Well That Didn't Take Long

TOG if you keep telling every one on the inter net how great you are yo
U might one day believe it ! Until you walk by a mirror and see the drunken peyote smoker you really are that is ! So keep telling us how awesome you are it is kind of entertaining.
I haven't asked for any of you simpletons to hump my leg. you just can't help yourselves.

I'm trying to talk about the subject matter but you just can't do it. it can only be for one of two reasons, either I'm the most interesting man in the world or you're too damn dumb to participate in the conversation. you tell me ? I'm good with either one.

Here's your chance to be a heterosexual adult. how do you plan to hold off the will of the majority for very long without a supreme court decision in your favor ?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Wow that was an impressive rant.
> I'm glad to be
>such an inspiration to someone
> who obviously needs a
>focus in life.
>So we have another vote that
>Reagan was a dumbazz.
>I disagree, and it seems
>the majority of Americas do
>as well.
> http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/mcclatchys-america/article183854346.html
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

Disagreeing with Reagan on the effectiveness of the ban makes him a dumbass? Care to talk about anything I stated or asked you to elaborate on? You can't claim to be a genius and talk about the issues and then answer nothing and post links to left wing news outlets as fact and the gospel. Hell im surprised you don't have a 200 page thread on why trump can't even feed fish right?

You have become a master at regurgitating the buzz words and phrases of the left but never have a conversation about nothing. When your intellect is challenged it's prove it or gfys.

You may be right and a ban is coming. I know it is at the state level here in Washington. However making an emotional based feel good law does very little in the end except penalize law abiding citizens. Why no support for all out ban on things known to harm others in the hands of the criminal and irresponsible? How bout it dude or are you a fake socialist and believe very little of the bs your shoveling here?
Well you tried to talk about the subject. good for you, baby steps.

What are you basing your claim the '94 ban did not work on? the killings have become more frequent and deadly since the ban expired. almost all if not all of the Rambo chit used to slaughter americans since was built and sold after 2004.

If the ban had stayed in place isn't it logical to assume most creeps who've used these weapons would have had to resort to less efficient arms if they even did it at all? you know how studly your " bad biatch " makes you feel would it be as cool with a model 94 ? without 15 30 rounders and black ops cool stuff ? maybe your man card holders would just say pizz on it and go home and beat on their wife instead.

It comes back to the original question, how many lives do you have to save before it matters?

Prove Reagan's bill did no good or admit you can't.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Better yet tell me how many dead by all other forms can you tolerate including your beloved alcohol? Why no support for an all out ban and confiscation? After all according to you a AR ban would save a few lives so wouldn't ya feel better about saving them all?

As I've said, a good background check and data base system would accomplish the same thing. It would have worked in the Texas case had the system been better designed and run.

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