

Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-11-13 AT 06:57PM (MST)[p]Well I would like to ask how everyone else is doing on whitetails? I really think EHD took a toll on them

I drive to Meetetsee everyday up to oil field. This year I haven't slammed the brakes once for a deer crossing the road. Last year it was every other day.

Hunting this last weekend I see hardly nothing. I notice come August the whitetails vanished.

I talked to some landowners that don't hunt and they said they been finding dead deer. I also talked to some other hunters and they been having bad luck.

I been seeing a ton of muleys though. Muleys don't get my blood flowing. I wont stop for a 160-170 inch buck to take a second look. But I been seeing some big ol pigs. Of course I drive through a ranch to get to the oil field so these muleys get no hunting pressure

But Whitetails are tough. They will come back
NFH - Just returned from 9 days in that area hunting with family from Powell. This is the third year we've focused our hunting south or Burlington and I was disappointed in the total number of deer we were able to find. I think we saw 50% of the deer we usually see and 3x the hunters this year. We hunting some of the walk in areas and private land that allow hunters and did find dead carcasses. I saw a few small bucks early in the hunt but nothing that I wanted to fill my tag with that early.

We ended up changing areas and I shot a smaller whitetail up by the Montana line. Our group had four general tags and four doe tags and only filled two general tags. I know things change from year to year and you can't always fill all your tags, but I was a little disappointed with what we saw this year. I know there is a late whitetail hunt in most of those areas that runs to the 30th, I wonder if those tag holders will be able to find more deer after the general pressure settles down.

Good ??--
I know hunting turkeys around Sundance 2-3years ago i couldcount 100+ deer in the fields, this year we were lucky to see a dozen or so. I hunted Greybull last year and it was the same situation!
I hold one of those late season tags and I hope it changes to. Im afraid it wont. Lots of landowners are finding dead deer. Couple of the guys I talked to that farm in that area never heard of EHD so I explained the deal..
Plenty of deer around where I hunt by lusk. Even where I mule deer hunt by Buford where their is still lots of deer in their! Hunted by riverside and lots of whitetail and Muleys over their. Ranch I hunt on in hawk springs and albin their are plenty over their!
I hunt on private ground in the Powell area. We have seen 20 or so dead WT this fall apparently from EHD.

It seems EHD is mostly host specific and not as fatal to MD as it is to WT. There has been a significant die off of WT's in the Bighorn Basin. G&Fish is aware of die off.

Good news is there is lots of MD...LOL.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming'
My wife shot this one a couple days ago in Wyoming...

Did she shoot it or found it with a blue tongue?? Ha ha jk buzz. Nice deer, tell her congrats! I'm going back up to lusk next week to punch out my last two tags.

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