Who would Jesus vote for??


Active Member
If Jesus Christ the son of God were here today (in the flesh) who would he vote for?

I think agruments could be made for both candidates.
He wouldn't cuz he's not a US citizen?

His Dad?

Lazarus cuz he's the original comeback kid?

Moses cuz he's younger than McCain?

He could write in his own name since he is the only one with a clean record. Have is mother as running mate since she is also pretty squeaky clean. You know, the whole immaculate conception thing? That would trump Palin and maybe get the Hillary cast offs. Prolly wouldn't though, the whole choice vs life argument.

Judas, cuz he'd fit right in back there? Heck, 30 pieces of silver'd be pretty cheap these days.

I'm sure you'd like me to stop. So who do you think? And to take it further, would he be registered Republican or Democrat?

Smile, I'm just joking.
LMAO!!!! That's good!

NVBighorn, It's good to get a little humor going as tense as things are today(these days for that manner). At the end of the day we are ALL Americans and want the same basic things (health/happiness)....

I think Jesus would say.... "You know, I see good qualities and ideas in both these candidates. Of course neither are perfect and both have sinned, but I love them both as my father Loves ALL his children. I will vote them both into office, and to be fair.... One will serve as president for the first two years while the other is vp. Then after two years they will alternate. Now does someone have a "shekel" so I can flip to see who starts off as President............ Barack since you have been using my alias(the Messiah) falsely, John gets to call it... John will it be heads or tails??????"
LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-08 AT 01:30PM (MST)[p]Mark 12: 14, 16-17

14 And when they were come, they say unto him, Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man: for thou regardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth: Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?
15 Shall we give, or shall we not give? But he, knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them, Why atempt ye me? bring me a penny, that I may see it.
16 And they brought it. And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? And they said unto him, Caesar?s.
17 And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar?s, and to God the things that are God?s. And they marvelled at him.

Uhhhh I think He would vote for Himself.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
If Obama wins doesn't that mean god voted for him? if not then that means the liberals are more powerful than god right?

If that's the case don't tell them because if they get 60 seats they're going to have big enough heads.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-08 AT 05:50PM (MST)[p]Probably not Obama.


Edit: "It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around the neck than to face the punishment in store for harming one of these little ones."
Crap, this fun is about over and still nobody will tell me this. PALIN SAID THE ELECTION IS IN GOD'S HANDS, SO WHEN OBAMA WINS DOES THAT ME HE'S GOD'S CHOICE?

If not then please tell me how else to take that statement. maybe Obama is a muslim and the real god is Allah? that should freak you out for a while.
"....just as I am no part of this world."

He would vote for no one but give his allegiance to his father.
I already told you I don't get that jibberish " Ye he shall be as he was though not like before but maybe a litle bit like he used to be after he was not as he is before he was after the day he was not : palm 17494138. 175. 77 "

See sorry, I just don't follow that stuff so answer the question in English already.
It was a valid question, if you can't answer it then it's best to let it slide .

Palin started it I didn't, all I wanted to know is what she ment. that's what I get for not turning the volume down and just looking at her like everyone else I guess.
You are the one who wants to know. Last time I checked none of the other members were responsible for your reading assignments. If you can read go read it and get your sorry head out of your arse.
Wonder what people like huntindude will do when they are standing before God and all his glory when they leave this earth? They will more than likely think, for a slit second...I guess those bible thumpers on monstermuleys were right! After judgement you might say "why is it getting so freakin hot in hear"!!! I'm not judging you h-dude, I would only hope someday you will open your eyes and give God a chance. You never know, you might fall in love with the one that created you!

Ransom go to bed you're getting grumpy, I'll tell you who won in the morning.

Muleyman I don't mind god I just don't need him or think he exist, Wakan Tanka I think might exist once in a while when I need a crutch or need to get 100 yards closer on a big bull. in any event my veiw on religion is the same as Einstein's so I'm in good company.

Anyone else want to explain Palin's statement? I just don't have the ingrained ability forget things like that. It looks now as if Obama is not only going to win he's going to smoke McCain, so I have to take it then god took it in his hands as Palin said and Obama is the chosen one. who hoo! no inquisition!
Once in a while. still no answer to the Palin statement so take your shot, geez you guys are dull.

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