ute hunters


Very Active Member
Just curious can utes hunt anywhere in colorado or just on the tribal ground, are they suppose to be hunting in Disappointment Valley right now? in Unit 71/711?
That probaly is a question you should be asking DWR of Colorado.
I think they can only hunt on the Rez, But I don't know for sure.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Yea Ute mountain huters can. But it is almost over Im sure. Southern utes brunot ended the 20th when the state hunts did.
After talking up a long chain of command all the way to our idiots in washington a couple of years ago they can hunt between seasons and after 4th season they can hunt until Dec.1st.
I have seen the same group of hunters year after year take many and I mean MANY decent bucks (that would be eventual great bucks) during the late hunts.
As I have been told they have no limit on brunot tags just keep going back to the chief and get another tag.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-11 AT 07:23AM (MST)[p]Disappointment creek is the the border of 70. Not that unit boundaries matter to the Burnot hunters.

I had a 4th season tag this year and was feeling the pressure from the ute hunters in disappointment. Its nice when you wait 6 years for a 5 day season and someone else is hunting before and after your season and can do it every year.

A lot of our big bucks are lost to these "hunts".

I think its BS. Where is the NAACP with this discrimination.

The mountains, not the hills.
The Burnot treaty is BS! If they want to put a limit on the number of tags and change the weapon to traditional archery only so be it, but getting to kill trophy bucks & bulls with rifles whenever they heck they want and as many as they want is WRONG! Especially since they can do this on public land when the rest of us can not.

The INDIANS stole all our land and hunting rights!
Read the MOU from the state of colarado.. "Brunot Area" means the land relinquished and conveyed by the cofedrated bands of the Ute Nation to the United States in the Brunot Agreement and upon which the United States agreed to permit the Ute Indians to hunt "so long as the game lasts and the Indians are at peace with the white people." The Inians LIVE ON "
>Read the MOU from the state
>of colarado.. "Brunot Area" means
>the land relinquished and
>conveyed by the cofedrated bands
>of the Ute Nation to
>the United States in the
>Brunot Agreement and upon which
>the United States agreed to
>permit the Ute Indians to
>hunt "so long as the
>game lasts and the Indians
>are at peace with the
>white people." The Inians LIVE
>ON "

+1 Way to put it Jube but u spelled Indians wrong there going to say u dont have a edumcation haha!!!
Ya, we know there is a treaty and the DOW's hands are tied. That doesn't make it right. They don't even contribute to the management, just take what you want and ignore the science. Its just another handout.

The mountains, not the hills.
My cousin hunted 70 this year with no success He said its getting worse and worse as he has hunted it 3 times. He was told that the rumor is Ute Hunters were really putting a dent in the big buck population during there "special season" and that some High dollar non indian hunters were tagging along and pulling the trigger on their tag for a high price.Also that the fish cops can do little to control any of this. I am not sure how true any of this is but if it is something must be done to control it. I heard That the same thing happens on Sau Juan Elk Ridge not sure if there is any truth to that either .
lmfao at the crybabies in this thread. WHAAAAAAAA they shot my deer, boohoo. Guess what whiteman you dont own the animals or the land.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-11 AT 06:42PM (MST)[p]Wait a second. Who is crying.

WAAAAA. I need my own season to hunt without anyone else hunting. The white man is too much competition for me.

WAAAAA. Give me a free tag, I can't afford to contribute to the management of the animals I hunt.

WAAAAA. I need to party hunt on my friends and family's tags. One tag isn't enough for me.

WAAAAA. I need a rut hunt every year. I can't kill a big buck in October.

WAAAAA. I need tags given to me every year. If I had to wait like everyone else I couldn't kill a big buck.

WAAAAA. I don't want to be confined by unit boundaries. I need a quarter of the state to hunt.

The mountains, not the hills.
What is even worse, is the utes can hunt all species every year. including Moose, Sheep,(Rocky mountain and Desert) and mountain Goat
>What is even worse, is the
>utes can hunt all species
>every year. including Moose, Sheep,(Rocky
>mountain and Desert) and mountain

>What is even worse, is the
>utes can hunt all species
>every year. including Moose, Sheep,(Rocky
>mountain and Desert) and mountain

No we cant!! Get your facts right before u post stuff like this man.
NIce buck ute hunters, but please dont mistake this for hunting.... although it is a nice job killing a ruttin buck.I see how these bucks are hunted from the highway on 151, cr 500, and i think u have to get out the truck to consider this hunting, but i will give you this, it is a NICE buck.
Ute hunter is right. The Utes can't hunt sheep, moose and goats any time they want but they do have their lawyers trying to take tags out of the regular pool to be set aside for the tribe even though they all have the ability to apply for these tags just like the rest of us. Where these people get their sense of entitlement I don't know.

