Wade lemon outfitters


Very Active Member
Man wade lemon outfitters is being put on blast on social media. Anyone else see it? I have no dog in the fight, but punk move having his guides chase animals off. And his guide making the statement you put your camera on our bait station. An outfitter service that needs to use bait????
Here's the video and some picks. People sure bag on Doyle. But Doyle knows where he can and cant hunt sheep. Can still guide the island and helps random guys kill deer on the Pauns.




Man wade lemon outfitters is being put on blast on social media. Anyone else see it? I have no dog in the fight, but punk move having his guides chase animals off. And his guide making the statement you put your camera on our bait station. An outfitter service that needs to use bait????

Bait is the most popular way to hunt the pauns. The heaton ranch does it the same way good ole' apples.
Surprise, another wlh altercation. I've heard of it happening multiple times each year. Dog mentally, I pissed here so therefore it's mine. I know wlh isn't the only outfitter who baits, but it would boggle your mind the amount of apples they distribute to certain LE deer units.
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Who's the dude in the truck who thinks he owns the mountain because he dumped apples out? Is that the same guy that's seen bumping the deer? Who moved the camera? Were they turned in for hunter harassment?

There's something seriously wrong with the people down there, whether it's this BS or putting up temporary fences to corner deer so guys can shoot them in the fields.
You'd think DOPL would be involved with the two that were cited on the island a few months back. This crap keeps happening but nothing seems to happen to them. Guess they bring in too much money to the state.
You'd think DOPL would be involved with the two that were cited on the island a few months back. This crap keeps happening but nothing seems to happen to them. Guess they bring in too much money to the state.

I wonder how much actually happened and how much is just rumor. The DOPL investigators aren't bound by the DWR press release regarding a call to Cedar City or some statement from the manager at AI, etc... They're serious people and if there was really potential wildlife violations that fell under the Moral Character section of the outfitting rules, I'd suspect they'd investigate it if they knew about it.

But again, I wonder how much is true? One things for sure, I won't hunt with them. So much smoke makes me think there's likely a fire somewhere. But that's just me.
From what I gathered, the hunter filming had originally put his trail camera on the same tree as the outfitter and over the outfitters bait pile. Making the outfitter mad.
The hunter argued saying that its public ground and he can hang his camera wherever he wants.
So the outfitter sent a guy to go push the deer that the hunters were going after.
So they claimed it’s public ground and they can go for a hike?
So the hunter got mad and blocked off the road to confront the guide/outfitter and the situation just about got out of hand.
Whatever the case it sounds like Utah to me. I've seen Utard Rednecks chasing Deer to shooters using motorcycles. It wouldn't surprise me to read anything.
Somebody's going to end up getting hurt and all this nonsense will make the front page. And we all will get another chance to explain how this really isn't how it is.
Actually I can't blame Wade Lemon because I don't know squat and neither do you. You kids know internet gossip. That's all.
Video evidence is not proof anymore?
WLH isnt responsibly for his guides and spotters when they do something wrong?
Only when they kill something big right tri!
While I think the guy going and chasing the deer away was a HUGE d!ck move, there is some questions that need answered.

Like why did they wait 5-6 months to post the video, and what did Wade say when he brought it to his attention.

There is definitely some things not adding up, but the guy chasing the deer off was ridiculous. Plus the guy escalated the situation greatly by getting out of his truck and getting in the guys face.
And Saying: "You Little F'ER"!

While I think the guy going and chasing the deer away was a HUGE d!ck move, there is some questions that need answered.

Like why did they wait 5-6 months to post the video, and what did Wade say when he brought it to his attention.

There is definitely some things not adding up, but the guy chasing the deer off was ridiculous. Plus the guy escalated the situation greatly by getting out of his truck and getting in the guys face.
I saw Wade at his expo booth yesterday. Maybe someone should go and ask him what he thinks or knows about the situation.
I agree ridgetops. Whenever I have a question or problem with a person the best thing I can do is talk to that person
I never saw the deer in the video he pushed away. Am I missing something? Can someone explain it?

It’s hard to take this guys side when all that’s posted is a few minutes and their narrative. I would get a little ticked off if I was confronted like the guy in the truck was, so I can’t hold that against him. Waste of time for sure. One good thing about drama like this that’s posted to the internet is that we become numb to it.
Wow, crazy! It's not surprising though. Our camp got rob and ransacked in the Wyoming high country in 2015 and I believe it was a guide who was planning to hunt the same deer I was. I don't know for certain, therefore would never accuse by name, but that's my guess. Someone did it and I believe it was over that deer.

People do make mistakes and do stupid stuff, nearly all of us have. Nowadays it can easily find it's way to the internet and the masses. People need to live life as though someone is ALWAYS watching.....and filming.
Our camp got rob and ransacked in the Wyoming high country in 2015 and I believe it was a guide who was planning to hunt the same deer I was. I don't know for certain, therefore would never accuse by name, but that's my guess. Someone did it and I believe it was over that deer.

