Wyoming 31 elk


I recieved my elk tag for 31 yesterday. Anyone have any help for me? Never drove through the area before but from photos it doesn't appear to be much for trees. Where do the elk hide? Which areas should I start looking?

Poor post. You are expecting experienced members of this forum to feed you our hard-earned info when you haven't contributed anything to this forum to satisfy our info/entertainment exchange that an on-line forum is all about.

Have you thought about changing your approach? What can you offer us?

Also, you've missed the most important parts of your inquiry.

1) What size of bull are you after?
2) What is your elk hunting experience level?
3) What are your expectations of your overall hunt experience?

Ouch, 31 is a very hard unit to draw so I thought someone would be willing to help since it's likely a NR once or maybe twice hunt.
Not so concerned about where to get an elk, I'm fully capable of figuring that out myself, but on how to hunt an area that isn't shown on TV or in books. Desert, open and etc.
1)Pretty cool to get an elk over 320 but any 6pt bull would be nice. Going hunting and making it home safe is most important.
2)Been with on a hunt in CO 51 first season, (seen plenty of elk, they shot none) Had a tag in MT two years ago and hunted the SW corner. Worst hunting experience of my life. Never saw an elk and I'll never hunt there again. Motivated me to apply for better areas.
3)Just like to hunt.

For what I can give, not much, live in MN and hunt MT, SD, ND, WY, and CO. Mulies, Whitetails, Antelope and Elk. I can tell you where not to go. Such as SW MT for elk, too many wolves, western WY bighorns, deer are little. North Dakota is better hunting than any western state except it's flat and very hard to draw. Don't come to MN, why do you think you see so many MN plates out west.

Again can anyone share with me how to hunt 31? Do you drive around and just spot them or walk the ravines then glass? Is there trees? Hard to tell on Satellite photos.

Thanks for your input

A bull over 320 would be the very top end. Lots of 260-300" 6 points. Its a better archery hunt than rifle hunt. Lots of hunters on the rifle hunt.
I would hunt the West side of the unit between the lake and little MT. I've heard when the elk get pressure they head for the cedars.
You'll see tons of elk (if you get out of the truck and glass). Fun hunt. Best hunt of the ones that are around Rock Springs in my opinion
So many roads and hunters on this hunt. Do what you can to get between roads. You can't really get away from them but you can find canyons in between them. There are so many elk in that unit. If you aren't seeing them, don't waste anymore time looking. Move to another area/elevation to find them. You should see a lot of bulls. Make sure you will be happy with the one you pull the trigger on. Some hunters panic and end up shooting a raghorn a couple of days into the hunt. Bigger bulls are there..I promise. At the same time don't hold out for a 330 class bull if you aren't prepared to come home with nothing. There aren't too many around, but there are some. Good luck on your hunt.. you beat the drawing odds to get your tag. Spend some time there and if you bowhunt, do it on this hunt. Far fewer people and you could really have a good experience prior to the rifle opener.
Thanks for the tips. I'm going to go out in early Sept and do some archery hunting and go back out in Oct. for rifle.
Hope gas prices go down!

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Urge 2 Hunt

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J & J Outfitters

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