WY Wolf hunts canned again...


Long Time Member
Just saw on the RMEF facebook that a federal judge in Washington DC has shut down Wyoming wolf hunts again they are trying to force the state to have wolves through tout the state and not just in certain viable locations!

I am sick of this #####! People who have never been in the state using the Endangered spices act as a tool to force the state into a no win situation!
Odd that Montana and Idaho are still having seasons, staying out of court, and continuing forward with state control...strange???

The upside to having a proper state wolf management plan...There isn't a downside.

Lots of slow learners in Wyoming.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-23-14 AT 09:04PM (MST)[p]Ryan Bensen will be begging for more money to combat this latest set back in Wyoming in the morning...you can take that to the bank (pun intended).
If the knuckleheads in WY would have SIMPLY made a Statewide quota and sold $3 wolf tags, they would have an acceptable plan, and like ID and MT have congressionally mandated immunity from future lawsuits. But no.....!
Yes, surprise, surprise.... an activist judge places Wyoming wolves back under federal protections.

BuzzH is so ecstatic that "he" now thinks he has "won" something. His ignorance and arrogance is sickening.

Those who worship him, will rally around him. There are a few who will see him as nothing more than a Montana democrat which has relocated in Wyoming.

There is a reason Wyoming chose not to offer the low priced wolf licenses with a very liberal harvest in the majority of the state. Largely because Wyoming's sportsmen would be on the hook for all depredation costs as the wolf would be classified as a trophy game animal. While some may argue that depredation is minimal; one event could cost sportsmen significantly, multiple events would be unbearable. The other side of the argument was that extreme environmental groups would have whined about fees being too low. Frankly, I would have liked to see something that allowed anyone holding a valid, unfilled hunting license was not required to have anything else in their possession to take a wolf. Same problem existed with this proposal.

Those that understand the threat that wolves pose should be up in arms over this decision. Sportsmen are right to question those which profess to care about our hunting heritage; yet, there are many which continue to espouse the same position as extreme environmentalist organizations and bad mouth sportsmen groups fighting to protect that heritage.

My first knee jerk reaction is to say to Hell with all of it. Laws only work if people are compliant and sportsmen should not comply with an activist Judges decision. Of course, WY SFW cannot take that route as we do believe in our system of laws and appeals. I am waiting to see how Governor Mead handles this major set back. This is directly due to his actions. His actions negated Wyoming Justice Johnson's ruling which favored Wyoming's Wolf Management Plan. I am anxiously awaiting what our attorney has to say we should do next, as well.

If this doesn't demonstrate why BGF was correct in fighting for delisting throughout the entire lower 48 states, I don't know what will. Those that chose to protect delisting for two states rather than the entire lower 48 should be proud of their actions. Why was Wyoming excluded? Idaho US Representative Michael Simpson told me directly that "Wyoming needed to be punished" because we delayed delisting for Idaho & Montana. It is obvious to me that BuzzH also believes this to be the case. I contend that had Idaho & Montana stood with Wyoming rather than against it, delisting would have happened sooner. Of course, BuzzH and Representative Simpson both believe that extreme environmental organizations would not have challenged delisting had Wyoming obligated its entire state to suffer under their rule rather than listen to the residents of the state.
Its naive to think wyomings plan wasn't a glowing bullseye
For every pro wolf group in this country.

Meanwhile Montana and Idaho are killing wolves and
Not making lawyers, BGF & SFW rich.

BGF is in to Utah taxpayers for over 3 million to date. Think
If this funding was put into mule deer.

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
@DW +1


Coicidentally, didn't the boundaries of Idaho and Montana also just expand by several thousand miles?
These lawsuits will NEVER end, there will always be another issue these groups will use to line their pockets with $$$ and get ongoing judgements against killing wolves. ONLY a congressional fix will put an end to it! Sadly, WY may be screwed for many years to come in this regard, even decades. It will take a sneaky 'rider' to a must-pass funding bill to get it done, and I'm not sure their Congressman is in that position (as ID's Simpson was). Democrats will NEVER vote on a stand alone bill to fix this or ANY ESA abuse problems.

What makes me most angry is a Judge can overturn the will of the people in one day, while it will take 1-2 years for USFWS to go through the process to "try again" with getting a new plan approved. :(
SSS is so easy to say and such a wonderful activity to espouse!

