Wolf plan in Wyoming


Active Member
I looked at a bunch of the comments on the Wyoming wolf management plan public comment page. It looked liek we were loosing about 4 to 1. I don't know id it is going to happen but it wouldn't hurt to hit them with a bunch of comments saying that we want them delisted. This is the email I got informing me of the public comment page.

Take Action Today


Big Action Alert today. We need your help to return wolves to state management in yet another state. Here is what is happening. US Fish and Wildlife Service's public comment period for Wyoming's wolf-delisting closes in two days, January 13, 2012.

Anti-sportsmen from all over America have been working hard to post comments in an attempt to derail the return of wolves to state management. They are working hard to outnumber comments from the good people of Wyoming.

Let's even the score.

Here is where it gets interesting. Reportedly, less than 2,000 comments have been made so far. This is because automatic comments are not permitted by Fish and Wildlife's system.

Approximately 20,000 Big Game Forever supporters can turn the tide. This one will take 5 minutes to go through the sign-in process for US Fish and Wildlife's system. It is worth your time to help the good people of Wyoming.

See the message below on how to make a comment. Once you are in the system, you can keep your comments very short. Simply indicate you support the right of Wyoming and all states to manage wolves and other wildlife.

Your comment can make a huge difference. Please take 5 minutes today to protect the future of wildlife in America. We are winning one state at a time.

There is currently two ways in which you may submit comments:

1) - A hard copy can be submitted by U.S. mail to:

Public Comments Processing

Attn: FWS-R6-ES-2011-0039

Division of Policy & Directives Management

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

4401 North Fairfax Drive

MS 2042-PDM

Arlington, VA 22203

2) - Via email

To submit comments via email, in your search engine enter the following: http://www.regulations.gov. Once the link opens, look for the box which asks for a Keyword or ID. Enter FWS-R6-ES-2011-0039, then click the search button.

The next screen look for the heading "Document Type" and place a check in the box before Proposed Rule (1).

You should see below a section which should now read: 1 result for "FWS-R6-ES-2011-0039".

Within the orange box titled "View by Relevance", you should see to the right Submit a Comment.

Click on Submit a Comment and complete the form.

There are three Sections; 1. Enter Information, 2. Type Comment, and 3. Upload File(s).

Any information you enter in Section 1 will be available for all to read so use caution in how much information you provide. You may only want to provide a first name and your state. You may want to mention your affiliation with SFW or Big Game Forever. I would discourage you from providing your email address, phone number, etc as anyone with internet access will be able to view whatever you submit.

Your comments do not need to be lengthy but should clearly state you support the USFWS proposal to remove wolves from the list of Endangered and Threatened Species.

Once you have completed your comments click on the orange submit button and you should receive confirmation that your comments have been submitted.

Thanks again for your support and participation in this effort
I replied several days ago, but I encourage everyone to express your feelings. If wolves continue to expand our hunting days are limited.
Nathan-----you been in outer space for a while?

The whole SFW/BGF is just a money scam---

The anti's have us 4 to 1 becuase SFW/BGF do not want the wolf (nor Wyo-wolf) issue to ever go away---as it equals more donations to fight the wolf which really equal's more 'Wallet Money' for the scam trap SFW/BGF.

Wyo Wolf hunts will be 1 and a 1/2 months hunting them, then 10 and 1/2 months in court-----

Just what SFW/BGF wants----send us your money/membership to Fight the Wyo-Wolf.....blah-blah-blah...

LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-12 AT 05:36PM (MST)[p]PleaseDear I could be in outer space, but I would rather be in outer space and be optimistic rather then pesimistic. I would rather post a statement saying that I feel the Feds have no buisness managing the wolves after they have recoverd and no longer belong on the endangered species list VS saying nothing and knowing that the antis win. It is like applying for a draw you can't get them off the list if you don't do anything just like you can't draw a tag if you don't put in for it.
WY held up the wolf management hunts/delisting for years,I wouldnt hold my breath.
I just saw this.....too late to comment....dang

Thanks for keeping us all posted.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
ishootaRUM300, you can be as optimistic as anyone, and it won't make a pinch of chit difference. The law is the law, and Wyoming's plan still isn't up to snuff. It will go back to court and they will loose. It's funny now that they are on their own in this.

I've said it a thousand times if I' said it once. If they had a real play that would have meet the courts scrutiny, then by today they could have been enjoying their precious duel status. Laffin. You can't fix stupid.

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
If the powers that be in WY were half as concerned about their elk herds as they claim they would have conceded years ago and they would have been hunting wolves for the past 5 years.
>If the powers that be in
>WY were half as concerned
>about their elk herds as
>they claim they would have
>conceded years ago and they
>would have been hunting wolves
>for the past 5 years.

The Wyoming wolf issue is a perfect example of what happens when a state legislature gets involved in wildlife management.
Not really...its a pefect example of what happens when the farm bureau, wyoming stock growers/wool growers, etc. gerrymander into wildlife issues.

Also, what happens when Wyoming Sportsmen sit on their butts and allow those groups to control PUBLIC WILDLIFE and management of same.

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