wyHOMEing Dream season 3


Active Member
Christmas morning... no tags for the wife but I drew a very nice antelope and elk tag. Both areas are general deer too. Time to get rolling! Couple pictures of our first camping trip too.



Got out for 48 hours to "scout." When I take my older boys I try to make it fun. We fished every little stream that was on public! These boys love to fish! Haha. Saw 6 elk. 5 bulls... one was already a 6x6... no pics of elk though. Camped in a beautiful spot. Learned the rds system better and points to access areas. Great trip. Hung up 2 cameras on potential wallows. Lots of green grass and lots of water have the elk spread out I feel but that should mean good antler growth.




First trip out looking for antelope. In just over a hour saw 14 bucks and 24 does/fawns. I think this is the best one. I am not great at scoring them but he looked good to me. Over a mile away through 18x56 binos.. then zoomed in on the pic. Not too bad.

Opening day of archery antelope was very eventful. Got to 86 yards on this guy and just couldn't get the last few needed for a shot. My 2 oldest boys passed hunter safety class this past weekend and 1 of them has the bug and joined me yesterday. He said about 5 times "I wish it was rifle season"


First day of archery elk was a blast today. Saw 5 bulls... had 3 inside 70 yards. 2 inside 25. Passed a spike at 2 yards. Had another nice bull at 25 but only shoulder blade was available to shoot...I passed at full draw for a min before wind swirled. 30+ bugles this morning. Try again tomorrow.




Got another morning hunt in before returning to work this afternoon. Had a rag horn run in at daylight. Then moved up the valley and found a couple fired up bulls. Made a stupid mistake and set up too far below the lip and had a bull peak down at me at 55 yards. See pic. Be back out a couple days next week. If The best is head it should be amazing.

Back in the elk woods. My good friend from college is a complete new elk hunter and before he went to chase bulls on his general tag he joined me for a morning hunt. Had this guy at full draw at 45 yards and could not quite seal the deal. Getting into elk every time out has been fun. Need one to stand still in the right spot for a few seconds.



I got to hunt a half a day with my brother today. He shot an elk in his general tag yesterday then came straight to my house at midnight then out the door at 4am with me to chase elk. Rained on us all morning. Had some laughs, heard zero elk and called in a chocolate phase black bear into 8 yards I wish I would have taken a picture of. I guess next year I will get a bear tag. He was stalking our cow calls. Back out next week!

Yesterday it came together. Bulls were going nuts and we called in 4 bulls before 11am. 7am had a 6x6 at 40 no shot. He was a satellite bull. 745am got into the edges of the herd and the herd bull couldn't handle the calls and stepped out at 35 yards. I missed! A really solid 6x6. I have never experienced a roller coaster of emotions while hunting like I did yesterday. We continued on that herd and called in a raghorn that was pushing 2 calfs... about 1030am we could not keep up with the herd so we headed back to the truck when we heard another bull bugling. Swing above him to get thermals right then close the gap. We spotted him at 50 yards coming through and then he started to swing around us. My caller was able to pull him down a little and I shot him at 40 yards...a little back. We waited 1.5 hours before picking up what little blood we could find... (not impressed with NAP hellrazor fixed blade) we went about 150 yards and he was standing in a pocket of shade. The wind was gusting and I was able to sneak into 20 yards and shot him again. Not the big bulls I was chasing but limited time to hunt and my first archery bull! We were less then a mile from the truck and it was nice to have help! I have been dreaming of that moment since I was 12 years old when I shot my first whitetail back east.



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Went out this morning looking for a decent antelope. I had my 9 year old with me and he loves every second of it. We spotted 30+ bucks before 9am. We were overlooking a big valley with 5 different doe groups and each group had 3-5 bucks on them. Finally while glassing one group I see a lone antelope running out of the corner of my eye. This dude was running from group to group chasing off bucks and checking does. We watched for 40 min before he ran up a little side valley 1/2 mile away. We dropped down and booked it to the top of the finger ridge to see him and 20+ does and another 5 bucks running around crazy. We could not see into that valley from our first vantage point. I got my boy on the 18x binos on a tripod on the buck. I got settled in and dumped him at 208 yards. My boy was pumped. Had him back to school by noon. Man I really love living in Wyoming!! He was the boss of that valley. No matter the score being with my boy for a few hours and seeing his excitement was awesome. When we got back to the truck after quartering him my boy said "Dad, we better pray and give thanks". I was overwhelmed with tears as he prayed. Raising them right.






Wrapped up my WyoHOMEing trifecta today. Went to one spot...45 min after sunrise realized I left my rangefinder where I was last night. Decided if I run back over there might have a hour to glass from there. 30 min later at lsst nights spot I spotted a legal buck. Limited time to hunt bc my soccer job it to me 5 seconds to decide to kill this buck. 389 yards and dumped him. Saw 100+ deer in 1.5 days. 3 legal bucks. My elk tag got most of my focus this year. Wouldn't change a thing. In 2023 I will have a youth hunter... then the focus is on him.


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