Will you really risk a $10,000 fine, imprisonment, and loss of hunting privileges in 30+ states to SSS a wolf? It just isn't quite worth it to me! I'll let em have the elk and cattle while I wait for the process to play out. It really is a sad day (again) for cattle, elk and moose in WY.
Wyoming's plan has always been in the sights of the extreme environmental organizations; however, that doesn't negate the fact that Wyoming's plan was biological and scientificly strong enough that wolves were sustained through two seperate hunting seasons. Furthermore, as has been pointed out, the ruling didn't effect the dual status management plan, the extreme environmental groups hit that as that is what they wanted out of this ruling. It isn't what to received.

Wyoming wil continue killing wolves, it just will not be through hunters, but wolves will still be killed.
Just shoot the worthless pricks anyway! Shoot shovel and shut up!

Yes, surprise, surprise.... an activist judge places Wyoming wolves back under federal protections.

Has nothing to do with an "activist" judge, has everything to do with WY's failure at a reasonable plan. Wyoming has been on the wrong end of several lawsuits and will continue to be until their plan is changed.

BuzzH is so ecstatic that "he" now thinks he has "won"
something. His ignorance and arrogance is sickening.

Wow Bob Wharff thats pretty impressive that you now know what I'm thinking. I've had discussions with you face-to-face about wolves and the trouble Wyoming was in for regarding their State Management Plan. You basically told me I was full of chit and the courts would side with Wyoming. While I was right, I wish I wasnt in this case. I havent won anything, I've lost just like every other sportsman in the State that wants State Control and legal wolf hunting to happen.

Those who worship him, will rally around him. There are a few who will see him as nothing more than a Montana democrat which has relocated in Wyoming.

Wow, now I guess you've seen my voter registration card as well. I can post it up for you...Registered (I). I may be a transplant to Wyoming from Montana, but at least I dont suck SFW/BGF Kool-aid straight from Don Peay and Ryan Bensens Utah taps...

I understand why you do though, I mean with your Wyoming SFW chapters folding like cheap lawn chairs and all. Tough to have an independent thought on things like the wolf issue when others control the $$$ that pays your bills.

There is a reason Wyoming chose not to offer the low priced wolf licenses with a very liberal harvest in the majority of the state. Largely because Wyoming's sportsmen would be on the hook for all depredation costs as the wolf would be classified as a trophy game animal. While some may argue that depredation is minimal; one event could cost sportsmen significantly, multiple
events would be unbearable. The other side of the argument was that extreme environmental groups would have whined about fees being too low.

Why dont you go ahead and post up the "significant" expenses that sportsmen have "been on the hook for" in the trophy wolf areas in Wyoming. While you're at it, please post all the expenses incurred for lions and black bears as well. I'll not hold my breath waiting to see those numbers from you. Facts matter Bob, and you dont have any.

As to the comment regarding the "extreme environmental groups" whining about too low of a fee...since when have you cared what they think? When I questioned you about the dual classification and warned you that the wolf hippies would have their day in court over it...you flat said, "I dont care what they think". Funny that what the wolf hippies think benefits your slanted arguements...well then you care. When its inconvient for your position, then they dont matter. Which is it Bob?

Those that understand the threat that wolves pose should be up in arms over this decision. Sportsmen are right to question those which profess to care about our hunting heritage; yet, there are many which continue to espouse the same position as extreme environmentalist organizations and bad mouth sportsmen groups fighting to protect that heritage.

Your hypocrisy is endless, it truly is. WYSFW has done nothing to unite sportsmen in Wyoming, in fact, your local chapters are so fed up with your crap, they've left WYSFW. Why do you think that is Bob? Could it possibly be that they see their money and volunteer hours supporting YOUR PAYCHECK versus THEIR HUNTING HERITAGE? You dont have to answer...I already know. When any organization cant accept constructive criticism from opposing views of other groups and its own membership...you've lost support and chapters/members will find a group that can handle it.

My first knee jerk reaction is to say to Hell with all of it. Laws only work if people are compliant and sportsmen should not comply with an activist Judges decision. Of course, WY SFW cannot take that route as we do believe in our system of laws and appeals. I am waiting to see how Governor Mead handles this major set back. This is directly due to his actions. His actions negated Wyoming Justice Johnson's ruling which favored Wyoming's Wolf Management Plan. I am anxiously awaiting what our attorney has to say we should do next, as well.

I wish you and WYSFW would have stayed out of the State Management Plan from the start...we wouldnt be in this mess. Your "attorney" is going to profit from this, just like always. SFW/BGF have made huge amounts of money from the cash cow that is the wolf issue...same page from the same play book used by the "extreme environmenatalists".

