. The Bush/Cheney would have been war not sanctions.

9. I can explain it to you it involves national core standards I deal with it daily and hate it the only thing good about it is it's better than NCLB.

10. So if the Commander and Chief didn't make the decision not to send the cruise missiles who did?
I'm more concerned with the competence of who's educating our children......

When you go swimming in the ocean, it is very cold, and it makes my willy small
Cornhusker you threw down the glove and I am going to pick it up and slap you across the face.
Anyone can do a web search under the heading of " Obama's failed promises" and they will find up to 23 reasons to not support or even believe Obama and his minons on anything they say they will do for the good of this country.

But that web site that lists 23 broken promises or outright lies is wrong as I can think of a 24th example. While on his first campaign trail in 2007. Obama faced a large audience in San Diego that had a fair amount of Hispanic persons present. During his speech he promised them that he would make getting a comprehensive immigration program his HIGHEST PRIORTY. Well here it is 6 years later and it appears he forgot all about that promise as he did many others.

How anyone can come on here and defend such a liar as Obama is beyound having any sense and borders on complete lack of real intelligence.

Cornhusker you open this thread by stating you have not been on this site for awhile due to " I don't like to teach handicapped kids, but prefer high ability learners".
If anyone shows a lack of being a high ability learner it is you for your continual support or defense of a man that has shown by his own words to be a liar at worse or having a total lack of backing up his word and you fail to be able to see this.

It should be you that needs to sit in my son's class of mentally challeged children in the hopes of gaining some resemblance of sufficent intelligence to guide you in your voting and support of worthwhile candidates as your record so far is dismal at best.

I was going to list all 23 examples, but decided it would be futile in swaying you and some others and I felt it was not worth my time. Well I really felt that some of you was not worth my time to list the broken promises as it will not do any good.

Cornhusker, in response to your post #11, number by number;

#1 Not true you say ? Ask ANY Doctor, nurse or anyone else in the medical or medical insurance field, anyone who isn't posed to make money from the ACA. Anyone, anytime, anywhere in this country. I have ask the question, and it's true, the ACA is a major disaster already, and it will do nothing but get worse. Don?t believe me ? Then why are dozens of Democrats, who are up for re-election, running away as fast as they can ? That fact alone proves my point. Case closed, you loose.

#2 Would that be Obamas Dept of Labor ? Obama twists the un-employment numbers. He has been since day one of his administration. The real number is the number of working age Americans (18-65) minus the numbers of working age Americans (18-65) who have full time employment, and minus those who have a real disability. Your right, that number isn't 20%, it's closer to 35%. You and Obama can twist the numbers anyway you want when you refuse to use the real numbers.

#3 Do you really think Obama has reined in wall street ? Really ? And at the same time the liberals keep complaining that ?the Rich get richer/income inequity? ect, ect??..
Make up your mind, you can't have it both ways (although Obama tries to have just about everything both ways)

#4 Who signed off on the plan ???? Who wrote the plan ? Bush/Cheney doctrine to the letter.

#5 This isn't rocket science Corn. When a win is bought and paid for, is isn't a win, it's a purchase.

If I went to a game farm and shot a 450? bull and a 250 Mule deer, and Obama footed the bill would you call me a great hunter ? So Obama stole GM from it's rightful owners, and then gave it to his political supporters, and gave them a ton (actually several tons) of tax payer money, and we are expected to be excited they are making cars again ?

#6 It's a fact is it ? Well considering your tract record on posting so called ?Facts? I think I'll remain just a bit skeptical.

#7 Some veterans approve of Obama and some don't ? Lets try 3 or 4% approve and over 90% don't. Once again, the facts speak for themselves (Res ipsa loquitur)

#8 I thought you might be speaking of Iran and not Iraq.
Sooooooo, lets see, how is Obama doing. We have lifted the sanctions, and in response Iran is accelerating there nuclear program, working faster on an atomic bomb, and laughing at us and Obama, the dumbest man on the planet.

#9 You can't explain it, but you deal with it every day ? Cornhusker, do you make a living from the public educational system ? Can you say ?vested interest? ?

I agree NCLB was bad, but the public education system has NOT improved, from the student/parent prospective. We are still graduating kids from high school who can't add or subtract two digit numbers, or identify their own congressman from a photo.

