working on own bow?


Active Member
I am looking to be able to work on my own bow someday- for those of you who may know, can any of you give a list of the must have tools? I do not need an intire shop in my basement, just enough to do the basic tunning ect. Also a press that will work with any bow? (parallel or straight limb)
I know there are good shops out there, I like the one I usually go to, but I'm very anal about my equipment setup. Plus it allows me to tincker in the winter and perfect my bow.
I'm right there with ya blazingsaddle. Though I tuned my Bowtech with nothing but the most basic items, a few other things would have made it easier...

Hex wrench
Bow Square
Big picture frame with freezer paper (for paper tuning)
Arrow level
Center shot laser
Foot powder spray
Apple Bow Vise
Bowmaster Bow Press (unless you want to buy an $800 Apple vise)
- compact, packable, and works on all bows.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-08 AT 08:32AM (MST)[p]All that stuff will get you going for sure. I'll add that a bow vice sure makes things easier to work on. For a press, I personally much prefer the EZ press or Power press from Last Chance Archery. A Bowmaster is an essential item to keep in your archery tackle box and you can do any repair that you might use a bench mount press for, you will just need more patience.

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