what kind of records do you keep.


Active Member
I keep records of all the big antlers I have found dateing back to the late 70s. I measure each antler and record where ( a GPS if I can) and when I found the antler. I also include the type of terrain and vegitation. Also a etimated age of the antler. I can still remember finding all of the big antlers I have ever found but I still use the records. Some day I hope my son can use them to help him find a few antlers. Does any of you keep personal shed antler records?


you keep extremely detailed records compared to me. when i first started collecting i marked the location of bigger sheds on topo maps, but for years now the only records i keep are in my head. my hot spots change so often (get discovered by others) that marking or noting where i find sheds is a losing proposition. i think leaving a vehicle parked in an obvious location during "the drop" has been the death of alot of my hot spots, so now i get dropped off or park far away and mountain bike from there as often as i can to keep other shed collectors from zeroing in.

i can still see most of my sheds "as they lay" in my mind and i still savor the moment i spotted them...my wife thinks it's crazy that i can remember the details about how, when and where i found each shed when i pull them out of my shed pile. i admit i am totally addicted to finding sheds. i hope to get my kids into shed collecting when they get older, but it's already so competitive that it may not be much fun by the time they are old enough. i guess time will tell.

keep on shedding!

Exactly to the word what Berto said. If I wrote a response, Berto would sue me for plagiarism. Lol
that's kind of funny, my wife says the same thing about me. i can remember all the little details about when where what time i found the sheds. i don't keep written records either.
I've got all the scores written down in a book and now even on excel spreadsheets. For some of my real good areas, I've got the locations marked on orthophotos. That way I can track the bucks from summer to winter ranges. I can still remember everything about each find down to the smallest detail as well.
I keep records of all of my bro's,dad's,and my sheds.I write a number on the mainbeam of each shed then log it into my shed journal explaining where and when we found them.I also have seperate journals for the different states I have shed hunted in.It may sound goofy,but it makes it easy to compare sheds to ones we have found earlier.

Shed hunting is a sickness and I'm a sick motherf*%$#* when it comes to shed hunting :)

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