Vaccine experience?

Have you been vaccinated?

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I have not been vaccinated. I have been open-minded. I am leaning more towards getting it, but still very very unsure. Are you glad you did it, would you do it again. Are you getting the booster?
My wife and I both got the vaccine (Moderna). Was a little worried in the beginning, but we do not regret it. I knew a few people who got COVID and died. An old work buddy who was a physical specimen up until he got the virus. He was one of, if not the first to die from it in Idaho. He and his family were followed on the news stations in Idaho when he was hospitalized up until he passed away. But I also know someone who died after receiving her 2nd dose. Both of my kids have had COVID, along with their spouses, and one grand child. If you are older, or with some serious medical issues, why gamble?
Brother and sister in law both got vaccinated 4 weeks ago. She just got over a pretty bad case of COVID and he has vivid so bad the family is starting to worry. Wife’s long term co worker fully vaccinated died in a ventilator two weeks ago. That’s my personal experience. Makes me ask just what it is there injecting in arms. I was under the impression vaccinations prevented the illness they were intended for. For example I’ve never had measles, much less died from it
I'm glad I got it. I chose to be vaccinated after I personally spoke to several doctors that unanimously recommended it to me.

A piece of anecdotal information... my brother did chest compressions on an unvaccinated gentleman for 45 minutes last week while his wife stood by sobbing. They were unable to save the man and he left a young child without a dad.

I don't want that to be my wife and daughter.

The ICU where he works has lost several unvaccinated patients over the last few weeks from the Delta strain. He told me yesterday that what is so scary is that people look like they're recovering and then suddenly regress and die in a very short span. He said they're starting to believe Delta is causing Cardiogenic Shock in unvaccinated patients that they just aren't seeing in the vaccinated.

The research that I wish people would do is to walk into their local ICU and ask to talk to a doctor there. See what that doctor has to say about getting vaccinated or not.

To answer your questions... Yes, I'm glad I got it. I'll get the booster, too.

(No, I'm not magnetic. Nobody around me has increased menstrual bleeding. I don't get better 5G Wireless coverage.)
I was under the impression vaccinations prevented the illness they were intended for. For example I’ve never had measles, much less died from it
About 3% of people who receive both doses of MMR will still get measles if exposed to the virus. Herd immunity is what keeps it from spreading because almost everybody has received MMR.

That 3% is not dissimilar to the effectiveness of the COVID vaccines in fighting the original Alpha strain. Sadly, the Delta strain is better at beating the vaccine. However, we know with millions of doses administered that a person is still less likely to get Delta if they're vaccinated than if they're not. They're also less likely to be hospitalized and die.

Nobody who knows what they're talking about has ever said that ANY vaccine is 100% effective. Vaccines rely on an immune response that certain individuals just don't respond to. It's not a guarantee, just greatly improves your odds.
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About 3% of people who receive both doses of MMR will still get measles if exposed to the virus. Herd immunity is what keeps it from spreading because almost everybody has received MMR.

That 3% is not dissimilar to the effectiveness of the COVID vaccines in fighting the original Alpha strain. Sadly, the Delta strain is better at beating the vaccine. However, we know with millions of doses administered that a person is still less likely to get Delta if they're vaccinated than if they're not. They're also less likely to be hospitalized and die.

Nobody who knows what they're talking about has ever said that ANY vaccine is 100% effective. Vaccines rely on an immune response that certain individuals just don't respond to. It's not a guarantee, just greatly improves your odds.
I just happen to know three people in the 3% huh? What are those odds. Also know of 3 co workers fully vaccinated that went out with Covid. But since I’ve no personal relationship left it out of the requested response for the thread. So that makes 6 in my preview of the “3%”... getting more unlikely. You can believe what ever our house plant in chief tells you but I’ll believe my eyes
I just happen to know three people in the 3% huh? What are those odds. Also know of 3 co workers fully vaccinated that went out with Covid. But since I’ve no personal relationship left it out of the requested response for the thread. So that makes 6 in my preview of the “3%”... getting more unlikely. You can believe what ever our house plant in chief tells you but I’ll believe my eyes
You misread my post. The 3% clearly referenced measles as I was quoting your measles comparison.

Your COVID breakthrough examples are almost certainly Delta and not Alpha strain. I say this from a statistical and timing standpoint since you said at least some of the cases were recent and Delta is now the dominant strain in America.

I stand by what I wrote. The vaccines were highly effective against Alpha, but less so against Delta. And 3% of people with both doses of MMR are susceptible to catching measles if exposed.

Are you in Wyoming? 93% of hospitalized patients there are unvaccinated, according to the state health department.
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After the second shot of Moderna I had headaches for about two weeks. My wife said I looked like crap and I felt like it.