#10 Cornhusker said;
(So if the Commander and Chief didn't make the decision not to send the cruise missiles who did?)

Vladimir Putin and the U.S. Senate, both Republicans and Democrats, that's who.
Won't who wins the election in 2016 be a good indication of how bad or how good Obama has done?

You can shoot your mouth off until it bleeds and you have, but the proof is in who wins. ask McCain how it goes when you follow a loser.

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-14 AT 08:09PM (MST)[p]The dittoheads and fox news lovers sure stick out on this one.
Actually Obama has done a fair job of cleaning up that horrid mess the rightwingers gave us.
Fair isn't great, or even good, but its a lot better than doubling down and really destroying the country.

Obama is now going on offense a little, and its going to put a crimp in any more of those, "tax cuts for the rich, poverty for the poor" rightwing policies.
Good for him.
Piper you are about as stupid as a turtle hiding in his shell. Obama is not going on the offense. He is pulling in his hole trying to stop leaks because he is beginning to believe that he can not always depend on the liberal press to cover for him anymore.
One reason for the NY times editorial about him getting very secretive. P. T. Barnum had folks like you in mind when he said there is a fool born every minute. You are his poster child.

440 said;
>Won't who wins the election in
>2016 be a good indication
>of how bad or how
>good Obama has done?

The 10 commandments of logic;

#10 Thou shall not claim that because a premise is popular, therefore it must be true. (Bandwagon fallacy)
Bush being reelected is proof of that isn't it?

We're talking politics here, the winner is the one who wins. Obama won twice, Hillary will win after him. so he can't be that bad.

You wingnuts have to resort to the Beck and Limbagh style BS to blur the debate because you can't win on your own merits.

Stay thirsty my friends

When you go swimming in the ocean, it is very cold, and it makes my willy small
I'm like the republicans I'm not thar interested in who wins. It will be difficult for republicans to win the presidency until changes are made within the RNC that is a fact it can't be logically argued. If the republicans want to win again they will move to the middle as the voters have.

Relh I'm sure you realize the Senate has passed an immigration reform bill and in June 2011 or 10 I'm on my phone and can't check, Obama urged the house to pass the reform in a speech that followed. Off topic but any person that can work with handicapped kids like your son has my utmost respect, it's simply not in my DNA.

Anaconda we could debate this forever and counter each other with no change. The only point I will address Commander an Chief still controls the missiles not Congressional Democrats or Vladmir Putin.

Zigger I agree I'm concerned on who is teaching the nations kids in many cases it's not good. I'm near the end and can retire when I choose I continue because it is one of my hobbies as much as my job.

The post was, it is unreasonable expectations that all would be grand if McCain Romney or someone else sat in the Oval Office. The second point is many statements that Obama is the worst president in history is illogical an inaccurate I still feel Obama is average as most recent presidents have been.
YBO, I work in construction, different things, this is a very small town so you have to be versatile, probably work till I drop. No inheritance here, just hard work. I probably should have went to work for some sort of state or local government, would be fat, happy and getting a pension by now, but that is hind site.

I believe thats why it made me so sick to see what the rightwingers did to the economy after Clintons term, hurting all those people and tearing the country down. Vote for me, Im gonna give us a tax cut was the cry, and vote we did.

That's why the rightwing medical system is so devastating to many of us, not only to our health and longevity as Americans, but to the economy in our country, all so some rich people can get richer.
The wingnuts always claim everything would be perfect if they had been in control. my question is, since they have been in control many times and things never went any better why would anyone with an IQ over 15 claim that or believe that?

It's too soon to judge Obama because he has 3 years left, but short of a major wreck it's going to take a wild imagination to say he didn't do a better job than Bush. our wingnuts may not understand this, but the polls and approval ratings clearly show america does.

That's not to say Obama is great, he just doesn't suck as bad. and that's all it takes to be a winner these days.

Stay thirsty my friends
was Bob Dole a right winger???....was John McCain a right winger???....was Mitt Romney a right winger????....htf did they do in the elections????.....GWB won because he was portrayed as a right winger....he sure turned out not to be one.

I will agree with you leftist clowns that the GOP needs to change to ever win another white house...but not in the direction you clowns want.

You fools have Hillary....let us right wingers pick who we want.

