
Active Member
I am looking to put in for the north/south slope uintas west unit. Is there anybody that has drawen the tag that would like to share any info? Not really looking for any hot spots, just curious about access to where the goats are. Would you put in for the unit again? I am mostly concerned if its a 2 day hike to get in a 2 back. I am not affraid to hike, but want to make sure my son can make it, he is 10. I know he can make the hike on say timp, its just steep, but its not 15 miles in. Any help would be great, thanks.
I have some info.
How many points do you have?
I hunted it a couple years ago and my wife should be hunting it this year. (crossed fingers)


Any info would be great. Did you get a big billy? Did you need horses to get in and out? I should be able to draw this tag this year, I have 11 points, but then again I might draw my elk and not get the tag anyway. At any rate any info you are willing to share would be great.
I shot a good billy, not a huge goat but I'm happy with the hunt and proud of the trophy. With 9 days of scouting/hunting I really never saw a monster. My daughter had a desert bighorn tag last year too so I was a little pressed for time. Enough about me....

The hunt can be easy (by goat standards) or very difficult. My wife and I backpacked into an area that holds the best goats. It was a 22 mile round-trip. I ended up hunting a bit more accessable area though.

Horses would be great in many areas of the unit but we don't have them so we backpacked. We're not spring chickens either. I'm 57, wife 56!!!!!!! So, if I can do it, you can do it!

There are more specifics that I would share if I had your email or something (after you've drawn I could/would point you in the right direction's')

You'll be head-to-head with my wife for one of the bonus permits but if you draw I will share "almost" everything I know. haha

Keep in touch,
Now that you have got the scoop from the old man (ZEKE) let me share my 2 pennies.
Almost every mt goat takes his last breath on a very steep mountain and many while they topple over a 500ft. cliff. That is where they live 90% of the time.
Almost without exception, every goat hunter I have talked to says it was the most physical hunt they have ever been on. That includes some horse hunters I know.
So while you might have a cake walk like Zeke did...JK Zeke...it is more likely that you will be cliff climbing in one fashion or another. So when you are thinking about your 10 year old, keep that in mind.
I am not saying not to take him---just the opposite. My favorite partner is my son...who is now 24 and kicks my sorry butt! But also be prepared to pass on an old Billy that might be laying in an impossible cliffed-up bedroom.
Good luck to both you and Zeke's Mrs! It sounds like a blast.
Thanks again, if you are willing to share anything else and dont want to post it, my email is [email protected]

I have some friends with horses and a friend of a friend has all the stuff to outfit the hunt for a small fee, Maybe we could get together if we both draw and have the horses take us in. If you dont want to do that, I understand. I am more concerned with my son being able to make it in. Thanks again.
Oh ouch! I forgot about your 10 yr old son. It might be a little too much for him even in the "easy" areas.
There are areas that I won't take my wife into. It's just that bad. He can SEE goats from a number of places but getting him on the kill might be asking for trouble. It's tough country! They call it High Uinta wilderness for a reason. Just a thought.

I sent you an email with my contact info.

I have been in the high uintas lots of times, but most of its been further east then this unit. I am looking at this unit because of the draw odds. Is the area where the goats are that much different then timp or provo peak. I know they live mostly in the cliffs but I have seen alot of goats in other areas that are not always in the cliffs. Thanks for all of the help.


1. 54 2/8 Duchesne, UT Craig L. Rippen Craig L. Rippen 2006 18

2. 52 2/8 Piute, UT Cloys D. Seegmiller Cloys D. Seegmiller 2002 119

3. 52 Beaver, UT Patrick J. Gilligan Patrick J. Gilligan 2003 157

4. 52 Piute, UT Jimmy J. Liautaud Jimmy J. Liautaud 2006 157

5. 51 6/8 Beaver, UT Troy Christensen Troy Christensen 2001 201

6. 51 Summit, UT James N. McDonald James N. McDonald 2007 364

7. 50 6/8 Beaver, UT Patrick J. Gilligan Patrick J. Gilligan 2002 417

8. 50 2/8 Weber, UT Michael K. Christensen Michael K. Christensen 2005 568

9. 50 2/8 Weber, UT Blair R. Fogg Blair R. Fogg 2009 568

10. 50 Utah, UT John R. Karren John R. Karren 2005 654

11. 50 Utah, UT Kenneth L. Allen Kenneth L. Allen 2004 654

12. 50 Utah, UT Kirk E. Winward Kirk E. Winward 2001 654

13. 50 Piute, UT James W. Leavitt James W. Leavitt 2009 654

14. 50 Summit, UT Gary S. DeJong Gary S. DeJong 2010 654

15. 48 6/8 Duchesne, UT Hal J. Giles Hal J. Giles 2008 845

16. 48 6/8 Utah, UT John L. Lundin John L. Lundin 2002 845

17. 48 4/8 Summit, UT Gary K. Madsen Gary K. Madsen 2009 867

18. 48 2/8 Beaver, UT Eric Jensen Eric Jensen 2010 892

19. 48 Duchesne, UT John M. Wall John M. Wall 2002 921

20. 47 4/8 Beaver, UT Gary A. Durfee Gary A. Durfee 2005 973

21. 47 2/8 Beaver, UT Kim D. Graham Kim D. Graham 2007 1004

22. 47 Summit, UT George E. Walker, Jr. George E. Walker, Jr. 2008 1031

Unless a bunch of others with more points jump to that unit for those 6 bonus point tags, your wife should get her tag for sure this year for that unit with 11 points . Its been tempting for us to do as well with my wifes 15 points, but I'm thinking we'll hold out for Box Elder since its in our front yard even with that many points she probably won't be in the pool for that single bonus point tag for maybe one or two more years. But again thats depending on what the 16 pointer and other 15 pointers do this year.

You'll have to keep us posted on how her hunts goes. Its a great hunt and if you look at the harvest report its a high success hunt. BUT....Like everyone else has posted, it's a physically demanding tough hunt and you better have a good back, good knees and tough feet but with all that said its a great time. I think in any Utah Goat area, rarely a day will go by that you won't see goats. The issue is finding a shooter and finding it in a location that you can get to, recover it after she pulls the trigger without busting you guys and your goat up.

Good luck and can't wait to see the pics and hear the story this fall.
I think Darkcloud will be hunting for himself. Good luck to him. Maybe we'll compare notes after the drawing.

My wife is the gal who should be hunting the unit this year. Good luck to her. I'll probably "guide" her if she's nice to me. LOL

Your right zeke, its me with the points. Thanks for all the info guys. My wife has already got lucky with drawing a le tag way before her time. If she draws again out of turn or before me, she will be on her own or sleeping in the back yard LOL
Sorry guys, I'm pretty much ADD to the core. Read three posts at once and reply all bass-ackwards. Anyway you'll have a great hunt.

And Zeke we talked to your wife over at ML this fall when my wife and I stopped by on our way home from her elk hunt to show our two sons their mothers bull. Your wife told us then that she should be drawing her goat this year. Her and my wife rallied there for a few minutes and cussed you and I a little for putting them in for all these hunts throughout the years.

Good luck to ya all.
That sounds like our wives! LOL
She'll whine about getting the permit but she loves the huntin' and the braggin' part.

We shot a couple elk this year and just the two of us spent two days backpacking them out. She's a tough gal for sure!

Patientlywaiting, Your wifes elk was awesome!

Good luck, Zeke

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