I got the jab and anybody who wants to get the jab can, and after you get the jab, you can still get covid and still pass it to others. So I don't care if the unvaccinated get it or not. It's time to stop all the hysteria and just get on with life. And drop all that mask mandate for the same reason. Wear one if you want and leave everybody else alone.
Not yet. Im not against vaccines but, I am against rushing one through without the proper testing and trials for the sole purpose of political capital. That is what we are seeing now, widespread testing on the sheeple…. I will wait, not sure how long but when I DECIDE it’s safe to do so.
I got Pfizer. First shot, nothing. Second shot felt like a hangover the next day.

Yeah, I'll probably get the booster.

And quite frankly I don't give a crap if someone else is vaccinated. Wuhan has become a virtue signal, be it with shots, or masks.
Didn't you already have Wuhan? In your case I'd probably agree,
Yes, I had Covid over Thanksgiving last November. I haven't so much as had a simple cold since, I am not vaccinated.
I work with two people who both have been vaccinated with Pfizer back in in May, both are out on sick leave now with Covid, one is mild, the other is home but in rough shape.
I am still on the fence with this whole thing ?‍♂️
Pitzer did get FDA approval last week and Moderna is next.

How many guys here on this site were in the Armed Forces and how many shots or vaccines did you get before you were shipped out to another country. I saw a list recently and there are so many that it is hard to believe that after that one would have an issue with this vaccine.
Is this different?
I remember Polio in the third grade and one of my friends getting it because her Mother didn't get her the vaccine. She still walks crooked to this day.
Your life your decision
My family is not vaxed. We just got over the delta V Monday. Personally know 1 guy that died within a week of getting first shot. We gave delta v to my father who is fully vaxed and he still got it and sicker than us for longer time period. He's looked like death warmed over for the last couple of weeks. Won't get the shot because I don't feel I should benefit from testing and development using murdered innocent babies. My opinion......
I just came back from Wyoming, I am vaccinated. My sister who works as a trauma nurse in Casper said almost all new cases coming in are from unvaccinated patients. I also fully stand with the folks that are unvaccinated, until that Southern Boarder is closed or secure why should this government tell anyone what to do.
Pitzer did get FDA approval last week and Moderna is next.

How many guys here on this site were in the Armed Forces and how many shots or vaccines did you get before you were shipped out to another country. I saw a list recently and there are so many that it is hard to believe that after that one would have an issue with this vaccine.
Is this different?
I remember Polio in the third grade and one of my friends getting it because her Mother didn't get her the vaccine. She still walks crooked to this day.
Your life your decision
I had to get all these shots but at the time I didn't even think of whether I had moral objections to them. Didn't even know what they were sticking in my body. I didn't want the anthrax but had to get it to deploy. The one that really sucked was the peanut butter shot. Not fun.............
Yes, I had Covid over Thanksgiving last November. I haven't so much as had a simple cold since, I am not vaccinated.

I am still on the fence with this whole thing ?‍♂️

Funny how thousands of years of human history encountering viruses and bacteria that our immune system, as a whole, is suddenly not good enough to manufacture antibodies after it fights off an invading alien. I wouldn't get vaccinated if I were you, there is no point.

The talking heads will not recognize natural immunity after encountering this illness, even though SARS-2 is 70% in likeness (at least is was a year ago) to SARS-1 and people that had SARS-1 17 years ago still show antibodies to it...
Thanks, My sister is a nurse and she reports that by far the people that are turning up in the hospital are not vaccinated. They had 10 admitted the other night and not one of them were vaccinated. A guy I work with just died from covid he was unvaccinated he was in his upper 50's, and he was trim and healthy. In all honesty, very few people were more against getting the vaccine than me. I have a thought about it prayed about it researched about it, in the end the information is leading me get the vaccine.
Some retired physicians and other well-learned people I know of have been vaccinated.

I trust them way more than I do fauxci, the CDC, the WHO, and anyone with an (R) or (D) after their names...
I was fully vaccinated in March (Moderna) and had no side effects. Since then I have been able to live a normal life again getting together with friends and family. We are starting to travel again in January and I plan on getting the booster.
Fully un vaccinated here. Living a normal life since this started. Traveled to Mexico with my family in April. Go where I want, do what I want. We need to collectively remember that folks. You are for the time being still free men. Vaccinated or not
I haven't got it ! Still on the fence. Not sure about the vaccine ? My sister in law got the shot, Now her arm that she got the shot in is swollen twice the size of her other one. I guess they call it covid lim. After months they think it happen because she is a cancer survivor. I guess it has happen to a couple hundred thousand people. Feeling a lot of pressure to get it from others and know that the FDA approval. Both of my 80 year old parents got the shot. They seem to have taken it okay. But if you did get it. Which one is the best shot to get ?
I haven't got it ! Still on the fence. Not sure about the vaccine ? My sister in law got the shot, Now her arm that she got the shot in is swollen twice the size of her other one. I guess they call it covid lim. After months they think it happen because she is a cancer survivor. I guess it has happen to a couple hundred thousand people. Feeling a lot of pressure to get it from others and know that the FDA approval. Both of my 80 year old parents got the shot. They seem to have taken it okay. But if you did get it. Which one is the best shot to get ?
Starting to think that those who have been vaccinated with zero issues were the ones that would have had little to zero issues if they had caught the bug naturally...
I got both doses of the Pfizer shot back in January - glad I did and have had no issues. The entire COVID situation and the vaccine are such a hot button topic that it is hard to separate the emotion and politics from hard facts. The bottom line is that those on the front lines see the reality-unvaccinated patients are the ones dying and really struggling.
I got both doses of the Pfizer shot back in January - glad I did and have had no issues. The entire COVID situation and the vaccine are such a hot button topic that it is hard to separate the emotion and politics from hard facts. The bottom line is that those on the front lines see the reality-unvaccinated patients are the ones dying and really struggling.
You know when politics is involved when the statement "follow the science" is used and you know emotion is involved when "what right do you have to..." is used.
Agreed roadrunner and that is certainly the case with this mess. I work for a large healthcare organization so I see some of the realities. I wish everyone could talk to an ICU Doc or actually visit an ICU unit to see the truths behind all the emotion and politics.