When you go swimming in the ocean, it is very cold, and it makes my willy small
pick a tea party nut and get laughed out of the election, pick someone who talks about controlling government spending the right way and you might get somewhere, Chris Christie or even Scott Walker are viable.
Okay D13er , who would you nominate given your choice?

After you answer that, what do you figure his chances would be against Hillary?

So would you rather have a RINO like Christie win? or your dreamboat lose ? there you go.

If you think a far right conservative has a chance in hell of winning a national election you're as goofy as Manny.

You can hate Hillary for being an older not attractive woman , but that discribes 90% of your mothers. better enjoy yourselves now why you can bash Obama without hitting so close to home, who has a black muslim satan at the christmas dinner table right? 3 years left, enjoy .

Stay thirsty my friends
Zigger the problem as I see it is I and many others would just as soon not vote for Hillary since the majority isn't left wing. The republicans need to nominate a viable candidate that can win. By the way I'm no longer an independent I'm a republican so that I can vote in the primary, 3rd district rep. Ret. Col.. Tom Brewer.
So you went on down to the devils lair? Funny, Im a registered republic too, even though I can't stand most of them.
I've generally been listed as an independent but with a closed primary I changed to vote May 13th. Google colonel Tom Brewer he's quite a man he isn't a career politician as my current Represenative is.
In my county if you're not a republican they burn crosses in your yard. I always have been one.

On state and local levels I vote republican 90% of the time. since the west side of my state makes up 86% of the population and they're a bunch of hippies it self preservation to vote conservative.

Stay thirsty my friends
>In my county if you're not
>a republican they burn crosses
>in your yard. I always
>have been one.
>On state and local levels I
>vote republican 90% of the
>time. since the west side
>of my state makes up
>86% of the population and
>they're a bunch of hippies
>it self preservation to vote
>Stay thirsty my friends
That's good to hear I thought you serious about voting for Hillary.
Piper-we are in the same boat. At 52 I had my industry go away and bought a custom furniture company. After paying it off in 2008 for $852000 the crash cut the revenue in half and killed us financially. I hung in there, kept my guys working and lived like a pauper. Now the biz is getting strong agsain. I don't resent the rich getting richer. I do blame the crash on Clinton and the democrats who forced Fannie/Freddie to make loans to illegals and McDonalds workers who lied about their incomes. You all know what brought the economy down.
So, the six years of full control the republicans had prior to the meltdown were not enough to fix Frank and Dodd's mistakes? I've heard lots of whining about Obamacare but not a whimper about the Frank/Dodd . all I remember is Bush patting himself on the back for our great economy, right up until the crash.

Can't blame you for trying can we.

264 it doesn't matter if I vote for Hillary or not. if she runs she wins. rather than whine at me you should be trying to find a rino to replace Christie if you want to even have a slim chance against her.

Stay thirsty my friends

You realize that the very same things were being said about NCLB as are being said about the ACA. "That it isn't perfect but we have to start somewhere and then fix it"

I agree there is a level of illogical thought in disliking everything Obama does. I stated over and over to the Bush haters to be careful in their hate because when their guy gets in office the tables will be turned and they will be having to deal is illogical hatred just like Bush did. It handicaps every president. You can pretend that the Democrats are above bad behavior but the record doesn't bear that out. Google "Bush is Hitler" and tell me there wasn't illogical thoughts from the Bush haters.

I think there is ample evidence that more wealth has been transferred to the rich under Obama then ever under Bush and it has been done by the monetary policy of the FED Chairman while being cheered on by Obama. The savings class has been destroyed with zero interest rates and that money has percolated through the markets and is now in the hands of the investor class, who are making mountains of money. That if left wing, Keynesian cheap money policy and has nothing to do with the hated right

The reason unemployment is down is because so many people have dropped out of the work force.


I don't think I give Obama a win on Syria because has lost all credibility with the players by drawing redlines and then then watching everybody give him the finger as they step over the redlines. In Bill Clinton's Words, "he is such an amateur"

I happen to think his personal story should inspire people and it shows the upward mobility is still possible. When the history books are written he will get low marks for his handling of the NSA, Foreign Policy blunders and blundering the roll out of the ACA.

