
Long Time Member
You ever got?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>I drive a Ford, I've never
>gotten one!?


You Updated the V-9 Right?:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
It's not speed but Eelgrass gets an impending ticket every time he crosses Utah on 80.
>It's not speed but Eelgrass gets
>an impending ticket every time
>he crosses Utah on 80.

Hey 1911?

Does Eel know what 8th Gear is for?:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
1970.. North of Panguitch me & Mrs. Slim got busted by Otho Bulkley. 107 in a 65. That was one mad UHP trooper.

The road goes on forever and the party never ends..
>It's not speed but Eelgrass gets
>an impending ticket every time
>he crosses Utah on 80.

I was very disappointed last time I made that wendover crossing. Was a good boy and didn't drink beer all the way back from Gillette and they had the fancy checkpoint...Guns were stowed properly and everything.. Stalls were full at about 2 am and I just got waived through. I was almost dissapointed. Lol
When I was wild teenager drag racing on Main Street.Lost my license for 3 months for reckless driving and evading a officer.What about you Bess, you started this.
>When I was wild teenager drag
>racing on Main Street.Lost my
>license for 3 months for
>reckless driving and evading a
>officer.What about you Bess, you
>started this.

lmmfao....exactly what he was waiting for....

and....arns....doesn't sound like your "evading" was very successful....


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
I drove a 1970 SS 396 Chevelle in high school. The thing would chirp the tires every time it shifted into second gear. No mater what speed. When you got on it. It would lay a 10 foot scratch going into second and a 4 foot going into third. I don't think there is just one worst ticket. I got 14 tickets one year they wanted to take my license away. But the judge gave me a break. That big block would do 300 yards burn outs. And yes both tires. The housing tracks in Southern California where I grew up where kind of close together. I could fill the entire street with smoke from house to house. Boy those where the days. That's why I drive off-road vehicles now.
uh oh big john.....bess has to rewrite his story now.....


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
I've had a couple in My Day!

Some I had comin!

Some I didn't!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
I'll just say this:

When a White Ford F-150 came Screaming up behind Me I Thought He wanted to Race up the Big Hill!

(((Ya Our UHP's/DOT Boys Drive White F-150's and the Front View Don't look that Bad!:D)))

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
75 in a 35, no seatbelt, no tail light, with a date in the car. Cop was having a blast. No bull. His name was Barney. :D

About two years later I get a ticket for 62 in a 55 with my grandma in the truck on thanksgiving day from a state trooper named Rosco. :D

I've had some funny run ins on the highway over the years.
>75 in a 35, no seatbelt,
>no tail light, with a
>date in the car.
>Cop was having a blast.
> No bull. His
>name was Barney. :D
>About two years later I get
>a ticket for 62 in
>a 55 with my grandma
>in the truck on thanksgiving
>day from a state trooper
>named Rosco. :D
>I've had some funny run ins
>on the highway over the

Maybe They Seen Them TEXAS Plates TRI?:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
The cops said we were doing 110 in my buddies Challenger in high school but I know it was faster than that. They pulled our of the car and threw us up against the car and handcuffed us both.

He said to my buddy didn't you see the cop car's lights? we said no where is he? He said he'll be here in a few minutes. We laughed and found out the hard way it was the wrong time to do that. LOL

had a lot of explaining to do the next day when Dad bailed me out. We laugh about it now but then was a different story.
61 in a 55 in IOWA! I went through a stretch where I would get pulled over every single time I was in that state. But really, 61? Man I was pissed off.
I got one for 37 in a 35. Mountain View, Wyo. The sheriff told me he'd do me a favor on write it on the city ordinance instead of the state. He said the fine on the city ordinance was half the cost of the state. It's been almost 20 years and I'm still pissed!
Got written up for a 75 in a 40 on a Texas county road. Was actually doing closer to 50-55, but as soon as the cop saw I was one of those Mormon missionaries he sure started into a rant. After getting a solid earful about speeding and how I was going to hell for worshipping ?Joe Smith? I went to the courthouse the next day, where a sweet old receptionist lady helped get the info to a judge who immediately reduced the ticket to $45 and sent me on my way.
No I didn't He new me and were I lived,said he wouldn't throw me in jail if I fessed up. Danm small towns
Fastest I ever issued was 138/55 and 118/35. Never wrote a ticket for less than 15 over. Motorcycle on the first one, Porsche on the second.