The mountains, not the hills.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-11 AT 09:20AM (MST)[p]"Ute hunter is right. The Utes can't hunt sheep, moose and goats any time they want but they do have their lawyers trying to take tags out of the regular pool to be set aside for the tribe even though they all have the ability to apply for these tags just like the rest of us."

Southern Utes get one moose one goat an one bighorn in a draw system and it hasnt taken away from any of the states tags. And I apply for my state tags too so I pay to just like anyone else. Dont think many other tribal memebers do but thats not my problem.
We can't blame utehunter or any other person for hunting within this system. If I could hunt in Colorado every year in the rut, you bet I would try and shoot the biggest 200 inch plus buck walking around. If is truly becoming a problem that most big bucks are getting shot in the rut (I am sure it is in some units) then there needs to be some work done to try and negotiate an agreement to move these hunts out of the rut, maybe close them down at the end of last open season in that unit. If they were getting all shot on the 4th season tag, then the DOW could eliminate that season on a unit and everyone just hunt until the end of the 3rd season. I don't have a problem with allowing access according to the treaty, the problem lies in the time period that hunting is open.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-11 AT 10:42AM (MST)[p]>We can't blame utehunter or any
>other person for hunting within
>this system. If I
>could hunt in Colorado every
>year in the rut, you
>bet I would try and
>shoot the biggest 200 inch
>plus buck walking around.
>If is truly becoming a
>problem that most big bucks
>are getting shot in the
>rut (I am sure it
>is in some units) then
>there needs to be some
>work done to try and
>negotiate an agreement to move
>these hunts out of the
>rut, maybe close them down
>at the end of last
>open season in that unit.
> If they were getting
>all shot on the 4th
>season tag, then the DOW
>could eliminate that season on
>a unit and everyone just
>hunt until the end of
>the 3rd season. I
>don't have a problem with
>allowing access according to the
>treaty, the problem lies in
>the time period that hunting
>is open.

But our brunot ends when the state hunts end. So I dont see a problem with the time period. Ute mountain hunters have there own seasons that have nothing to do with the Southern Utes. The tags we have now are rez tags that go till dec 31 but that is on are rez are within the boundaries of the rez. I thinks it is funny how all u guys think we kill all these animals. Well let me tell u this there where 4 brunot bucks taken this year and 3 bulls wow what a huge dent in the herd. Some of u guys are a joke u guys need to get your facts before posting crap like this!!
hey ute how many bucks are killed in december? for me i dont care how many bucks you kill on the rez....if they were resident bucks. what bothers me is your killing bucks that migrate on the rez from the forest,90% of those deer are not resident deer. you're not doing anything wrong as far as being legal but you do know that killing the big bucks affect the gene pool in the hurd. how many bucks are now big three points without eyeguards running around. this is because we are killing the gene pool. breeding bucks need to breed! they are way to stupid to call it hunting you cant honk the horn loud enough to move them off the road..lol. are there wildlife biologist on the rez. this is why every western state in the country closes rifle hunting in december.got off track abit... how many bucks are killed in december?
I'd worry more about how many big bucks are poached during the rut than the few that get shot on the rez. He said they shot 4 bucks during the Brunot. Whoopty freakin' doo. That ain't going to affect squat. More big bucks probably get hit hourly during the rut by vehicles than that.

I live just a few miles from the southern ute reservation, and have several friends that belong to the tribe and hunt every year. And no sir, truth be known, not very many bucks are hit by cars on the highway. Most of the roadkill are does.
The thing that makes me upset about the southern utes killing bucks in December is the fact that they are killing the bucks that migrate in every year cause of the high snows. Years that we dont get early deep snow in the San Juans, these big bucks dont show up on the rez till later on, in late December and January. And yessir,the majority of these big bucks are killed by roadhunters...if you seen the trucks cruising hwy 151 in the early mornings and late evenings, along with the other roads that turn off hwy 151, you wouldnt believe it.
So, quick question utehunter...how many years did you apply for the tag that you used for the Brunot hunt? Bet you didnt wait years and years for the chance to hunt the units like most people hunt. What unit did the Brunot hunt occur in?
I would like to know where you get your statistics on the Brunot hunt. What laws do the Brunot hunters have to follow? I hear a lot of rumors about heads taken and meat left to rot. Maybe if the public was presented with this knowledge there wouldn't be so much dissension surrounding this hunt and we would know when to call the authorities if something isn't right.

Most people can't distinguish between the different tribes. How many bucks were killed on the Brunot hunt total? What tribes allow hunting after the state hunts are over? How many tribes are involved in the Brunot hunt? I know I saw indian hunters with Utah plates, which tribe do these guys belong to.

Basically what I am saying is the four bucks killed by the Southern Utes is just the tip of the ice berg. Besides if it was four poached bucks everyone would be up in arms.