I would encourage everyone to get vaccinated, but do what you want and what you feel good about.
Got the Pfizer. Only had brief loss of taste after the second shot. I mainly got it to be around my older parents more. They are both vaccinated as well, but have underlying health issues that could make their case worse if they get Covid. We will probably all get Covid at some point, but I like to think if I get sick, it won't be as bad since I have had the shot.
It is first and foremost a choice to get it. I do find it funny the guys that come on here or in real life and have this chip on their shoulder about the government suggesting anyone do anything. It's really not that big of a deal and you can still be that pretend badass after you get it, if you so choose.
Covid will just keep changing until we have the herd immunity
same deal as the flu. I have a lot of family and friends that are in the medical fields and everyone last one of them, have gotten the shots. Read (internet) tell 93% of the beds in the hospitals are the ones who didn't get the Covid 19 shots and are now getting the delta virus this back east somewhere.

Yes I have got covid (last Nov) and now I have gotten both shots and will get the booster when it time.
All I can say.
My the odds forever be in your favor.
Good luck hope it works out for you and all your close family and friends.
I was on the fence as well. I'm young and healthy, rarely if ever get sick. Didn't care what others were saying i wanted to make it my decision. For some reason felt super strongly to get back at the end of May(Pfizer 1st Dose), wasnt in a rush to get the 2nd. My wife ended up getting covid in july and I was completely fine around her. After the news this week I ended up getting the 2nd dose yesterday. I had no symptoms on the 1st dose, and haven't had any symptoms today following my 2nd dose. Peace of mind knowing its done and I can move on knowing i've done a small part to help.
I do find it funny the guys that come on here or in real life and have this chip on their shoulder about the government suggesting anyone do anything. It's really not that big of a deal and you can still be that pretend badass after you get it, if you so choose.

The reality of gov't telling you to do something isn't to terribly funny when you are in a state that has unbridled control on the very lives of people.

KLG in NM for instance. The coercion used is get tested weekly on your own time and on your own dime, or get the shot. So, either way, you are being told to do something. Also, had this whole situation not be used as a political tool from the start, this wouldn't be the debacle it now is. That is where the "bad-ass" behavior comes from...
I had wuhan flu so why get a shot. With fauci's mouth always puking out crap i have no faith or do i want anything to do with him and the amount of money he will make off this with his patents something dont seem right
The reality of gov't telling you to do something isn't to terribly funny when you are in a state that has unbridled control on the very lives of people.

KLG in NM for instance. The coercion used is get tested weekly on your own time and on your own dime, or get the shot. So, either way, you are being told to do something. Also, had this whole situation not be used as a political tool from the start, this wouldn't be the debacle it now is. That is where the "bad-ass" behavior comes from...
Born and raised in SE NM. I understand your point. But it is not mandated for most at this point. Still just a suggestion.
I've also heard "experts" say that the vaccine has played a role in the virus mutating to more vaccine resistant strains. Time will tell, I guess.

Who knows? It's all enough to make you want to pull your hair out.

I'm more aware now as I go about life. I avoid tight crowds if at all possible and wash my hands a lot more. I just think about it more.

One of my friends retired from the sawmill and the office invited me to come down and wish him well, so I did. Nobody was wearing masks and all the office ladies gave me a big hug. I was fine with it. :)
Last couple of weeks had covid delta v. The doctors at medical where I work said after I get past this, I will have the best immunity I could possibly have. The guy was actually congratulating me on testing positive. Made me feel pretty good about my choice!
I work with animals for a living. having an unvaccinated herd is like playing Russian roulette and inexcusable in my opinion. Sooner or later something is gonna get them and you will wish you’d spent a few bucks on vaccine.
Why would people be different?
Get the vaccine and get on with your life!
I work with animals for a living. having an unvaccinated herd is like playing Russian roulette and inexcusable in my opinion. Sooner or later something is gonna get them and you will wish you’d spent a few bucks on vaccine.
Why would people be different?
Get the vaccine and get on with your life!