If this doesn't demonstrate why BGF was correct in fighting for delisting throughout the entire lower 48 states, I don't know what will.

Sure, that would have been nice. The trouble is two-fold:

1. (which I told you from the get-go) was that the bill BGF was backing was D.O.A. My sources were telling me for weeks prior that the bill didnt have a snowballs chance in hell of passing.

2. It was fine that BGF was supporting the bill, so were a lot of others. But, what all the other groups DIDNT do, is blast Montana and Idaho for supporting the Simpon/Tester rider.

Its also strange that the only Legislator in the entire state of Wyoming that was smart enough to listen was Lummis. She tried at the 11th hour to hitch Wyoming in with MT and ID. Seems she was too late...

Those that chose to protect delisting for two states rather than the entire lower 48 should be proud of their actions. Why was Wyoming excluded?

Wyoming CHOSE to be excluded. Further, BGF/SFW tried to sabotage the S/T rider...(do I need to post the memo AGAIN)??? Montana and Idaho should be proud of their actions, they are proving that proper plans lead to state Management of wolves including nice long hunting/trapping seasons.

Idaho US Representative Michael Simpson told me directly that "Wyoming needed to be punished" because we delayed delisting for Idaho & Montana. It is obvious to me that BuzzH
also believes this to be the case. I contend that had Idaho & Montana stood with Wyoming rather than against it, delisting would have happened sooner. Of course, BuzzH and Representative Simpson both believe that extreme environmental organizations
would not have challenged delisting had Wyoming obligated its entire state to suffer under their rule rather than listen to
the residents of the state.

Saving the biggest lies for last I see. Montana and Idaho would have gained nothing by standing with Wyoming...the bill that BGF/SFW wanted them to stand behind was DEAD. It wasnt ever going to see the light of day, and didnt.

The bigger question to me is why SFW/BGF, and WYSFW didnt stand behind Montana and Idaho under the S/T rider. Funny that you expect other groups and other states to support SFW/BGF, but then stab both ID, MT, and tens of thousands of hunters in those States directly in the back via a "leaked" memo asking sportsmen to kill the S/T rider. Real professional of BGF/SFW. Further, Bob, most all the groups and sportsmen in MT and ID WERE in support of the bill BGF/SFW were backing to delist in the entire lower-48. What they didnt do, is send around memo's trying to kill other legislation that gave relief to Montana and Idaho.

Oh, and Wyoming did NOT listen to its citizens, in particular sportsmen, regarding the state wolf Management Plan. They listened to the Stockgrowers, Farm Bureau, and WYSFW...and we ALL are now suffering for it.

Finally, ask yourself this Bob, are Montana and Idaho being sued currently? Are they still hunting wolves in both States under their approved State Management Plans? Why is it that Wyoming is back to square to one?

One last bit of advice Bob, you have 2 ears and one mouth, maybe try using them in the appropriate ratio.

You've been led to water...
Not being from Wyoming, I'm not sure of the wolf population currently. Are there many packs outside the "Trophy Zone"? I'm not happy about the ruling but is the sky falling? Living in Idaho and now in Oregon I have seen a flaw in their plans. Where I hunted most of my life in Idaho is void of elk. Now I'm not as good of a hunter as most but having spent a number of hours in a plane looking for them I can say they are not there. Now here in Oregon each time I go out I hear them Howl. Today we are finding a bigger heard out in front of the wolves, same as Idaho ten years ago. I hope Wyoming sticks to the plan so I can always have a place to hunt that will give me a chance at an Elk. My view from a far.


You still haven't read the ruling have you!

Sorry to disappoint but see what Governor Mead did while you were celebrating your victory.

It continues to amaze me that only you have the ability to know what others think and/or believe. Do you really think your tinfoil hat gives you power and protection?

Damage Payments for Trophy Game animals for FY13 totaled over $570K. Break down was something like this:
Black Bear - 21 claims totaling ~$55K
Grizzly Bear - 43 claims totaling ~$284K
Wolves - 26 claims totaling ~$175K
Mountain Lion - 29 claims totaling ~$56K

* These numbers were provided at the recent G&F Commission meeting held in Pinedale, WY on September 18th. Guess you were unable to attend as I didn't see you there.

What do you think 190 sheep would have cost the state? I don't recall the year; however, I do recall that one wolf killed 190 sheep in one night in the Big Horns.
I can see it now:

A wolf loving tourist pulls up to the gate to YNP and says "We're here to see a wolf."