The mountains, not the hills.
Can't fault ute or any other res hunter who takes advantage of this hunt. Any one of us given the tag would be doing the same thing.

Now as they say 90 % of these bucks are not on the res but migrate there. Not hard to figure out where they are in muzzy or archery season. May not be a shootin ducks in barrel type hunt but any one of us can hunt these bucks.
If they get killed in December on the Southern Ute, you can not hunt them next year. It would be impossible! That is the biggest issue here is that the big bucks migrate out of the forest onto the southern ute and then get whacked. Surely we can't blame them if they are abiding by all of the current laws. My father hunted the southern ute in the late 70s/early 80s when you could buy an affordable tag there and his stories of monsters bucks there in December is just amazing. Tough to decide what should be done on the reservation, but I would obviously support an earlier end to the hunt then Dec. 31st.
You are right on nripepi. We cant blame them for hunting they are not breaking any laws,but feel that these bucks should be left alone to breed. What would be the harm of not hunting these bucks during December? As for the Brunot hunts, i dont think the intent yrs ago was to go out and horn hunt, it was put out there to feed tribe members, i dont think they are meat hunting...... people have to wait many yrs to draw these tags just in the hopes of taking a big buck once in thier lifetime, not taking many in a yr just because you can!
Gotta agree, these guys are not spending money for fuel in their big trucks and taking the time to travel just for meating hunting. These guys know what they are doing and looking for, and they are hunting in the units that takes most guys years and years to draw. These guys are trophy hunting...
Whine, cry, beeatch...peck, peck, cluck-cluck, y'all are a regular bunch o frikken fool hens :)

Why don't ya go ahead and include the Jic in yer squabblings? Or how us Nuevo Mexicanos are rippin ya off with our late season hunts along the border? Largely the same deer herd ya know

Eh now?
>If they get killed in December
>on the Southern Ute, you
>can not hunt them next
>year. It would be

So get to the ones Ute n boyz will hunt first is what I am sayin :).... I guess I am looking at the glass half full.

Every one of these bucks was alive in archery 2011 and in a place any one of us could hunt. The bucks they are going to shoot next dec will be alive in archery 12 - again where any one of us can hunt.

Now I know this is a harder hunt and not for most folks but if you want to get to these bucks you can and in a timeframe that any one of us can draw. I lived in Durango for 5 years and have hunted the bucks in the high country of SW co. Some of the biggest Co has to offer summer in the high basins down there. The archery hunt down there are great hunts - not the basically canned Dec res hunt but if you put in the work there a great - not ok but great bucks on public land.

Is it fair maybe not but nothing in life is. I was just pointing out that any one of us has the opportunity to get to these bucks before the s ute's gets their shot.
There is a huge difference between the Jics and the southern utes. You need to read and look into each tribe before you can throw the Jics and the utes in the same mix. What the Jics done with thier deer herd in unreal, and the Jic tribal members have to draw for deer and elk tags, and they dont hunt deer in December.
A lot of the bucks that migrate onto the southern utes live on private property or large housing development surrounding Pagosa Springs. These bucks aint accessible during the early hunting seasons.
I dont know about the area around Cortez, but the area around Bream and Red Mesa is all private, huge hay and winter wheat fields, and I've been in the trucks of several Ute friends when the shooting starts and the big bucks hit the ground...
>There is a huge difference between
>the Jics and the southern
>utes. You need to read
>and look into each tribe
>before you can throw the
>Jics and the utes in
>the same mix. What the
>Jics done with thier deer
>herd in unreal, and the
>Jic tribal members have to
>draw for deer and elk
>tags, and they dont hunt
>deer in December.
>A lot of the bucks that
>migrate onto the southern utes
>live on private property or
>large housing development surrounding Pagosa
>Springs. These bucks aint accessible
>during the early hunting seasons.
>I dont know about the area
>around Cortez, but the area
>around Bream and Red Mesa
>is all private, huge hay
>and winter wheat fields, and
>I've been in the trucks
>of several Ute friends when
>the shooting starts and the
>big bucks hit the ground...

Yea we dont draw but we dont allow white man to hunt either. The jic dont hunt in dec. but all there white hunters do but that is ok right cause there white? If u have been on the ute an there blasting from the truck arent u in the wrong for not turning them in are were u one of the ones blasting too? And it is breen.
Am quite familiar Bugl'em, thanks...figure them deer know when they're Utes and when they're Jics as well eh ;)

My point, which you evidently missed, is: whaddya gonna do about it?

Though I guess you could put in a desperate plea for the poor and disadvantaged Great White Hunters of the North when you're ridin' around in them Ind'in trucks smokin' up them hayfield bucks...or hell, I suppose you could always see about gettin yerself a Lawn Buck tag :)

peck, peck, cluck-cluck

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