Will COVID19 politics backfire on Democrats?


Very Active Member
I'm guessing that it will. Especially if voters start to realize the media has hyped up this virus more than they should have. Voters in potential swing states like Michigan are not going to forget what some of these restrictions have done to their jobs and personal freedoms.

I'm not saying this virus isn't a problem. It is sad that many people have died and many more will end up dying from this virus. However, the benefits of social distancing to a certain extent are not worth the damage to our economy and personal freedoms. If the goal is to save human life then we should also stop driving cars, outlaw alcohol and confiscate everyones guns. Unless you have underlining health conditions you are much more likely to die from trauma (car wreck, falls, firearm, etc) this year than from COVID. Living life has risks. If the economy completely tanks because of COVID restrictions then we will be unable to take care of those who are vulnerable to this virus.
It may harm Trump more but I wouldn't bet against him. Many underestimated Trump in 2016 but he has proven to be a very skilled politician. Biden will have to convince those voters in the middle that he will do a better job of managing the COVID crisis and helping the economy rebound.
There really is not a competent Demarcate out there to run against Trump.

Even though Biden got the primary vote he will probably not be the the guy by November.

Dems have a chance, but they are not good at all at multiple tasking, which they really need to do in the run up to this election.

The only play they really have is to try and remove Trump outside the ballot box.
I would be very surprise if Biden is able to come out of the basement and do a good job about getting people excited. Do you think Biden is going to try to find and excuse not to debate Trump?
Trump will play to his base in the debates, the media will try to help Biden as much as they can. With Trump being president he will hold more influence on preventing the liberal media from rigging the debate. If anyone remembers the Romney/Obama and Trump/Hillary debates, the republican has to debate their opponent as well as the moderators.
In the last 3 years, what democrat sceem hasnt backfired. Must suck knowing that if the could have done some real work, and put forward some decent canadates, they might have just plain lost, instead of being scummy and looseing
Stonefly, if they had put forward a decent candidate in 2016, they would have won over Trump. Instead they put forward a lying crooked vindictive b!tch chosen by Obama and supported by the DNC.
is it ok if i post this here the spell check police don't like it when i talk....

RELH, You missed the part where i said " in the last 3 years" and in case you missed it they have no good canadate to put forward. I agree Trump was a wildcard when he won, can you imagine where this country would be today if haglery had won, sweet Jesus......
RELH, You missed the part where i said " in the last 3 years" and in case you missed it they have no good canadate to put forward. I agree Trump was a wildcard when he won, can you imagine where this country would be today if haglery had won, sweet Jesus......

It would be a sunshine state of utopia, because they said it would be...
Many of the attacks they have done on Trump have backfired on them. Liberal media doesn't report on it but the frivolous attacks have just increased the resentment and mistrust of the media.
The excessive restrictions that have been put in place by some of the liberal governors (Michigan) will likely backfire on them with voters this fall. At this point it is still hard to predict but if more data comes out to support this virus has been overblown by the media, voters will remember the liberal hysteria and over-each of government this fall.
Corona, was a HUGE break for biden, but it to will run out, and the idiot side will show thro. Almost feel bad for him, he is going to stumble and fall hard, almost ...feel bad for him, but not quite

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