For starters, people are not owned livestock and beasts of burden.

Unless, of course, they want high survival rates for future needs...
Born and raised in SE NM. I understand your point. But it is not mandated for most at this point. Still just a suggestion.

Still just a suggestion, sort of. State employees are not faced with the suggestion, but they are with the coercion. A large employer in NM is also dancing around with the coercion part...
I believe I was exposed late Jan 2020. Coworker's daughter sick with unknown respiratory virus. I rode to work with him, waited in his kitchen while she hacked in next room...
Then a couple weeks ago had dinner and drinks with neighbor friends on a Friday night. He was told Monday that nurse that treated him on prior Wed tested positive on Friday. We shared dinner and drinks at his home = pretty close contact. He came down with sickness on Saturday. His woman on Monday. My wife and I felt very guilty for potentially exposing some clients on Monday before we heard... No symptoms for us and neg test results. So we both got first vac shot yesterday. Very sore arm is all so far.
I wonder if MLGrease'em is going to start vaxing all the game animals since the state owns them. Wouldn't that be funny to see NMGF running around putting masks on all the elk, deer, oryx, and bears running around?
Everyone in my family except our youngest is fully vaccinated 42M, 43F, 17M and 15F. We were all fairly ill for 24 hours following our second dose.

Our youngest son is only 10 and is still ineligible to be vaccinated. He contracted Covid on the 14th fom his buddy who had already had it one year ago and then subsequently got reinfected. Our son just cleared quarantine today and returned to school this morning. Fortunately, he was mildly ill with no significant residuals noted yet.

I personally know 3 people in different households who have been reinfected in the last two weeks here in Vegas. All were unvaccinated. Just because you have already had Covid does not mean that you are immune to future infection. We will be getting booster shots as they become available.

Greater than 90% of the folks who are being admitted to hospitals right now are unvaccinated. Getting vaccinated against Covid does not guarantee that you cannot get infected in the future but the data so far indicates that vaccination from Pfizer and Moderna products significantly decreases the odds of developing severe symptoms following infection.

We are seeing ICU's reach capacity in many areas of our country and healthcare providers are getting burned out. I do not work in a hospital setting but I am seeing a lot of providers transferring out of hospital care due to burnout. I have personally done DOT physicals for two career ICU nurses in the last few months who have decided to go drive truck for a while because they are emotionally and physically exhausted.

I am leaving for Alaska next week for a backcountry fishing trip with my Dad and my oldest son. So grateful that my health allows me to do so. My next door neighbor was just released from the hospital a few days ago after a two week stay following Covid infection. He refused to be vaccinated. The hospital bills are going to be financially devastating to them and they still don't know when he will be able to return to work.

Getting vaccinated against Covid is a selfless decision that protects you and those around you. I would advise everyone to counsel with their PCP and see if they are eligible to be vaccinated. If we all pull together we can beat this. My sister lives in New Zealand and she is baffled at how this has become such a polarizing topic in the United States. New Zealand has followed the counsel from experts and have done a remarkable job at controlling infection rates.

One last comment. I am not an expert in infectious disease, and I am not an epidemiologist. I am also not an expert in many other fields. In areas where I have limited expertise, I look for consensus amongst those who are experts in that field. When I see a unified front and consensus has been reached then I feel comfortable heeding that counsel. When all the major health organizations in the world are unified in recommending vaccination, social distancing and covering your face holes then that is counsel I am willing to heed to protect myself and those around me.

I wish you all the best and hope that this fall provides each of you with many wonderful memories spent outdoors. My wife and I have mule deer tags and my wife and daughter both drew bull elk tags in Nevada. I am over the moon excited for this hunting season.
My wife & I have chosen so far to not get the vaccine. I travel all over the US for work & have worked elbow to elbow with people that “tested positive”. Maybe I had the crap already & just didn’t know it. Maybe I have an elevated immune system. Who knows anymore… If circumstances were different & I had young kids or older folks still in our home maybe I would get the shot. Nothing to this point has pressed on my heart that says maybe I should get the shot.
I have one friend that was told the he was positive last fall. He felt totally fine & went back to work after quarantine.
I don’t personally know of a single person that has died from it, been hospitalized from it or even been sick. CRAZY!!!
This whole thing makes little sense. The V manufacturer is not responsible. The govt. is not responsible. The vaccinating Dr. is not responsible. If you're not Vac'd... you ARE responsible.
Last couple of weeks had covid delta v. The doctors at medical where I work said after I get past this, I will have the best immunity I could possibly have. The guy was actually congratulating me on testing positive. Made me feel pretty good about my choice!
Wow that great that YOU didn't have any problems with it. I just hope the people you may have passed it on to, all feel the same way when they end up on the slab .
Getting vaccinated against Covid is a selfless decision that protects you and those around you.
If only it were that simply. Reasonable argument to be made that it will better protect you from death due to the current variants. Also reasonable argument to made that it does nothing to protect those around you but rather the contrary and that it may be harming you and others in the long run.
One last comment. I am not an expert in infectious disease, and I am not an epidemiologist. I am also not an expert in many other fields.
This individual is an expert. Interesting read and I encourage all to read it and use it to help better understand where we find ourselves in regards to Covid. Ultimately getting vaccinated is a personal decision and I feel no admiration or anger for anyone regardless of their choice.