Founder, that experience was extremely frustrating at the time but I have laughed about that memory several times over the years. That was one long, cold night on the mountain before we located most of our gear the next day carefully hidden under nearby logs and bushes.

Wow, crazy! It's not surprising though. Our camp got rob and ransacked in the Wyoming high country in 2015 and I believe it was a guide who was planning to hunt the same deer I was. I don't know for certain, therefore would never accuse by name, but that's my guess. Someone did it and I believe it was over that deer.

People do make mistakes and do stupid stuff, nearly all of us have. Nowadays it can easily find it's way to the internet and the masses. People need to live life as though someone is ALWAYS watching.....and filming.

You are a complete jackass to rob anything, but robbing a camp in the backcountry adds yet another layer to the asshat scale.

  • elkantlers
    Senior MemberJoin: Feb 2014Posts: 140
    Oct 21, 2016 · #2

    Wade Lemon quote.. Lemon said his clients "put a lot of money into Utah," more than those complaining about the ram. "These knuckleheads ought to be ashamed for spit-balling these people. Those guys who buy a $25 deer tag don't do squat" for habitat conservation, he said

  • It's not like the attitude of the guides came from the boss.
I was told by another outfitter that the guy in the still pic was caught on private land, he didnt see the cam until it was too late. Landowner called wade and told him to tell his guides to stay out. Anyone else would have got a ticket.
Founder, that experience was extremely frustrating at the time but I have laughed about that memory several times over the years. That was one long, cold night on the mountain before we located most of our gear the next day carefully hidden under nearby logs and bushes.

That was a cold night for sure! Glad those bears weren't hungry!!! I still can't believe someone would do that. At least whomever did it didn't get that buck.
I've said positive things about Wade.(y)

Everybody is talking about this is negative. I literally can't discern one single fact from the people on the videos, or the still cam pics that have been provided. I've seen bigfoot videos that had more evidence than this junk.
Sounds like they have the same mind set as Wade. Not a good public display.
But I am sure there are enough guys that would not care how they get that 200in buck or 400in bull, basically the "I have money....screw you little people"
Kinda exactly Wade's comment above.
That wasn't wades comment above. Those are words Wade said cut and pasted around another person's interpretation of them. There is a big difference. Hossblur is counting on people being dumb enough not to notice.
So were you guys able to kill it? Or did you pull out?
Nope. We stayed and hunted for 5-6 days. What was stolen was two of our pack stoves, my hammock chair, and maybe other small stuff. They hid our sleeping bags about 60 yards from camp and buried them under stuff. We found them the next day and luckily we had an extra jet boil. So, we were able to stick it out.
That wasn't wades comment above. Those are words Wade said cut and pasted around another person's interpretation of them. There is a big difference. Hossblur is counting on people being dumb enough not to notice.

Dumb enough? Notice what? Are you that dumb? Are you a close personal friend? Or just a haterm
Do you know for a fact he did not say that?
I know 1st hand from the sheep bio in price that Wade knew he was wrong when he shot that ram. Played the stupid card and got away with it.
I know for a fact he is a dick on the southern units. Not the friend of a friend BS.
That wasn't wades comment above. Those are words Wade said cut and pasted around another person's interpretation of them. There is a big difference. Hossblur is counting on people being dumb enough not to notice.

Read it for yourself.

That might be what Robyn told you, but, here's what he said.

Tri is say stop digging, but I told you that after the sheep story hit, which you ignored, then gave us all the gift of BLLAAAAAAM.

NONE OF US could do the damage to WLH that you did with one post. Until YOU it was rumor. After YOU there was proof, which WLH then had to address, SLC had to address.

I'd never try to shut you down. You're the gift that keeps on giving???
Dumb enough? Notice what? Are you that dumb? Are you a close personal friend? Or just a haterm
Do you know for a fact he did not say that?
I know 1st hand from the sheep bio in price that Wade knew he was wrong when he shot that ram. Played the stupid card and got away with it.
I know for a fact he is a dick on the southern units. Not the friend of a friend BS.

The Cedar office ain't fans either. In fact they were the ones who told me who wade talked to in price.

So. I called him.

Tri, that's 2 1st person conversations with Price.
So you are quoting Brian Maffly and not Wade Lemon.

I love how you refer to it as "Damage". I am pretty sure Wade is doing just fine in Business and last I checked he didn't get in any trouble for the ram.

So tell me there slick, where's the "damage"?

This is classic internet.

