Why Do You Hunt/Scout/View Game?


Founder Since 1999
In 50 words or less, share a very important reason as to why you love to hunt/scout/view game. It doesn't have to be your most important reason, but one of the top.

Maybe it's the bonding time you get with your kids. Maybe that time alone of a high ridge. Maybe just getting away from work and people. Etc., Etc.

Just for sharing, you might WIN yourself a sweet Badlands 2200 pack. Thanks to Badlands for sponsoring this giveaway. It's a fantastic prize for sure! All who share their thoughts will be entered in a drawing to WIN the Badlands 2200. I'll draw a winner in about a month.

And of course, when you guys are in the market for a pack, bino case, rangefinder case, or even quality apparel, please be sure to checkout all the fine gear offered by Badlands. In fact, take a moment now and look at all the fine gear they have available. Maybe you're in the need of one of the Bino X binocular cases for this season, or maybe a Summit 4700 cubic inch back pack, or maybe a sweet Enduro Jacket. Take a look at all they have to offer folks. Good stuff.

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Brian Latturner
Will you LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook! I need a friend....
Pursuing my outdoor interests means I'm enjoying everything Nature encompasses and provides. From the smallest creatures to the most majestic, there is something of interest in them all. Enjoying a walk in lush meadows while gazing up at towering peaks lets me feel relaxed and at peace with myself.
Being in the outdoors is an awesome experience for me, most of my favorite memories revolve around seeing animals or trying to find them. The reward from hard work, anticipation and knowledge of getting close to animals is great! Plus I simply love learning about all species of animals.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
Being able to spend time in the outdoors without the burdens of technology.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
Hunting is in my blood. Growing up in a non-hunting family verifies that to me. I have a drive to see over that next mountain. I dream about it every night of the year. For me it is more than a hobby it is a way of life.

The freedom that only nature can provide keeps me coming back.
The sights, sounds and all my senses renew, while enjoying the wild critters that are not bound to my civilized ways.
The outdoors calls me back to a simpler better time and only there do I truly feel free.
Simply put, hunting is a way for me to get out with my family and friends and enjoy a common interest. I love the challenge of matching minds against a raging bull or a wiley muley buck. I gives me motivation to stay in shape and conquer the next challenge with vigor! It's also a place that I feel the closest to my Dad and Grandpa, my mentors in the outdoors.

It's always an adventure!!!
I hunt because there's nothing better than being in the mountains with family members, like AWHOLELOTTABULL said, love being out there with my father. I scout to find the animals I plan on hunting and getting in shape for the hunt.
Its how I relax and get my priorities straight. I love being in the mnts. away from the phone and pressures of life. Its where my favorite memories have been made and will be made. The scenery, animals, and family time renew me.
I love the mountains, when I lived in Florida for 3 years hunting was not the same.
I hunt primarily for the meat. But hiking, scouting and glassing is all about the horn. I can see does, ewes and cows all day and not get too excited but as soon as I see horns, I forget about everything else going on on life.
I don't like crowds, I don't like cities, Cant stand most people, Hate the sounds of traffic. am annoyed if I cant see farther than a brick wall 50 yards away. Do not like to be herded. Will not conform to "the norm". What else is there?
LAST EDITED ON Jul-12-14 AT 01:21PM (MST)[p]Nothing in the world gets my blood going like a big muley buck or a big bull. I hike, lift, diet and shoot year round just to be ready for what could be 30 seconds. It's what my dad did before me and what my boys obsess about.
I hunt because hidden deep within the hunters' heart is a tenuous thread, linking man to his beginning; it's often lost in civilization. We that embrace it reclaim a time where kindred spirits of animal and man align once more and the 'hunt' is renewed. It is why I am.