selfless decision, love the hint of moral superiority here. is this selfless decision with out any risk? i think not. great you guys chose to get vaccinated. hope you respect my decision and my right to decide not to.
You are absolutely correct that every medical procedure carries an inherent degree of risk. Your primary care provider is best situated to help you weigh the risks relative to you as an individual. They can review your medical history and help you determine if you are a candidate for vaccination or conclude that there are risk factors that are unacceptable given your specific situation.

If you have counseled with your PCP and they have advised you against Covid vaccination, then I respect your decision not to do so. However, if you have come to this conclusion without consulting with experts. I would implore you to schedule a consult and see what they advise.
selfless decision, love the hint of moral superiority here. is this selfless decision with out any risk? i think not. great you guys chose to get vaccinated. hope you respect my decision and my right to decide not to.
Sure we respect your right. How about you respect our right not get the virus from you because you didn't take the shot.

2 way street on the respect issue.
Me I took the shots after I had it the 1st time, because we spend alot time on jobsite dealing with LOTS of people I sure don't want to catch it again or spread to someone if I do get it again.
Thinking you're bullet proof(LOL) it might not kill ya the second time around(next variant) BUT you can still get it and pass it to family and friends.
I have had covid and lived thru it , If a individual wants to get the shot then go for it .You're choice you're body. I personally don't trust there hail mary campaign to get something injected in there body that has not been proven with years of results. Looks to me like lots of people getting covid having already had the shots and the protection is waning as we type this for these individuals. I will take my on protection from natural immunity. just my 2 cents worth.
If only it were that simply. Reasonable argument to be made that it will better protect you from death due to the current variants. Also reasonable argument to made that it does nothing to protect those around you but rather the contrary and that it may be harming you and others in the long run.

This individual is an expert. Interesting read and I encourage all to read it and use it to help better understand where we find ourselves in regards to Covid. Ultimately getting vaccinated is a personal decision and I feel no admiration or anger for anyone regardless of their choice.

Again, I would advise you to look for consensus amongst experts. The veterinarian that you are referencing does have a degree in virology but a quick perusal of his posts demonstrate that he is advising against all mass vaccinations. He is clearly an outlier in this field of study. How many people do you know with smallpox, measles or polio? The data clearly shows that we have been able to control many infectious diseases through mass vaccination programs.
Sure we respect your right. How about you respect our right not get the virus from you because you didn't take the shot.

2 way street on the respect issue.
Me I took the shots after I had it the 1st time, because we spend alot time on jobsite dealing with LOTS of people I sure don't want to catch it again or spread to someone if I do get it again.
Thinking you're bullet proof(LOL) it might not kill ya the second time around(next variant) BUT you can still get it and pass it to family and friends.
what exactly makes you think vaccinated individuals cannot transmit covid? if there such a thng as break through cases which is universally accepted as far as i can see then a vaccinated individual can be a carrier and transmit the disease . get off your high horse. you dont belong there because you got a shot
Again, I would advise you to look for consensus amongst experts. The veterinarian that you are referencing does have a degree in virology but a quick perusal of his posts demonstrate that he is advising against all mass vaccinations. He is clearly an outlier in this field of study. How many people do you know with smallpox, measles or polio? The data clearly shows that we have been able to control many infectious diseases through mass vaccination programs.
what is the history of success with vaccines against corona viruses?

ill give you a hint. never have had one until it was politically expedient
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It not a really high Horse, Yes you can get the virus from people who has have the shots. BUT the odds do drop if you have taking the shots of catching it again.
Been in a room where several guys came down with it in June.
I didn't get it again so maybe I was just lucky or maybe the shots worked for me.
It not a really high Horse, Yes you can get the virus from people who has have the shots. BUT the odds do drop if you have taking the shots of catching it again.
Been in a room where several guys came down with it in June.
I didn't get it again so maybe I was just lucky or maybe the shots worked for me.
then i guess we dont respect each other enough to not give one another covid. nice to be equal again
My co-workers wife who works in the ER said a lot of nurses are coming down with covid and they are all vaccinated.
Yes I bet before it all said and done their will be several Variant of this virus Just about like the flu. The Flu we have now isn't like the flu of the 60's.
You are absolutely correct that every medical procedure carries an inherent degree of risk. Your primary care provider is best situated to help you weigh the risks relative to you as an individual. They can review your medical history and help you determine if you are a candidate for vaccination or conclude that there are risk factors that are unacceptable given your specific situation.

