WY in Trouble?

Both Bambistew and Elk375 are part of the original Montana families. Where do you live Boskee? From the sounds of your second to last post you do not live in these five states. The desert sheep you are talking about are in California, I believe since they do not allow mountain loin hunting which is wrong.
Elk 375 I currently live in AZ. which has some fairly good hunting but we too suffer from the constant attacks from these pesky antihunting groups. The wilderness area I pointed out was turned into the KOFA national wildlife refuge and yes we allow mtn lion hunting in Az and for the record we have transplanted our sheep in many western ajoining states. We actually have 2 species of sheep the more common locally referred to Desert Bighorn Sheep and the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep. When you get some time tonight listen to the you tube on this protectionist legislation and the fact they seem so concerned with your right to hunt. Please pay attention when the congressmen as they list some of the organizations and agencies opposed to this legislation it should become clear In MT and WY. I don't doubt your heritage but I earnestly question your support of hunting if you actually agree with this legislation. They've tried to get this bill passed for 19 years and it ain't found a home yet so what's that say about its intent. I'm not saying that nothing should be done but this most certainly isn't the vehicle you're looking for if you enjoy hunting. Regards, CA
I still haven't heard any of the Bill supporters say anything about the jobs and ways-of-life that would be affected by this.ELK375,if you stood to lose your livelihood and were forced to move as a result of this bill being passed,would you be happy about it?How about you,Bambistew?I think people who ride 4-wheelers into the wilderness(or any closed road)should be heavily fined.I think the wilderness guide law is crap.We are all hunters.ELK375-I am 1 year younger than you.I,too,remember the days before 4-wheelers and all that techno-hunting stuff.I wish we could go back to those days,but that's not reality.Bottom line is;we're all hunters.I have absolutely zero trust in our Federal Gov.The people who are behind this bill(I'm not talking about politicians)have NO interest in whether or not hunting survives for your kids or grandkids.Same bunch who wanted the wolves introduced.One of you guys was talking about all the elk permits being issued.What happened to the thousands of late season tags Montana used to have?Baby steps now,but all this will make it just that much easier in the future for those who wish to stop hunting.
+1 Non Typical. Those sponsers of that bill could care less about hunters and the effects a designation like this will do to the local economy. Mark my word, all you'll hear from the gov, is how wilderness brings people. It doesn't work like that here in Inyo Co. Cali. It's just another federal land grab to lock ranchers, miners, and loggers off of public lands. For thirty years or more, our institutions of higher learning have been pushingthe notion that anyone with a goverment lease, allotment, or mine claim is stealing from the public. I wonder if any of them lease an office, a house, or buisiness property? I wonder if they would think I was picking on them if I said they were stealing from their landlords?
Thanks, Doug.
Wake up people!!!! This proposed legislation affects more than just hunting access. Take a closer look at the proposed map for the entire state of Wyoming. Most of us enjoy other outdoor recreation besides hunting. The proposed wilderness in the state of Wyoming SEVERELY impacts the availability of winter recreation (snowmaching) in the state. In effect, the BigHorns, the Wyoming Range, the Salt River Range, the Snake River Range, Togwotee, Union Pass, Teton Pass, North and South Fork of the Shoshone, the Beartooths, Franc's Peak, South Pass, and Brook's Lake areas are removed from the current list of motorized winter recreation. As much as I hate to see this proposal passed from a hunting standpoint, winter recreation in the state of Wyoming will be devestated.

So if you want to talk about affects to the local ecomony, don't just think in terms of hunting. Business people in Park County have been fighting the closure of the east gate to the Park for years, and have been successful so far based soley on the fact that the loss of revenue to the local economy would be devastating. Luckily, common sense has prevailed, so far.

The bottom line is this; you don't see Wyoming's Congressional Delegation proposing land status changes in New York City. Frankly, I'd be embarassed if they did. But they are not for this proposed legislation. They are politicians, but unlike most in other states, our Reprsentatives do in fact represent us.


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