There's a reason momma made you eat your vegetables! It works for mule deer too, just ask me how!
To forget what I do the rest of the time, to have just one goal, and pursue it with all of my ability. In doing so I have been able to provide meat for my family, feel myself deflate from the stress of life, reconnect to what is important.
The escape from civilization is very peaceful. The pursuit of an intelligent quarry is one of the many things I love about hunting. I also feel like the time I spend outdoors with family and friends is more quality time.
When I was 16 years old, I had a cousin pass away from leukemia. The last day we were able to talk, he didn't say goodbye. He instructed us to meet him at the tallest mountain we could find and say goodbye there. Since then, I've lost other very close family. Some harder to deal with than others. Spending time hunting is great time spent with friends and family. I get to spend quality time enjoying Gods creation with both current friends, and those who've gone before me.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
I do it for the adrenaline rush. Whether stalking that big buck or calling that screaming bull into bow range. Nothing gives me that heart pounding excitement like hunting does. Also the anticipation of the hunt, not knowing how the hunt will unfold. The night before a hunt I play the hunt out in my head. How I think it will happen and it ends up happening a total different way. You just never know when you're up against mother nature.
It's all a passion for me. To understand the animals strength, it's will to survive. The living conditions in which it adapts. The extreme scents it has to allow itself to live another day. My ability to overcome it's abilities and offer that animal to my family is a reward.

Theodore Roosevelt's guidance concerning
"The movement for the conservation of wildlife,
and the conservation of all our natural resources,
are essentially democratic in spirit,purpose and

"We do not intend that our natural resources shall
be exploited by the few against the interests of the
majority. Our aim is to preserve our natural
resources for the public as a whole, for the
average man and the average woman who make
up the body of the American people."

"It is in our power...to preserve game..and to give
reasonable opportunities for the exercise of the
skill of the hunter,whether he is or is not a man of
A habitual thing scouting was, i wanted to see. I wanted to see what inches certain deer had added to their racks, see what trails they took when going from deep cover to late evening water, maybe see a different bigger buck leave his hide right at dark. Redneck data!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LAST EDITED ON Jul-13-14 AT 06:35PM (MST)[p]It's the con game! Since I know I can't outrun them, nor outsee them, nor outhear them, nor outsmell them, to me it's the challenge of outthinking them. I KNOW more about them than they KNOW about me or themselves and that's a much bigger advantage than the other 4. I figure out ways to use their instincts against them on their own turf (or waters if we're talking fish) and hunting is my laboratory!
Hunting and scouting are an adventure. I need to see the next animal, the next valley etc. As a boy, it was simply adventure. As a man, it's an escape that keeps me in touch with my inner kid. I am always looking for wild places and wild critters.
It's more than just a passion! It's the chills that shoot down your spine when that screaming bull is only feet away and has no idea your there! It's chasing the adrenaline rush you got when you had your first encounter with the outdoors! And much more!
I hunt for the adventure of it a lot of time. The adventure of getting into big, awesome country pursuing big game that I grew up day dreaming about. Nothing better than hunting in the cold and snow chasing rutting muley's for me!
It is simply what I was meant to do, cannot really explain it any better than that!
I enjoy the outdoors for the anticipation of every moment. You never know what is going to be around the next corner, or in the next drainage. I build memories and witness things most people will never see.

