Utah general archery


Well I'm sure I'll catch some flack for this, but I believe it?ll be a big help to me if I can get some experienced answers. I'm trying to decide what unit to apply for this year for Utah general archery. All that I am asking is a recommendation of a unit/units that have the potential to hold 170? type deer with some work, and that you are able to glass a lot and spot and stalk. Whether that's from a road or packed in 8 miles at 11k ft. I have 1 point. This will be my first archery deer tag and I feel I know mule deer well, I've only ever had 2 tags and both of which are on 190?+ deer and I've helped multiple buddies kill deer anywhere from 170-210?. Just looking to determine what unit to apply for based on the type of hunt I prefer. I will have one good friend with me, we hunt together on virtually every hunt whether we both have tags or not and work together well. I will plan on at least one (hopefully 2-3) summer scouting trips that are a few days each, and we plan to show up to the unit about 5 days early. I was heavily leaning towards the beaver unit but after hearing so many bad things the last year or two I'm reluctant to apply there. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated, if you would rather pm them that is fine also. I'm truly in no way looking for peoples ?spots?, just want to have an enjoyable hunt and have only spent time in 3-4 units in Utah and all of which are LE. Thanks again guys!
If you are not familiar with any I would pick the unit I could spend the most time scouting on and hunt it. Best type of scouting is the kind where your boots are on the ground. Especially since you said you "truly in no way looking for peoples ?spots?"
I'm not looking for peoples spots at all. Just hoping someone who lives in Utah could help me with a unit that can offer the certain type of hunt I'm after. Pretty much all the units I've been looking at are 4+ hours from me so there's not much difference in scouting time. The units near me are LE and the two generals are units I would really prefer not to hunt during archery.
I would expect pretty heavy tag cuts in the southern part of the state. IMO the northern units are fairing much better than the southern half. The Wasatch units hold bucks if you are willing to work you can find those type of bucks in the high country. 170 in any general unit is a tall order anymore.
Box Elder. I've heard every unit in this state could be the Henry's if we CUT TAGS. Box Elder is usually unsubscribed. Same as Wasatch West.

Honestly though. Asking guys where 170 bucks are? Good luck.

Why not just hunt same unit for a few years and see for yourself?

UTAH is about 60% public, enjoy the fall.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I see no reason for this thread.

You know the type of terrain that you like to hunt.

Start there and begin your study.

I am sure there are far better spots to hunt than where I hunt. But I have so much time (years) invested in the area that I do hunt, that I don't see a reason to go elsewhere. I do not kill big bucks where I hunt but they are there.

Asking for specifics such as "170 class" is laughable. Hope you're not serious about that comment because it sounds ridiculous.

For general season, you better be happy with just getting out and enjoying whats left of God's creations.

Good luck on your armchair quest for the 170" buck spot.

Happiness while hunting can be found in other ways besides a score/inches.
I can tell you where you don't want to spend your time.. that might be as much help as telling you where I think you should spend time. The Fillmore
Pahvant general season unit. I am not a doom and gloom guy but a realist. There are good bucks on that unit but EXTREMELY FEW AND FAR BETWEEN. I've hunted this unit in my youth and it was amazing. That is not how it is now... 20-30 scouting days and 15-20 days of hunting this year and the best buck was 170-175. 10-15 cameras that were taken care of throughout the entire summer and not one big buck touched them. These cameras were in areas where the only access was horseback or hiking. We spent time on both the north and south end of this unit. This is a unit that used to hold the bucks you are after. There are better units. Again I won't give info on units that I don't have first hand experience. But this unit is struggling right now and I don't want to see you waste your time. I turned back my dedicated hunter tag and forfeited my last two years on the unit. I hope this helps. There are better units than this one for sure.
>I see no reason for this
>You know the type of terrain
>that you like to hunt.
>Start there and begin your study.
>I am sure there are far
>better spots to hunt than
>where I hunt. But I
>have so much time (years)
>invested in the area that
>I do hunt, that I
>don't see a reason to
>go elsewhere. I do not
>kill big bucks where I
>hunt but they are there.
>Asking for specifics such as "170
>class" is laughable. Hope you're
>not serious about that comment
>because it sounds ridiculous.
>For general season, you better be
>happy with just getting out
>and enjoying whats left of
>God's creations.
>Good luck on your armchair quest
>for the 170" buck spot.
>Happiness while hunting can be found
>in other ways besides a

What a helpful answer ? I remember back when the guys on this forum were relatively helpful and willing to share extremely basic knowledge. I'll continue my armchair quest (which has more than been filled multiple times) while you continue to shoot rags and further decrease deer hunting quality in Utah and across the west and validate it by saying ?can't eat the horns? or ?the freezer is full?.

Thanks to people who gave halfway decent answers, I've made a decision on what unit I'll start hunting over the next few years. Good luck to everyone in 2020 and Merry Christmas!
I would agree that every unit in the state holds a 170 buck, so pick any and go find him.
As for what units are best......we all want to know that answer! I'm trying myself which hunt and United to pick this next year.

Brian Latturner
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on Facebook!
>What a helpful answer ? I
>remember back when the guys
>on this forum were relatively
>helpful and willing to share
>extremely basic knowledge. I'll continue
>my armchair quest (which has
>more than been filled multiple
>times) while you continue to
>shoot rags and further decrease
>deer hunting quality in Utah
>and across the west and
>validate it by saying ?can't
>eat the horns? or ?the
>freezer is full?.

Any time! More than happy to share my opinion on the subject as the inches game is a pathetic way to judge an animal. If it gets you to pull the trigger than that's all that should matter so long as you treat the life you took with respect and not regret. Walking up on a buck and throwing a tape measure on it Just to find out it missed the mark is a pathetic and disrespectful way to take another life!

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