The Guard says "Wonderful, that will be a $500 wolf fee"

"A wolf fee? What's that for?"

"Well you see, the Wyoming G&F Department spends all its surplus money on wolf management, and has no money left over for helicopter gunning excess wolves. Thank you, and enjoy your stay."


Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded.
Not only is Idaho hunting them...they are also controlling them via helicopters.
The state passed a law to allow for reduction of wolves where they are deemed to have economic impact...so they are shooting them from the air.
Way to go Idaho!
Hey Dale the only thing that eventually worked the last time we spent a hundred yrs tryin to get rid of these damn things was poison! When we come to our senses it'll b what works again! But for now all I can do is what I can do, and hope they don't establish themselves in colorado! I lived with em for a few yrs in Northeast Mn about 25yrs ago I attended a real small college on the edge of the boundary waters. When we would go to house parties in the garages would b pics of the residents holdin up the wolves they eliminated. The trouble with em is they're smart, plain and simple. I could hear em howl whenever I wanted, seein em was a whole nother ball game! That makes em tough to "manage". Look at their cousin the coyote, every swingin dik in the country flingin lead 365 days a year, and yet I hear coyotes every night. We'll never shoot em all. If they did the same with the wolf the result would b the same. Think they'll ever let us shoot em 365?
Locally it goes like this;

Fricken wufs have destroyed some great elk hunting here in Idaho.
There should be a bounty on the flea bitten, tick ridden, mangy mutts.
The fricken politicians need to stay out of the wild life management business. The idiots can't do anything right.


"One can take my life but not my faith or my
confidence. I fear none and respect all."
I am embarrassed for my state again while Idaho and Montana are laughing all the way to the taxidermist. And yet there are people that still think that this state stands a chance in hell of having a grizzly hunt? We can't even get wolves right. Our quotas in the trophy area are ridiculously low, and the predator zone obviously isn't going to fly. Banging our heads against a wall yet again. Get your foot in the door and THEN kick it in! Wyoming cant even get in the game at this point. Another year on the sidlines.
>Yeah that sss thing is working
>really well. The only thing
>stupider is the guys recommending
>it. mtmuley

Yeah :) I'm with mtmule. I don't get the shovel part????

Lot a work for vermin, seems to me.
>>Yeah that sss thing is working
>>really well. The only thing
>>stupider is the guys recommending
>>it. mtmuley
>Yeah :) I'm with mtmule. I
>don't get the shovel part????
>Lot a work for vermin, seems
>to me.

Maybe that's what he meant?! Lmao!
>BuzzH is so ecstatic that "he"
>now thinks he has "won"
>something. His ignorance and
>arrogance is sickening.
>There are
>a few who will see
>him as nothing more than
>a Montana democrat which has
>relocated in Wyoming.


Pretty much sums it up...
Is that std legal practice to have them respond?
It would seem to me the judge made the decision and she would be the only one needing to respond as the other side made their arguments already.
The State of Wyoming took immediate action to correct what Judge Amy Berman Jackson based her ruling on last Tuesday when she put the wolves in Wyoming back under the control of the USFWS and stopped the wolf hunts scheduled for October 1,2014. What Wyoming did is contained in other comments and links posted on this site.

The corrective measures taken by the State of Wyoming may, or may not, be sufficient to satisfy the TECHNICALITY that this judge based her ruling on. The Feds and the eco-elites have the opportunity to review what Wyoming did to satisfy this judge and argue for or against it. The Feds will likely go along with it and the eco-elites won't. The eco-elites want the whole process to start over again so they can delay the delisting in Wyoming for years. This is despite the fact that this Judge in her Tuesday opinion already ruled against them on the issue of genetic connectivity for the wolf, whether the wolf is endangered in Wyoming, and her decision that the USFWS determination that the predator zone is not a significant portion of the wolf's range is reasonable.

It is my opinion that the State of Wyoming is trying to force the judge to make a ruling without restarting the entire process. The fact that she has given the Feds and the eco-elites only a few days to respond is interesting. I am sure that this weekend there are some eco-elite lawyers scrambling around hoping their "victory" from Tuesday wasn't of short duration.

just sayin...mh
Well said MH, and in my opinion spot on.

There's a reason momma made you eat your vegetables! It works for mule deer too, just ask me how!
Can't Imagine BuzzH Chiming in on a Wolf Thread!

You wanna see a Pic BuzzH?:D

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!

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