Enjoy the moment and relive the memories.
I enjoy hunting different places, spotting and hunting a trophy Speed goat on the praries, finding a great muley in the high county, having a rut crazy bull screaming his head off coming straight for me, finally finding the Monster Montana big horn sheep to put my once in a life time tag on. All these experiences and memories with friends and family in Nature!
I think I have a slightly different answer for each of those options, but they all center around time outdoors with friends and family. The answers have changed as I've gotten older as well. It would be very hard for me to condense it into 50 words or less!
At the end of the day, for me it's about quality time spent enjoying God's green earth and irreplaceable memories with family and friends.
It is where I can really listen, clear my mind, and renew my appreciation for the comforts of a home and family. Who am I kidding, it is that adrenaline rush! The addiction of a screaming bull elk just a few yards away, raking trees and ready for a fight. And the rare glimpse of a mature mule deer buck. If I am not there in body, I am certainly there in mind.
It's the first chime of the alarm on opening day at 3 A.M. It's the feel and the smell of my worn out boots as I pull the laces tight. It's the sight of my own breath in the frigid temperatures of the morning. It's the calm quietness of the mountain as I step out of my truck. It's the weight of the pack on my back as the straps are pulled tight. It's the shared grin with your huntin' buddy as you hit the trailhead and absolutely no words are needed between you to know exactly what they are saying in their head. It's the vibrant colors of the leaves as they shake with the breeze. It's the crunch of the snow under your boots. It's the ground shaking sound of a bull bugling in the hollow below. It's the crack of the rifle, the smoke of the muzzleloader, and the hiss of the arrow in flight. It's the painfully heavy pack as you head back to camp. It's the stories and comraderie around the crackling fire. It's the memories that usually get better as they age. It's each one of these things and all of these things.
i hunt because it is who i am, how i am, what i love and crave. it teaches me patience, allows me to spend time with family and friends. allows me to see all sides of emotions and passion. also because its my name. so i try to live up to my name that i am Damn proud of.

Last name: Hunter

"Shoot Straight"
Helps conservation ? We are the greatest force for conservation and preservation.

Helps family ? What better way to spend quality time?

Helps connect with nature ? Colors, smells, sounds, the earth.

Helps support others jobs/economy? Hunting supports thousands of jobs in the world.

It's healthy ? Good exercise for both mind and body and you get to eat the most organic meat anywhere?period.

I hunt because I enjoy it. I enjoy getting out of the house and spending time with friends and family. I also enjoy being by myself occasionally. Getting an animal is way down my list compared to the other reasons I listed.
I realized long ago that my place in this complex world is that of a hunter. I enjoy being out in God's creations and witnessing the beauty that only a hunter can appreciate.
It's what I do and have always done.
Time spent in the outdoors,just you and the critters.
Now I get to live it everyday.
I just love the great outdoors. The fall colors and being with family. Plus I like the challenge of finding a big buck. You never know what's over the next ridge unless you go.
gobble of a turkey, bugle of a bull, grunt of a whitetail buck, velvet monster muley in the sage, the sound of my old mans fart as he walks the trail in front of me, the laughs, the solitude, the blood trail, the pictures.....PRICELESS MEMORIES!
Say Bo, is the "old man" still bottling those farts and sending them to folks for Christmas presents?
Besides all of the above, my hunting urge is genetic. It came from my great, great, great grandpa Porter Rockell, who was notorious for tracking down more than just game animals.
I've been involved with hunting and the outdoors since I was really little, and I always will be! There's something about bein out there watching a big buck or bull & stalking him that is magical, knowing that your father and his fathers before him did the same thing generations ago.
I like scouting because you can see more undisturbed game and I like to hunt for the challenge of finding again what I found scouting.
Also, I like spending the time outdoors with friends and family.
It's been a way of life for so long I'm not sure, but I know it has to do with enjoyment, excitement, pleasure and genetics. And the want to pass all that on to my children (which I have) and now hopefully my grand children which I've already begun to.
The creatures themselves are amazing. They live through drought, sub zero temperature, predation from hunters and other animals, etc. Seeing an old monarch is a thrill let alone harvesting one. As amazing as these animals are the places they call home are just as amazing. Laying in the dark by yourself on the side of the mountain surrounded by all this is truly humbling.
My hunt year starts January 1st every year. If I plan correctly I have My License, A cougar tag and A wish for fresh snow for tracking. I go out To the Mule deer winter range, To save a few deer. Maybe the buck I'll tag in October survives to grow fat due to My harvest of the Cougar I'm looking for. Maybe the nice 4x4 buck I see will be up on my ridge in October, Its only 25 miles S/W of here? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------support your local guzzlers. OHA life member,lapine oregon
In a word: memories. I love hearing stories from my dad, grandfathers, and other family and their hunting adventures over the years. The memories I have shared with them so far are priceless. And I hope to pass on and create some of those memories with my children. Can?t wait!
There is three reasons I Hunt.
1. I have had some succuss, I feel like I truly am good at it. Yet I know there are many challenge's ahead.