If you have counseled with your PCP and they have advised you against Covid vaccination, then I respect your decision not to do so. However, if you have come to this conclusion without consulting with experts. I would implore you to schedule a consult and see what they advise.
so you only "respect my decision" if I've consulted with a doctor? i suppose that's your prerogative but i still contend every individual has the right to make decision for them selves. and i will always respect that. my government should as well
I have a friend who oversees a floor at a local hospital. Their ICU is busy this past month due to other issues not related to Covid. He said there is a small "uptick" in Covid ICU cases but it's less then 10%.

My wife was an RN for 37 years. She retired 2 years ago(Good Call on her part before this hit). Her friends that "were" still working and the ones that left have said the cases were never overwhelming at that hospital and currently are not as well, which is a different hospital then my friends above. Both are within 40 miles of each other. None of her RN friends contracted Covid to date.

My MIL is 88 and will not take the vaccine, and never took the flu vaccine either. She has never been sick the last two years or the last 30 as well.

Just like the Flu Vaccine it is everyone's choice on what they feel they need to do and what they are comfortable with after talking with their doctor.
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Well I'm headed out to get my shot. With that being said, I believe mandating this vaccine would be a huge mistake. That's only going to polarize people more. I also think those that don't get this shot have valid concerns. Also, I would never blame people getting sick on the unvaccinated. If you don't want to get sick, go get vaccinated and wear 10 masks! Leave others alone and let them do what they feel is best. Don't guilt Trip them or act as your Superior because you got the vaccine. It is a personal choice and one that's a very hard decision for many people.
what is the history of success with vaccines against corona viruses?
Excellent question. There is still limited data regarding the efficacy of vaccines in controlling the spread of this particular corona virus. Certainly we are seeing instances of breakthrough infection and these folks have the ability to transmit infection to others. Over the next year we will be able to track the spread of infection amongst populations with low vaccination rates and compare it to areas of higher vaccination rates.

So far, the data is showing that the severity of symptoms and medical costs associated with treatment of breakthrough Covid-19 infections are significantly lower amongst vaccinated. I have posted the links and titles to three recent studies. I am sure we will all be learning a lot more in the next year as new data becomes available. The third study I linked to is out of Michigan and is currently awaiting peer review. It would seem that even if Covid vaccination does not effectively stamp out the spread of this particular virus we can be confident that vaccination will significantly decrease the cost of treating illness associated with this particular illness. Hope this helps. Have to get back to work.

BNT162b2 vaccine breakthrough: clinical characteristics of 152 fully vaccinated hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Israel

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Blunt Breakthrough Infection Severity​

Jennifer Abbasi
JAMA. 2021;326(6):473. doi:10.1001/jama.2021.12619

Vaccination reduces need for emergency care in breakthrough COVID-19 infections: A multicenter cohort study​

***This study is awaiting peer review
I'm vaccinated but if I wasn't, I wouldn't feel morally obligated to get vaccinated to protect someone who isn't vaccinated, because they can get vaccinated if they want.

I've had waaay more dealings with nurses at the hospital over the past couple years than anyone should. If a nurse now can't spend 3 hours a day on their phone or BS'ing with their co-workers, don't ask me to feel sorry for them. Sorry.
Funny how thousands of years of human history encountering viruses and bacteria that our immune system, as a whole, is suddenly not good enough to manufacture antibodies after it fights off an invading alien. I wouldn't get vaccinated if I were you, there is no point.

The talking heads will not recognize natural immunity after encountering this illness, even though SARS-2 is 70% in likeness (at least is was a year ago) to SARS-1 and people that had SARS-1 17 years ago still show antibodies to it...

For thousands of years people have died from bacteria and virus too. About 1/3 of the planet in 1918
Again, I would advise you to look for consensus amongst experts. The veterinarian that you are referencing does have a degree in virology but a quick perusal of his posts demonstrate that he is advising against all mass vaccinations. He is clearly an outlier in this field of study. How many people do you know with smallpox, measles or polio? The data clearly shows that we have been able to control many infectious diseases through mass vaccination programs.
We'll see.
Well I'm headed out to get my shot. With that being said, I believe mandating this vaccine would be a huge mistake. That's only going to polarize people more. I also think those that don't get this shot have valid concerns. Also, I would never blame people getting sick on the unvaccinated. If you don't want to get sick, go get vaccinated and wear 10 masks! Leave others alone and let them do what they feel is best. Don't guilt Trip them or act as your Superior because you got the vaccine. It is a personal choice and one that's a very hard decision for many people.

They did ours at the fairgrounds, drive in, shot, then they had you sit in the parking lot for 15 min in case of emergency you should honk your horn(ambulances staged)

My youngest was literally diving over the back seat trying to honk my horn.

Point being, kids are A holes.

Second point, kids are a holes
I personally know 3 people in different households who have been reinfected in the last two weeks here in Vegas. All were unvaccinated. Just because you have already had Covid does not mean that you are immune to future infection. We will be getting booster shots as they become available.

