Wasatch elk 2019


Very Active Member
I should be able to draw the early rifle hunt as a NR in 2020.

If you were there this year what were your thoughts? What is a realistic goal for a bull?
See the post titled "My 2019 Utah Elk Limited Entry".

Pretty common bull for wasatch.
You can get better bulls, but you can also get a lot less.
Go for it.
It is a fun hunt. I just helped someone, muzzleloader tag.
We saw 5 bulls per day.
I think, if you hunted it hard, passed on some 300 bulls, a 340 bull is about what to expect.

Good luck!!!
>I should be able to draw
>the early rifle hunt as
>a NR in 2020.
>If you were there this year
>what were your thoughts? What
>is a realistic goal for
>a bull?

310-330 is the ?average? from my experience. But as mentioned, if you put some mikes on and pass those bulls up, 340+ is very doable.
Depends on if your're hunting private or public ground. Also depends on if your're being guided or hunting on your own. Killed 3 nice bulls this year on the early rifle, elk were very active this year.
I was just up there hunting deer on the muzz hunt. Lots of elk and lots of 320 class bulls. Did see 2 that would go 340+ so would be a fun hunt. Would be tough to pass on 320 class holding out for bigger.
Anyone else in the Wasatch? The more I think about it I am really hoping for a 340 plus bull DIY. I'm 48 and I am not getting more than a few good elk tags the rest of my life.

I also might stop applying in Utah after I draw elk.

My point is I am willing to wait 5 more years to get a chance at the size bull I want.
>Anyone else in the Wasatch? The
>more I think about it
>I am really hoping for
>a 340 plus bull DIY.
>I'm 48 and I am
>not getting more than a
>few good elk tags the
>rest of my life.
>I also might stop applying in
>Utah after I draw elk.
>My point is I am willing
>to wait 5 more years
>to get a chance at
>the size bull I want.

Look at Stubbay's post here about the Wasatch. Maybe pm him ? He lives on the unit and seems to know it pretty well. I bet it would help his addiction. As he isn't going to draw another elk tag for a few decades now ! :) :)
In my opinion Don, it's pretty hard to expect bigger bulls by waiting on the point system to thin, especially for a NR. I think if you snag a tag and lean on some MM help (bowhunt and others), you could do it sooner than later. At least that's my take.
Thanks guys! Gosh golly I wish I drew a decade ago. This is the only state I missed a year by accident in literally 20 years. That and a AR301 hunt app where I did not get a point put me 10 years more behind!
Keep waiting and the quality will still be the same, just fewer and fewer of those quality bulls around.

15 years ago.......
LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-19 AT 07:08PM (MST)[p]The expo is in a few weeks Johnny boy!!!!

My Wasatch bull doesn't even score 310? so I wouldn't ask me. Haha.


"That's a special feeling, Lloyd!?

I will say this,
Since cutting the antlerless permits couple 2 or 3 years ago, elk numbers are increasing nicely.

Elk are showing back up on the South end. GOOD TO SEE!

Now if they would just quit killin all the spikes for a few years, we would be back in business with a GREAT unit.
Thanks! It will take 5 more years IMO to have this show up in the bulls. Currently I am looking elsewhere - I have looked at the other species I go for and I am close to cow bison. I plan to completely cash out in Utah in 5-8 years so I will be applying for better units that take more points. I figured I will get only 1 elk tag - so since I plan to also draw cow bison (and hopefully more) I might as well wait.
I'm a non resident with 18 points in Utah, like Don. Howdee Don!! I'm about the same age as Don, I'm 57 and going for hip replacement surgery in March. Otherwise, I am in good health. What other units are better than this one, that are early rifle, that I would draw within 5 years? Thanks Bill
I also in the same boat with 20nr pts..I was willing to burn them in 2019, and applied for panquitch lake, and then they took a early tag away..It looks like the points it will take to draw other southern units will take many more years to draw. We are planning to be at the WHCE if roads are ok to get across wyo..I would be willing to meet up and talk about other units to explore, had I drew in 19 I was planning 2weeks of scouting prior to the opener. In you resident hunters opinion. Would that be enough time to find a good bull in any good unit...thanks billc...
Two full weeks scouting prior to and dedicating the entire hunt is more than enough time, in my opinion.

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