>65mph in a 30 chain restrictions...
>I was pulled over by truckee
>cop on a snowmobile....

With Bong in Hand?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Worst I've got caught for speeding was 96 in a 75, I got it down quite a bit before he shot me I guess... was going about 130ish.

I did get a $945 seat belt ticket in high school though....

I haven't had any real bad tickets, just petty speeding but nothing at all for about 8 years. My mom talked herself out of a huge ticket one time. I was about 14 years old and we were helping my sister move into a new place 90 miles away and it was just she and myself in the truck. The highway patrol pulled her over because he saw the expired tags I'm sure. There was more than that. Here's what piled up-

No tags,
No insurance,
No seatbelts,
Chipped windshield.

The officer could have hit a home run. She just kindly explained (the truth) how she was helping her daughter move and the truck we were driving sat idle for about a year and let the tags and insurance lapse because it was never on the road. He let her go with a verbal warning. No one could believe it.
I'll never get a speeding ticket in Utah. Not possible. I've never passed a car driving I-80 through Utah. Not one. JFP!

There's not a mule deer big enough in Wyoming to get me to drive through Utah again. :D
>I haven't had any real bad
>tickets, just petty speeding but
>nothing at all for about
>8 years. My mom
>talked herself out of a
>huge ticket one time.
>I was about 14 years
>old and we were helping
>my sister move into a
>new place 90 miles away
>and it was just she
>and myself in the truck.
> The highway patrol pulled
>her over because he saw
>the expired tags I'm sure.
> There was more than
>that. Here's what piled
>No tags,
>No insurance,
>No seatbelts,
>Chipped windshield.
>The officer could have hit a
>home run. She just
>kindly explained (the truth) how
>she was helping her daughter
>move and the truck we
>were driving sat idle for
>about a year and let
>the tags and insurance lapse
>because it was never on
>the road. He let
>her go with a verbal
>warning. No one could
>believe it.

Hey coues?

You got a Picture of Mama?:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
In my late teens (this was in the late '80s-early '90s) I had a turbo II rx7, a concours condition '68 SS Camaro and a '72 shortbed f100 with a built FE stroked to a 406", 4.10 gears and a detroit locker(it was scary off the line, but didn't have much top end with those gears) from red light to red light it would smoke most cars. I was very stupid and reckless at the time, but as long as I knew they didn't get a plate number, I was gone. If they had me dead to rights, I'd pull over and take the ticket. There were a few times I had to garage a vehicle for a month and drive another. After a while I also bought a Dodge Shelby Charger.

Fast forward a while and I decided to do the mission thing(LDS). They required a copy of my DMV record along with the other usual stuff. My dmv printout was three pages long. Previous to this, my license had been revoked twice but that wasn't for speeding. Whenever my driving record was referred to, I would correct them and say it's not my driving record, it's my NASCAR resume. Anyway, they decided I couldn't drive a car on my mission. That only lasted about a year though and I did get a few tickets in Newfoundland.

So after I got back home I went and bought a Mustang GT. They really aren't that fast, but some girl wanted to race me one night on the Boulevard (St. George). We were headed east and turned left on mall drive, power sliding through the intersection. We finished near the mall and I turned off the main drive and did a U turn to head back. I'm at the stop sign and some little Mexican comes flying up to me in little chit box Sentra, he hops out yelling and flailing his arms. I figured he wanted a fight so I got out of my car. He was an off-duty rookie cop, an on-duty cop drives by and he flags him down. So this pork chop writes me up for all kinds of stuff, reckless driving, racing, the whole nine yards. It was enough that I hired a lawyer to fight it and ended up taking a deal for exhibition of speed. The ticket wasn't too expensive, but when you added up the lawyer fees, it was about a grand.