Are you saying someone who has had covid isn't able to produce the antibodies for it? (go ahead devil and use your laughing emoji)

Greater than 90% of the folks who are being admitted to hospitals right now are unvaccinated. Getting vaccinated against Covid does not guarantee that you cannot get infected in the future but the data so far indicates that vaccination from Pfizer and Moderna products significantly decreases the odds of developing severe symptoms following infection.

So, getting vaccinated and still getting it is no different than someone who had it and gets it again?

My sister lives in New Zealand and she is baffled at how this has become such a polarizing topic in the United States. New Zealand has followed the counsel from experts and have done a remarkable job at controlling infection rates.

It's polarized because political BullS**t artists made it that way. When they use phrases like "it's now a pandemic of the unvaccinated..." it singles out and polarizes a group of people and labels them as sub-human.

Politicians are the problem with this country, even the devil can agree with that...
Good thing these folks don't feel the same way they do about driving as they do about the unvaxxed! Every accident would be attempted homicide.
Funny how every abortion is intentionally ending an innocent persons life.
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Excellent question. There is still limited data regarding the efficacy of vaccines in controlling the spread of this particular corona virus. Certainly we are seeing instances of breakthrough infection and these folks have the ability to transmit infection to others. Over the next year we will be able to track the spread of infection amongst populations with low vaccination rates and compare it to areas of higher vaccination rates.

So far, the data is showing that the severity of symptoms and medical costs associated with treatment of breakthrough Covid-19 infections are significantly lower amongst vaccinated. I have posted the links and titles to three recent studies. I am sure we will all be learning a lot more in the next year as new data becomes available. The third study I linked to is out of Michigan and is currently awaiting peer review. It would seem that even if Covid vaccination does not effectively stamp out the spread of this particular virus we can be confident that vaccination will significantly decrease the cost of treating illness associated with this particular illness. Hope this helps. Have to get back to work.

BNT162b2 vaccine breakthrough: clinical characteristics of 152 fully vaccinated hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Israel

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Blunt Breakthrough Infection Severity​

Jennifer Abbasi
JAMA. 2021;326(6):473. doi:10.1001/jama.2021.12619

Vaccination reduces need for emergency care in breakthrough COVID-19 infections: A multicenter cohort study​

***This study is awaiting peer review
not this particular one, after all historical on this one would be a stretch since it hasn't reached any where near a clinical time frame of any other vaccine in the history of vaccines. so no history in an ongoing experiment. i asked about the historical success of vaccines of corona viruses. theirs a reason there hasn't been one. they always fail when the next variant comes along to the vaccinated (and id bet you probably know that). like i dont know a delta variant. its never worked, it doesn't work now, its not working and people are unwilling participants in the largest experiment in human history. is just hoping that all works out really good enough? it isn't for me and my family. if theres some data in 7 years that proves a vaccine ill think about it. good luck to you ginnie pigs
not this particular one, after all historical on this one would be a stretch since it hasn't reached any where near a clinical time frame of any other vaccine in the history of vaccines. so no history in an ongoing experiment. i asked about the historical success of vaccines of corona viruses. theirs a reason there hasn't been one. they always fail when the next variant comes along to the vaccinated. like i dont know a delta variant. its never worked, it doesn't work now, its not working and people are unwilling participants in the largest experiment in human history. is just hoping that all works out really good enough? it isn't for me and my family. if theres some data in 7 years that proves a vaccine ill think about it. good luck to you ginnie pigs
You should probably work on your spelling and grammar before you attempt to put others down. Shows you really aren’t as smart as you pretend to be.
But again, the vaccine is your choice. Nobody is forcing you to take it. Nobody here is convincing anyone one way or another. Just opinions.
You should probably work on your spelling and grammar before you attempt to put others down. Shows you really aren’t as smart as you pretend to be.
But again, the vaccine is your choice. Nobody is forcing you to take it. Nobody here is convincing anyone one way or another. Just opinions.
ah yes the lowest form of internet arguments. grammar and spell check. that's what you got out of that i don't think i'm the one with a questionable intelligence
ah yes the lowest form of internet arguments. grammar and spell check. that's what you got out of that i don't think i'm the one with a questionable intelligence
It was the only thing to get out of your posts. You aren’t getting the vaccine. We get it. Nobody is forcing you to just like you won’t convince those of us that did, that we are wrong or “ginnie pigs.”
I have been vaccinated. Work pushed that a little but I felt at my age why not . I am not young and not in perfect health so I decided to be a good citizen, lol. Now there are a couple people I know who have nearly died from the vaccine. Others who have been vaccinated have spread covid since. One has been sick. Now they want to give boosters ! What the hell ? I'm done with the vaccine s#!+. Trying to stop people from having any freedoms, pay or travel unless they vaccinate ?
We've been had...
I have been vaccinated. Work pushed that a little but I felt at my age why not . I am not young and not in perfect health so I decided to be a good citizen, lol. Now there are a couple people I know who have nearly died from the vaccine. Others who have been vaccinated have spread covid since. One has been sick. Now they want to give boosters ! What the hell ? I'm done with the vaccine s#!+. Trying to stop people from having any freedoms, pay or travel unless they vaccinate ?
We've been had...
one guarantee in life is that anytime both sides of our political isle are in agreement were being lied to or screwed, and likely both
My family is not vaxed. We just got over the delta V Monday. Personally know 1 guy that died within a week of getting first shot. We gave delta v to my father who is fully vaxed and he still got it and sicker than us for longer time period. He's looked like death warmed over for the last couple of weeks. Won't get the shot because I don't feel I should benefit from testing and development using murdered innocent babies. My opinion......
Can they even tell what what variant you got I heard they couldn’t yet ?
vaccinated, both doses. Had a couple trips to Canada on the books. Needed to cross the border. Just got back from Chilliwack on sturgeon fishing trip.

