Yah, I can still Hunt.......



But I can't shoot worth chit!

Yesterday I glassed up a buck looked to be a 150" blacktail, I've seen this buck off and on since season started, heavy, dark and abnormally tall, but he would never come out of the oaks.

So finally I see this guy before he sees mwa, I was gonna try and get closer for a shot but he had somewhere on his mind and was heading straight up for the top of the Mt. fast, you could tell he didn't like being in the open at all.

He was probably 800 yards from me going away, so I decided to just wait and see where he was going, finally after almost a mile he goes into a clump of oaks bout an acre in size, its now 10am.

So, I get my gear on and start the accent, 1 1/2 hours later I'm bout 400 yards from the oaks, can't see anything, so I decide to camp out for the day and wait him out, thinking he'll come out and feed later in the day.

3pm comes and I see some doe's start feeding, 4:30 comes, no buck, 5:00, and I decide to go into them oaks, I creep into the oaks I see tracks leading out the back, I'm still creeping and then I see a big body?s forkie, I raise my gun, the Fork sees me move, another fork steps into view, waiting for big dude to show, nothing, 10 minutes goes by I'm fighting not to move but lower my gun, that's it, forkie slowly turns, I raise my gun again, boom big dude jumps out and give me an ass shot at 60yrds. I gonna take it anyways, I'm following dude in the cross hairs, on him like you would duck hunting and when I pulled the trigger a rock falls into the cross hairs, rocks and dust go flying in the air as big dude wave's "see Yah" with his tail, heading straight into a hillside mangled with bitter brush.

Now I'm frustrated, and I start back tracking, I say a short prayer " Lord it be kool if I saw him again one more time, I stop and look up, there they are, they caught me right in the open, in no hurry they slowly start walking away, I range 'em bout 350yrds looking for a rest, none! So its my knee's, bam, nothing, bam nothing again, I give up and they walk over the top.

To gun range I go today...

I waited four years to see a buck, within range, worth putting my tag on, I guess those years I should have been target practicing, never though I would loose an ability I once had, I was a good shot, once upon a time, 300 to 500 yards shots were common, were!

Thanks for letting me vent...
LAST EDITED ON Oct-30-09 AT 00:48AM (MST)[p]in the A.M, he ain't the bigest buck I've seen but one of the slickest....but, hey ain't that what its all about.....
Manny, congratulations on spotting a great black tail buck? Better luck next time. I hunted those blackies a few years back, and it is tough!

Pleasantries aside, I do feel obligated to pointed something out:

?big dude jumps out and give me an ass shot at 60yrds. I gonna take it anyways,?

?I range 'em bout 350yrds looking for a rest, none! So its my knee's, bam, nothing, bam nothing again, I give up?

I have absolutely nothing against you Manny, you are probably a fine man, but I find these statements the epitome of unethical shooting at a game animal.

I won't lie and say I've never shot like that. When I was 14-18 years old and still learning to hunt effectively and ethically, I know I made similar mistakes. Manny, I encourage you to examine your approach to shooting at game? If your approach works for you and you see nothing to change, so be it. But, you should know that there are many of us who don't agree with the approach you mention and many who don't take those kinds of shots.

No hard feelings, Manny? Just my opinion. Happy Hunting.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-30-09 AT 10:20PM (MST)[p]May I direct your attention to the details...

"Never thought I would loose an ability I once had, I was a good shot, once upon a time, 300 to 500 yards shots were common, were!"

First off, thanks for raining on my parade, you have your opinion, but that was the most fun I had in a long time, it was fun!

Let me tell you alittle about myself, take it as you like, (Bragging or whatever) I've been hunting blacktails since 13, I'm 52 now, I spent 11 years as a deer guide, so I know what ethical is or ain't, I have only lost one deer in my lifetime!...

I was a very proficient shot in my day, apparently if you were reading and not being judgmental you would have noticed that statement.

You should buy the video beyond belief (long range shooting) Shooting elk at 700 yards and dropping them with one shot!

In the military world using your knees for a rest is not considered unethical, but crap I may have had a taste of buck fever, is that ethical?...

hey don't take this wrong but, I consider people who make statements like yours, a Prissy!

these are my two best blacktails...

I shot this buck in his bed, was that ethical?

I shot this buck while he was nourishing himself with acorns was that ethical?