2. I have brothers, cousins and friends that are also very passionate about hunting. Love being part of the group.

3. Being in Mother Nature (sounds weird). The peaceful calm and the absolute fury she is capable of.
Better get up there!!!
I hunt because, I am Homo Erectus and genetically hardwired to do so.
Humans evolved As large ungulate hunting and eating primates. Even during a time when hunting has outlived its practical usefulness we are still compelled to hunt as though our lives depended on it. Our species are hunters.
I'll be picking a winner in a few days. If anyone else wants to share, do so.

Brian Latturner
Will you LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook! I need a friend....
+1 on what everyone else said. In addition, for some reason I get a much better night sleep when on the mountain than anywhere else. Weather its in a wall tent or in my solo tent.
My grandfather and my father made the time to teach me the beauty of the outdoors. I love watching the sun come up with just enough light to pick out animals, I love the hurry of not wanting the sun go down to extend the daylight hours. Gods beauty, nothing more can be said!

Adventure, getting out, health and admiration of this world we live on. 90% of my hunts are backcountry. No roads, no phones, generally no people. Just me, the game and spectacular country as its been for thousands of years. It keeps me grounded and gives valuable life perspective.
When I'm in the woods, I am nowhere but where I am, doing nothing but what I'm doing, yesterday doesn't haunt me, tomorrow doesn't tempt me, I'm just living....
[font size=+2]And the winner is........[/font]

Thanks everyone for sharing your words. I read through all the replies. Many different views, and many very similar. Very cool....

The winner of our drawing is: Post #21 sageadvice

I'll shoot you a PM for you mailing info.

Thanks everyone for sharing.

Brian Latturner
Will you LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook! I need a friend....
Man I was sure lightening would strike twice. I did get the spices but haven't used any yet.

Nice win Joey!!!!

For me the chance to become disconnected from the everyday things that seem to consume us all. It also gives me and my family the chance, even if only for a short moment, to live the great lives these awesome animals get to live everyday.
I missed reading this thread until saga was declared the winner. It's a great thread and I enjoyed reading the responses. So much so that I'm going to save the entire thread so if anyone every needs to know why people still hunt I can forward them this list of reasons.

I'd like to add mine, even though it's too late for a prize.

I hunt year round. Most of the time my weapon is never aimed, my camera is my most common companion.

I've never much enjoyed watching sports or people engaging in entertaining activities. I'd rather play hockey than watch hockey. I want to throw and catch the ball rather than watch someone else have all the fun. There's very little adrenaline associated with watching someone ride a bucking horse, getting on one is a lot more interesting.

I get a tremendous amount of satisfaction and enjoyment out of interacting with wildlife, on many levels. And..... while I don't get much personal satisfaction out of watching guys slam dunk a basketball or hit a 96 mile an hour fastball, I do get a really charge out of watching a hawk hunt for ducks, or a cow elk drive off a yearling in the last spring, or a humming bird sipping nectar from a flower, or a badger back down it's burrow when it feels threatened. The wild outdoors is a fascinating real world arena, I rarely leave the house and return without having witnessed another amazing spectacle of nature.

Hunting is what provides me the motivation to leave the civilized part of the world allows the me the opportunity to enter the splendor of an other real world, the natural world.

In summary, hiking, backpack, etc, in the natural world is, in my opinion, like being a spectator at a football game. Watching nature. Hunting in the natural world allows me to be a player, a hands on participant. I get to feel it, smell it, taste it, not just see it. Hunting is a full sensory experience.

Long live the outdoor lifestyle. Congratulations Joey, use that new backpack until the threads holding in together rot way from wear and old age!


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