No side effects, barely a sore shoulder for a couple hours.

the Master has His reasons, life is His to give or take
Can they even tell what what variant you got I heard they couldn’t yet ?
they re just going to call whatever they need to the next variant to fit in there narrative. frankly i don't believe anything that comes from the CDC or us government about any of this any more. and they did that, they lost our trust through there whole bullchit pandemic they've used to violate our republic. just like the FBI and CIA's actions during the last administration lost the entire public's trust. ill never believe a thing any of them say again. i'm not alone
I didn’t get the vaccine. No particular reason, just kept putting it off. I’m now on day 13 covid. The first 5-6 days weren’t bad but it ramped up hard on day 7 and hasn’t let up much. I’ve never been so sick.
Right now, I don’t feel I’ll ever be the same person I was before.
Take it for what it’s worth, but I’d get the shot if I could have a do over.
I didn’t get the vaccine. No particular reason, just kept putting it off. I’m now on day 13 covid. The first 5-6 days weren’t bad but it ramped up hard on day 7 and hasn’t let up much. I’ve never been so sick.
Right now, I don’t feel I’ll ever be the same person I was before.
Take it for what it’s worth, but I’d get the shot if I could have a do over.
Here is the rub, people always have hindsight but you just don't know with this bug, or the fix....
I didn’t get the vaccine. No particular reason, just kept putting it off. I’m now on day 13 covid. The first 5-6 days weren’t bad but it ramped up hard on day 7 and hasn’t let up much. I’ve never been so sick.
Right now, I don’t feel I’ll ever be the same person I was before.
Take it for what it’s worth, but I’d get the shot if I could have a do over.
I had the 1st covid last year and just had the delta v. the 1st time was pretty bad. Took about a month to get over it. Seems like when the fever let up after about 2 weeks I was just tired and slept a lot on the new one. Another family we know had the same experience as we did. They are good to go now. Good thing because both families have muley hunts next week!
A guy in our neighborhood just past away. I don't know his medical history or anything. But he was younger then me and helped coach baseball. He has been on a ventilator in the hospital. I guess he didn't get better.
Pitzer did get FDA approval last week and Moderna is next.

How many guys here on this site were in the Armed Forces and how many shots or vaccines did you get before you were shipped out to another country. I saw a list recently and there are so many that it is hard to believe that after that one would have an issue with this vaccine.
Is this different?
I remember Polio in the third grade and one of my friends getting it because her Mother didn't get her the vaccine. She still walks crooked to this day.
Your life your decision
"Your life your decision". And that, my friend, is where the disconnect is happening.
Some still believe it, many do not!
I have been to two funerals in the last year due to Covid (allegedly)!
I received the 1st Moderna shot last week!
I did it for the same reason I have been wearing the damn mask for over a year. It is easier to go along, & get along.
The Covid may still get me yet.
Life is kinda like that.
they re just going to call whatever they need to the next variant to fit in there narrative. frankly i don't believe anything that comes from the CDC or us government about any of this any more. and they did that, they lost our trust through there whole bullchit pandemic they've used to violate our republic. just like the FBI and CIA's actions during the last administration lost the entire public's trust. ill never believe a thing any of them say again. i'm not alone
BINGO!!!!! What ever happend to fauci's email on funding the wuhan lab?
I didn’t get the vaccine. No particular reason, just kept putting it off. I’m now on day 13 covid. The first 5-6 days weren’t bad but it ramped up hard on day 7 and hasn’t let up much. I’ve never been so sick.
Right now, I don’t feel I’ll ever be the same person I was before.
Take it for what it’s worth, but I’d get the shot if I could have a do over.
I had 18 days of hell so you're getting close to being back on your feet.
Question, Gator. Once you kicked the virus, how much effect did it have on your overall health and energy level? How long until you felt like yourself again?
I had it as well in April I was tired as hell and it felt like a really bad head cold still can’t smell sh!t hope I can avoid the new variation

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