
just wondering Y people gotta climb some damb Mt. Like Hood this time of year.....Friggen Stupid or what!
people are just asking for trouble going up there this time of year. you think that all the crap that has happened in the past with hikers loosing their lives up there (or on any MT) that would keep them from going up! I feel sorry for the families that have to bury them now...stupid people make stupid mistakes. Again I feel sorry for the familes especially if there are kids involved...

I am totally with you guys on this. I get really pissed when I hear on the local news that a lot of climbers think it's their right to choose if they carry a locator beacon or not. What a bunch of crap. Why is it okay then to risk more lives going to look for there dumb asses, when they won't take any precautions. At least if they had the beacon they could pinpoint the location better. My heart goes out to the families and friends of these climbers, some things in my mind are just too precious to risk. Very selfish!!!
It's just like seeing how many times you can run across the freeway before you get hit....man the first couple times are a rush...the last time is a bummer.

i agree as well, did they ever find the other two guys from 2 yrs ago- or so? fool us once and it's an accident, but after that your just stupid for letting it happen again. i suppose stuff like this could happen everytime we go hunting, but the odds go WAY up climbing those mtns....
I don't climb mountains, but I do hunt by my self far from all roads ECT...Please understand.....to each to their own. Please don't knock any thing that a man, or woman truely loves. Who in the hell are we to say they were wrong? Maybe, just maybe, this was truely what they were about?
I do agree that locater beacons should be required, but if they are not then let's all sign a release saying do not look for me if I am in trouble....bow hunting, rifle hunting,fishing,getting your damn tree, hiking ECT.
Hey....if you honestly think they were 100% stupid grow some balls and go see their parents and state your stupid thoughts. If you don't know the entire picture....shut the hell up!!!! For God's sake...they have family's......Flame me if you feel like it and Mod's edit me if you must....sick of the internet Gods.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-09 AT 07:16PM (MST)[p]good one soregonhunter! What about the $1000's it will cost us tax payers to try and find these guys? All the helicopters and people hired to go after them? You know if they found one dead, the others are more than likely be dead also...they will find them in the spring with notes on them saying "Why didnt I just stay home?!"

as i stated whtelk...i feel for their families but not for them. especially knowing they didnt carry what is only the "smart" thing to do...a beacon device.

I say leave them up there till spring, they are frozen and will keep. We don't need more people getting killed or lost as bad weather is coming. May sound harsh, but they shouldn't have been up on the mtn. this time of year.
I totally agree that they were wrong (The state of Oregon). Locater beacons should be required. My statement was to all that have children, how would you like having a bunch of yahoos yaking about how stupid their children were? Remember what time of year this is and take a look at your children and think about it. All I want you guys to do is stop typing and THINK ABOUT IT!!!! Or get off the keyboard and enjoy life more.
If you were lost hunting and your family was worried do you feel we should spend thousands of dollars looking for you? if not please leave a signed note stating so...we would grant your wish...RIP.
All I have to say because responding to this thread would be like talking to a child with A.D.D...I bet some have those...God bless you.
I don't think anyone on this topic meant any disrespect towards the climbers or there families whtelk, in fact many of the posts are actually heartfelt statements concerning the climbers and their families. The truth is anytime you climb Mt Hood you put your life in danger, and especially during the winter months. Comparing out hunting by yourself in the mountains and climbing Mt Hood is not even in the same boat, and really can't be compared. Those folks were adults and made a adult decision to climb Hood that day, and more than likely paid for it with there lives. It comes to down to common sense these days, and somewhere along the line its been lost. Sorry a cord was struck with you Whtelk, no disrespect intended, and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you sir. Jeff
Mandatory Beacons has been defeated before and will probably be defeated again.
Portland Rescue is vehemently against them as are all climbers. They believe that if beacons are mandatory more people will get stranded because they will go out when otherwise they would turn back. Right or wrong, that is the thinking of both the climbers assoc. and the mountain rescue.

The dead guy survived a "long slow fall" then walked/crawled a cpl hundred yards and died from hypothermia. I'm guessing he fell because of the hypothermia, then died shortly after. That would lead me to believe his climbing mates were already dead or incapacitated.

When out in the woods, hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
"When out in the woods, hope for the best but prepare for the worst."

thats been my motto for ever!
i take a S.P.O.T when i hunt alone, which is most of the time. it's the least you can do.

not dissrespecting them at all, in fact the most dissrespect a person can do is making a bunch of other people risk their lives for someone they dont even know, during their own christmas time, with their own families, all becouse some bonehead wanted to give it a try in one of the dumbest times possible. THATS DISSRESPECT IMO...

hopefully a miracle will happen and they find them alive, i doubt it though. it's a risk /reward hobby. this time the reward wasn't worth it.
>Mandatory Beacons has been defeated before
>and will probably be defeated
>Portland Rescue is vehemently against them
>as are all climbers. They
>believe that if beacons are
>mandatory more people will get
>stranded because they will go
>out when otherwise they would
>turn back. Right or wrong,
>that is the thinking of
>both the climbers assoc. and
>the mountain rescue.

That is because they are all climbers, and all have the same attitude.......that it just ain't right if you don't have that degree of "challenge" to it. I know several people who climb the Cascades mountains up and down the Pacific rim and they all feel the same way. Having a beacon, and a cell phone, detracts from the experience; it takes some of the danger out of it. So, of course, the organizations won't support them, because they are all made up of the same type of people.

YES...I always think the same thing! They have all year to climb the mountain...why climb it this time of the year...HELLO???
They are all in their twenties so, young and invincible come into play here also...

should locator becons be required? NO!

should these climbers have voluntarily taken one up the mountain with them? YES!
Manny you here the woman's dad being interviewed last night? She just graduated from bible collage and was traveling the world before she settled down. He didnt seem too upset knowing that if she didnt make it, she was in a better place...

>Manny you here the woman's dad
>being interviewed last night? She
>just graduated from bible collage
>and was traveling the world
>before she settled down. He
>didnt seem too upset knowing
>that if she didnt make
>it, she was in a
>better place...

yea, I guess they did some missionary service as well, but still don't make it right what they did, IMO....
In my opinion, the beacons are like Helmet laws for motorcycles.

Should it be law that you have to wear one? no. Are you an idiot if you don't? YES!

but don't ask me to feel bad ig you crack your head open on the pavement
I don't climb mountains, but I understand that winter or early spring are the best times to try to summit a mountain. In the summer and before it really freezes up, there are too many crevasses and other soft spots to fall into.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-09 AT 08:50AM (MST)[p]"I don't climb mountains, but I understand that winter or early spring are the best times to try to summit a mountain. In the summer and before it really freezes up, there are too many crevasses and other soft spots to fall into."

I'm no mountain climber either but something has definately been happening to climbers up on the mountain this time of the year as well (I think they are called severe weather advisories)???!!! I'm a forest technician who works the east facing central cascades...it's a different world from civilization when you gain a few feet in elevation....I can't imagine the conditions up on Mt. Hood!

Seems like it's starting to become a yearly thing. I hate to see control put forth but i'd go as far as to say that mountain climbing this time of the year should be restricted and the locating beacons should be mandatory year round for any climber. Too much grief is put on family/loved ones, and too many other people put their lives at risk when something happens to a climber(s).

Break a leg or get hurt climbing in the summer, i'd have to say your chances of surviving are way better than if the same thing happens this time of the year.
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