Wyoming Poachers Busted-Reward?



I'm not going to go into a bunch of details (because I don't know if there is a case pending or what...hence the question I'm posing here), but here is the story in summary. We caught some guys poaching an animal in Wyoming. We called the authorities, they came, took pictures, took the animal, and cited the offenders. Those of us who were involved in getting them cited had to provide statements, DL numbers and other important information.

Well, this was some time ago and we haven't heard anything from the state. My question is, do we need to contact them for any reward?

Here is a snippet from the WGFD website...

The "STOP POACHING" program is an opportunity for you to help protect your wildlife resource. Rewards are paid when an arrest is made or a citation issued. The program works because people care about Wyoming's wildlife. YOUR CALL WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE - REPORT ALL WILDLIFE VIOLATIONS.

I was told there were no arrests made, but was told that there was a fine involved. There was no talk of any rewards when we filled out our statements and they've not contacted us since. Do any of you have experience with this? Should we contact the WGFD and ask them what's up, lay low, or what?

Any info you can pass along will be appreciated.

By the way, it felt REALLY good to bust them. They we're slimy liars and they got fined to the tune of over $500. A small price to pay though since they got to keep their licenses, their guns, vehicle, etc.

I would not ask for a reward to help stop poaching. Thats just me, but I think it is simply the right thing to do. Now on to your question...A citation is an arrest, Anybody in law enforcement will tell you the same. I didn't know Wyoming offered rewards for poaching tips, but if they do and your version of events is true than it sounds like you might be inline for some type of reward. I don't think you will get anything until the state's case in completed but call the G&F and ask.
So did you do it for the reward or because it was the right thing to do?
I see this as a win win. If I catch someone poaching I will turn them
In and also be very excited to hopefully
Collect some type of reward if that state is offering one! Why would u not?
We did it because it was the right thing to do. I'm not a resident of Wyoming and don't know their rules towards poaching. We didn't ask for a reward nor was one offered at the time, but when we got home and looked at the Game and Fish website, it mentioned the reward. I'm not looking to get a bunch of money or whatever, but if they offer a managment tag or something like it, I would surely take one. Who wouldn't?

What is the point of your question? If you read the last paragraph of my post you'd see that it felt good to get those slimeballs busted! Those idiots took an animal that belongs to all of us!!! It sucks when you've hunted your butt off and don't see anything mature, and these guys come by and dump one right off the road. Now that animal is not available for my son (who was carrying a gun for the first time) or anyone else to harvest. It pissed me off.

If they were issued citations then an arrest was made.

There are two types of arrest:

1. Custodial Arrest- this means handcuffs and a trip to jail

2. Non-custodial Arrest-this is when you are issued a citation and released with a promise to appear-You promise to appear by signing the citation.

So they were arrested. I'd look a little further into it to collect your reward. If its offered why not take it?

Good on ya for turning in a wildlife theif.
gaetz, you did the right thing and put your hide on the line. Poachers can be dangerous folks, particularly with the value of head gear these days.

The states are putting rewards out to make sure we are willing to actually stand up and bust people. There's not a thing wrong with asking for the reward they offer up.

Call and ask what the deal is.


Thanks for the info. When the responding CO returned the next day to our camp to collect our statements, he said that they were only issued citations and left to continue their "real" hunt. I was worried that they were still afield after the incident since they knew our faces and where we camped. He stated that the offenders fessed up to their crime and it was likely that no further action would take place.


Thanks man. I'll tell you it had the potential to get out of hand. If I had to do it over again, I would have just taken picts of the plates and followed them to camp, then called the authorities.

They were likely residents of the state. If that we're you (non-resident) you probably would be required to post the bail (fine) or go to jail until you could. Perhaps he collected bail on whatever violation they committed. Either way it was an arrest.
If they shot from the road(which is what it sounds like),there will be no reward.The reward program was set up for egregious violations such as wanton waste and winter range poaching for antlers.
Similar thing happened down here in Texas. I reported the illegal shooting of two whitetailed deer that I found with their heads cut off. The incident had happened within the last couple of hours and I tracked the offenders to a drilling site. I was not allowed on the oil pad but I contacted a game warden who entered the site. He located the two heads and made arrests. Two men were charged with felonies. A lot of time went by and one day my mom called me and said she heard the men were convicted of the felonies. Funny, as I never had to go testify anywhere. A couple more months went by and a check showed up in the mail. It was from TPWD and was a reward. It was kind of surprising. I wasn't expecting it but it was nice.

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