I still have a couple old muscle cars but the best thing I ever discovered was the lowly mini-van. You can do 90-100 on nearly any highway or I-15 and cops never even look twice.
73 in a 35 mph zone , and I also had to buy a windshield and front end paint job for the squad car ! 79 Ford pkup jacked up with a 390 and a 4 speed , tried telling them he was following too close on the gravel so he also gave me an interference with official acts ticket. Dust was so bad I figured he'd give up ......... not this time !!!!!
>>I drive a Ford, I've never
>>gotten one!?
>Hey PUNK!
>You Updated the V-9 Right?:D
Sure did, and I watched the V9 drive away today to it's new home.
I'll miss that old truck!
So Eel what are you saying? the cops in Utah are swift with the ticket book. LOL had some experience with them? There is something behind that statement. LMOF
DeerHunter53, Noooo?.it's just a running joke. Elkassassin wants to give me a ride on the Mormon 500 but I'm too smart for that. :D
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-19 AT 11:45AM (MST)[p]I've only had one speeding ticket. I think it was written up as "exibition of speed" or something like that. It was probably something like 45mph in a 30mph zone. 0 to 45 before I got across the intersection when the light turned green. I loved that car.
>Hey coues?
>You got a Picture of Mama?:D

No, lol.

Looking back, that was 26 years ago. Law Enforcement may not let people go with that many violations anymore. Especially the seatbelt thing. Back then, no big deal. Now, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't wear them. She got lucky for sure.

My dad was a cop magnet for anything moving like vehicles, planes & motorcycles. Lots of stories with him and Airplanes. He never did anything criminal but he would always get tickets, usually for 10-20 over, nothing real wild. Maybe that's why he put my mom in that truck that day.
Eel Hasn't found 8th Gear Yet when crossing in to TARDville!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
107 in a 75 when Montana didn't have a limit I crossed back into Idaho by Dubois where it is nice straight and downhill. I had slowed considerably by the time he clocked me and still felt like I wasn't moving after Montana.
Here's one I didn't have coming:

City Limits of Orem Utah!

I Was Following the Drivers Ed Car with a Student in the Drivers Seat!

Followed them for 3 Blocks and was still following them!

Speed Limit was 20 MPH & I Knew it!

I Hear a Siren!

Look in the Mirror!

And it appears a possible Paramedics/Dark colored SUV is wanting past me & others!

So I pull over to get out of the way!

He Pulls Right in behind me & I'm like WTH?

This Cocky Little PRICK comes up to the Window just a Rantin & Ravin!

Claims He Clocked me at 47 MPH in the 20 MPH Zone!

I Said:

While I'm Following the Drivers Ed Car with a Student behind the Wheel?

I Argued with this LOW-LIFE AssssHolle for 45 Minutes but He wouldn't Budge!

I Was gettin Worked Up & finally told the PRICK to Just hand the F'N Ticket over!

Decided I'd just Pay it & be Done with it!

I Get back Home & I Notice a note with the Ticket saying I needed to call Orem City!

I Call & talked to the Gal in the Office!

She tells me they've got their Own Ordinances/Fines/Etc within the City Limits!

You get a Ticket in the School Zone You're taking Mandatory Driving School plus the BIG Fine plus some Major Points against your Driving Record!

I Shoulda Fought this SOB no matter the Cost & I Will Next time!

The Gal at the Office said this Little PRICK Writes tickets all the time for one over!

I Don't know Who's Rig He hit with his Portable RADAR Gun?

But He's a PISS POOR Shot & I Let Him Know it!

I Hope He's in a Nine Line Bind sometime as I Drive By!

What a F'N PRICK!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Heading into Wellington on my way to hunt the Henry?s general deer season, brand new truck with a shell on it so the temp plate was hidden, slowed down to the speed limit but didn't see the school zone signs( no flashing lights back then) photo cop parked on the side of the road in a van and couldn't see my plates to capture a picture so the ?SOB? got out of the van and chased me down.
75 in a 40, forty-one years ago right after I got my license. Took me about a week, but I'm actually pretty lucky that my dad didn't kill me after I confessed it to him...
4 in one day at 4 different stops all by the same cop. Seems his son and I had a altercations over him being a bully and picking on smaller kids. Thinking back now I guess I know where ole Marty got it from.

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