Are you aware that the Healthcare.gov website aggregator has not transmitted a single accurate application to insurance carriers since the 18th of December? All the January 1st business being touted has not been activated because the back end of the system has not been built? The government just let a no bid $90 million contract for the building of the back end of Healthcare.gov and it won't be in place any time soon. 4.5 million people have has their plans canceled and onl 2.6 have so far replaced their plans.

It isn't a success yet and there is a long way to go to call it a success.

As always Ne.Mont a voice of reason. I do agree that similarities exist in NCLB and the ACA, much of the same rhetoric on the two laws. Throughout much of my life we have had healthcare that has burdened the middle class with increasing cost of new programs and increased premiums to meet the cost increases. I have fortunately survived that as my wife has better company provided insurance than mine. Most presidents of the modern era have attempted to address the issue, most have failed. I don't see the ACA as viable the way it is now established but I see it as a step to solving this problem. What that might entail I have no idea.

The hatred of Obama is no worse than the hatred of Bush IMO. I also feel that both are illogical as I understand you do as well. I was on MM throughout the Bush terms of office, I disagreed with many of his actions but didn't question his character as I don't Obama's.

I do realize the FED has pumped up the markets this is a concern to me as I fall into your savers class.

The horizontal axis on the graph I'm assuming is millions of people searching for work each month. I'm not sure I believe the fact that people just say I've looked for work long enough I quit. They don't quit eating or paying rent. Unemployment benefits eventually run out. My knowledge of welfare society is fairly limited, but my belief is eventually benefits are cut off as well.

Are you aware that the Healthcare.gov website aggregator has not transmitted a single accurate application to insurance carriers since the 18th of December? All the January 1st business being touted has not been activated because the back end of the system has not been built? The government just let a no bid $90 million contract for the building of the back end of Healthcare.gov and it won't be in place any time soon. 4.5 million people has their plans cancelled and only 2.6 have so far replaced their plans.

No I wasn't aware that not a single accurate application had went to a carrier since December 18th. I was aware of the no bid site contract which I don't approve of. It was a panic of the worst kind but at that point probably the only stopgap measure available.

Overall a thought provoking post with something to think about and mull over thanks.
The graph showed up but not the info to understand what it shows.

It is the labor participation rate. It is the lowest it has been since I think 19



Now instead of waiting on Welfare, people go onto Social Security Disability.


I think it is 195 consecutive months that the numbers for Social Security Disability has increased.

Think about the long term unemployed, we are told our economy will be destroyed if UE payments end for the long term unemployed. I agree we should help people but at some point there has to be a willingness to move or accept something else. That isn't happening, when one set of benefits dry up they move onto another.

I work with an employer who has grown from 10 employees in 2000 to just having hired their 500th this month. They are desperate for workers and offer not only good wages where a guy can start out making $45,000 plus with over time and after even a couple of years will be making $60,000 plus. All they have to do is show up on time and work. No degree required and they will train anyone willing to work.

They had a job fair and got 61 applicants, 24 of them failed the drug test and couldn't be hired, 12 of them quit after a week and after a month of the 61 applicants there were 8 still working. You tell me what happens to these people. Yes they still eat, still do about what they did when they didn't have a job.

As for Obama. Two things I have an opinion on, he is a terrible legislator because he doesn't strong arm congress at all and his leadership skills are horrible IMO. I think he is a good guy and appears to be a good father.

I disagree with a lot of his policy decisions and from everything I read this White House is the most insular and secretive and least accessible White House anybody alive can remember.


It is funny how all we heard is that GWB and Cheney had secret everything but that isn't fact compared to this White House. Obama has enhanced almost every single Bush era spy programs, data collection program and eavesdropping there is. If he were a Republican the press would be outraged by it but because he is a Democrat the press could careless about what he does.

FOX seems to care plenty about what he does, watch them and see.

I can't argue this isn't going well, but I have to ask what are the republicans doing to fix it ? and will they go for an UE extension?

I see plenty of problems, but I don't see any good guys trying to correct them. on either side.

Stay thirsty my friends
NeMont I admit that the only reason I participate on this post is for hopes of some good thoughts and good info. Thanks for some good info to dwell on. I need to think on that. The lack of accountability for The Obama spy programs is a valid point, I really hadn't thought about as Bush was really nailed on this and rightly so.

I have heard some of the same thoughts on the ability to hire people who show up everyday and pass random drug tests. I will plead ignorance on how people work the entitlement system as I truly don't know.

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