"I know 1st hand from the sheep bio in price that Wade knew he was wrong when he shot that ram. "

That's not first hand information. THAT IS GOSSIP. Just because you call it "first hand" doesn't make it so. Hell even if the biologist got on here and stated it, it's still not "First hand".
I've said positive things about Wade.(y)

Everybody is talking about this is negative. I literally can't discern one single fact from the people on the videos, or the still cam pics that have been provided. I've seen bigfoot videos that had more evidence than this junk.

I get what your saying. I’ve never personally had a run in with any guide Tri and maybe your interactions with guides have been good but the clown in the truck FLAT OUT SAYING “I owed you one” pretty much sums it up.
Theres just too much conflict in the hunting world between Guides and Hunters in all the states. This stuff is gonna eventually boil over and get somone killed.... It needs to stop regardless of what happened. We're all in the field for the same reason, To enjoy the outdoors and hunt. :(

Read it for yourself.

That might be what Robyn told you, but, here's what he said.

Tri is say stop digging, but I told you that after the sheep story hit, which you ignored, then gave us all the gift of BLLAAAAAAM.

NONE OF US could do the damage to WLH that you did with one post. Until YOU it was rumor. After YOU there was proof, which WLH then had to address, SLC had to address.

I'd never try to shut you down. You're the gift that keeps on giving???

I rarely post here, but I can't help myself...Tristate is easily the most delusional poster I have seen on any hunting site I have followed for the last 20 years. Truely sad! Sometimes unintentionally and unbelievably comical, but ultimately sad. Keep rolling Tri and don't let little things like the truth get in your way.
I don’t get any of these weenies. The moment that guy steps out of the truck it’s on.

What better place for a good old fashion fist fight?

Or do people just settle there scores with a cell phone now days.
I don’t get any of these weenies. The moment that guy steps out of the truck it’s on.

What better place for a good old fashion fist fight?

Or do people just settle there scores with a cell phone now days.
No fist fights anymore. Too bad. I remember when that was common and it was just between two people and you would shake hands afterwards. No need for the police, lawyers, or cameras. I miss those days.
# #### ## ### #######!

Gonna see Who Wins in Court Probably?

Maybe See Who's got more on Who with all their Electronic BS!
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We've got a couple of guys talking about fighting and one guy talking about this is what is going to get people killed. :oops::oops::oops::oops:

Yall really need to think about reality and your priorities.
No fist fights anymore. Too bad. I remember when that was common and it was just between two people and you would shake hands afterwards. No need for the police, lawyers, or cameras. I miss those days.
Nowadays someone will just shoot you in the face.
“Nowadays someone will just shoot you in the face.”

So just hide behind your cell phone and pee your pants I guess?
I would not expect anything more from Tristate. He is one of the guys I was meaning in my post that could careless HOW he gets the animal just that he got it, with the least amount of effort...Most likely tip big if they did screw somebody out of it.
Typical internet warrior, sit behind his keyboard and rant away. Not your typical Texan, just a California reject.
I would not expect anything more from Tristate. He is one of the guys I was meaning in my post that could careless HOW he gets the animal just that he got it, with the least amount of effort...Most likely tip big if they did screw somebody out of it.
Typical internet warrior, sit behind his keyboard and rant away. Not your typical Texan, just a California reject.View attachment 1505

And the self-proclaimed "rolling slaughter house on wheels"
You know, if EVERYONE used the Ignore button on Tristate he would sit behind his screen crying and yelling "WHY WON'T THEY ARGUE WITH ME ANY MORE????" Eventually he would move on.

I'll be needing to see that biologist quote where he entered in here and "said otherwise".

Go get it. I quoted you. I quoted the newspaper.

And I know who the biologist in Price is.

So go get that quote.

If your struggling ask founder he can help you.

I read someone say have you noticed how Mossback seems to be on the straight and narrow after a Lemon left?

I seem to be noticing that.


If baiting was illegal, and cams not legal during hunting season, most of this goes away.

Just saying
Hossblur you are back to not making any sense.

Looks like you boys don't like getting called out on your gossip
Shame to see all the drama coming out of this if the ole boy in the truck did do what's claimed he shoulda hit the dirt as soon as he got out of the truck other than that hunters are giving each other bad names and it's not working in our or children's favor for hunting
WLH bought both Paunsagunt tags at the Expo auctions yesterday, one for $50k and the other for $50.5k.
They didn't even bid on the AI tag that sold for a mere $140k.
Congrats to the bidders. I am sure they will have a lot of fun and I can't wait to see how their hunt finishes.

That's interesting that the AI tag went for that low. Oh well. Its still a lot of money for conservation and management.
Congrats to the bidders. I am sure they will have a lot of fun and I can't wait to see how their hunt finishes.

That's interesting that the AI tag went for that low. Oh well. Its still a lot of money for conservation and management.

I was completely shocked it went that low, especially since they didn't harvest the biggest buck out there last fall. I would have guessed 300k all day long.

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