Wyoming High Country Bucks


Active Member
I finally connected on a good buck in the Wyoming High Country. We got up 1 hour before daylight and headed for the place I missed a 28 inch 4x4 last year. We saw several 26 inch bucks on the way up the hill, but they didn't spark any interest. Then we spotted 3 bucks up high in the basin. As I looked them over, I couldn't believe it. The same buck I missed last year was standing 200 Yards from the spot where I had missed him. His width was similar, but he had added 2 extra points and tons of mass. I went into panic mode sitting in the exact location of the missed shot from the previous year. The shot both years was 500 yards. I steadied the gun on my pack that was stacked on a large rock. At this point, getting closer was out of the question. The only thing between us was ankle high grass and air. The gun is sighted in to hit dead on at 300 yards and I know the hold that I need at 500 yards. At the sound of the gun, I was waiting for dad to say hit. I put another bullet in and heard my dad say you got him. That was a big relief, as the buck ran behind a pine tree and went down. Then 30 seconds later the buck gave a kick and rolled 140 yards down an avalanche shoot. He reached 20 MPH and was going head over hills, but some how only ground the tips down on the ends of about 3 points. He is 30.5 inches wide and has 4 points on one side and 6 on the other.


I have to give dad a credit picture, after all he hiked 50 miles scouting and hunting in the mountains. He also helped pack out my wife's buck and my buck even though he didn't have a tag.



My wife's First buck you can get her story on roadlesshuner's Hunter Challenge page named Wyoming Round 2.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-22-15 AT 09:52AM (MST)[p]Nice buck Roadlesshunter. You did well. It was fun talking to you and your dad up on the mountain. A couple of real cool guys!!! And it was cool to see how excited your wife was with her buck too. Congrats!!!
Good for you buddy. That's a fantastic buck.

Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook!
Wow- way to get it done on a couple awesome bucks..!! Thanks for sharing your success and for your HAC.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
That's getting it done, Congrats on two fine bucks.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-15 AT 10:39PM (MST)[p]Congratulations on two nice bucks! RoadlessHunter I think my brother-in-law and I may have been watching your buck when you shot it. We were across the canyon at about the same height as a buck like that on Friday morning and it got shot just as I started looking at it through the spotting scope. It slid down the mountain toward the trail out of sight. We both thought the antlers would be busted off with how fast it was going down the mountain. It will be cool if it was your buck we were looking at right as you shot it. Congratulations again on two nice bucks.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-15 AT 11:01AM (MST)[p]It probably wasn't the same buck. I shot mine on a Monday. There was a couple guys working their way in on the buck. They spotted him at 2000 yards and thought he looked good. We watched the buck for 20 minutes before I shot. We hoped he would get closer, but the buck pretty much paralleled us on the ridge.
It would be a different buck if you shot it on the Monday following the opener. The one we saw was on Friday morning after the opener.
Great looking bucks!
I've seen quite a few good ones coming out of WY this fall.
Congrats to the both of you!
Thanks for sharing

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