But hey thanks for taking the time to read my post?.
Great story Manny, sorry you had to hear certain folks out in the peanut gallery giving their advice on how you should hunt and the shots you should take, almost like having a little mouse in your pocket.The problem with a public forum is that everyone thinks they know best and what you should of done. The fact is they weren't their and you were doing the hunting and you took the best shot that presented its self, period. We all try to take the best shot possible on game animals, to end it quickly, but sometimes that doesn't happen and that's life. Not all shots are broadside and less than 100 yards, with the animal standing still. If I waited for this kind of shot throughout my years of hunting I wouldn't have been very successful. That's what I love so much about hunting, it's never guaranteed and every situation is different. That's is the reason will live in America and have the freedoms to make a choice on what we feel is right way. Manny, it looks like to me you do it right and keep at it. Best Regards Jeff PS Super bucks, every nice.
Jeff' thanks man, you basically said what I wanted to say about the peanut gallery, I thought from my original post, that, that's what hunting was about, stalking the animal and putting on the best shot possible n if you miss oh well, if you wound you track, end of subject.

I'll tell you what I call un-ethical shots, when you see a deer in the brush and shoot n hopes it's a buck, maybe I'm just retarded?
Manny, big bucks, and especially big blacktails, lead a charmed life. I've seen many many big bucks make a mistake, only to escape unscathed. Funny how that works, but it does.

robinsg61le, you presented your thoughts and beliefs respectfully, and thoughtfully, and you certainly have the right to your opinion and ethical standard.

Having said that, personally if I were given the opportunity at a 150 blacktail as Manny was, I'm taking the shot. Blacktails aren't all that tough, and any reasonable caliber with a good bullet will usually put them down. If a follow up shot is needed, then by all means, hustle up to them and end the suffering ASAP. If it was an elk, moose, or bison, or big bear then I agree with you. Wait for a better shot.

When it comes time to go hunting, I turn the TV hunting shows off and go hunting.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-09 AT 11:29AM (MST)[p]Eelgrass , same here, I'm just stubborn and get persistent till I find the dude again and this time nail it?.

I meant no disrespect to robinsg61le, just trying to prove a point, but only in a perfect world?..
Great bucks Manny? Trophies by any standard.

I suppose I probably got my beliefs on shooting from taking too many small bucks over the years. When I don't get a nice rack to mount, it makes the meat the only trophy I get to take home? and ever so precious to me.

You?re obviously a fine man and great hunter? No doubt we'll be able to agree on many of the other topics and issues posted on this site.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-09 AT 10:24PM (MST)[p]Sorry, didn't mean to come on as a smart asss, nor was I bragging I"m just glad I have those hunts to remember.......
you'll get em' next time MANNY!

hey , you were sure an ugly ol' SOB back then:) just kidding:) those are some great blacktails, are they benchlegs?

keep at that big buck, the late hunt is coming up and you can get even with him then. and if your really wanting to get even with that big old wall hanger, you let me know if you need some help hunting him! it would be an honor to shoot that SOB for you:)

keep us posted, you'll get him
>you'll get em' next time MANNY!
>hey , you were sure an
>ugly ol' SOB back then:)
> just kidding:)
> those are some great
>blacktails, are they benchlegs?
>keep at that big buck, the
>late hunt is coming up
>and you can get even
>with him then. and
>if your really wanting to
>get even with that big
>old wall hanger, you let
>me know if you need
>some help hunting him!
>it would be an honor
>to shoot that SOB for
>keep us posted, you'll get him

more then likely cross, i got 'em in Calif just across the Oregon boarder on the east side of I-5.

the typ scores 173. 2/8" and the nontyp was 28 3/4" wide = never scored him.....
LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-09 AT 05:36PM (MST)[p]He won, end of story wah, now it's onto varmints...
:) you cant win them all :) just think he'll be bigger next year.

and i hope those "varment " include a wolf or 2
LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-09 AT 09:18PM (MST)[p]>:) you cant win
>them all :) just
>think he'll be bigger next
>and i hope those "varment "
>include a wolf or 2

last Sunday coming down the SisQ's we saw 3 black dogs attacking a fawn, didn't have time to stop but called the state troopers, they looked like wolf cross......

waiting for update....
I don't want to be a smart a$$ but what is a ethical shot???

And who's the judge??? I read the original post and didn't even give the shots a second thought. Texas heart shot unethical????

Taken several elk that way.

Should I wait for a 50 yards broadside or go home empty???

I shot my bull this year straight on. I wanted a broadside, mainly because with a muzzy/open sights i would have more room for error. But when the wind shifted and his nose went up, I took what I had.

Everyone on here has different abilities, some are far better than mine. Who am I to question another based on my abilities???

You have to be your own judge, and live with your decisions.
>I don't want to be a
>smart a$$ but what is
>a ethical shot???
>And who's the judge??? I
>read the original post and
>didn't even give the shots
>a second thought. Texas
>heart shot unethical????
>Taken several elk that way.
>Should I wait for a 50
>yards broadside or go home
>I shot my bull this year
>straight on. I wanted
>a broadside, mainly because with
>a muzzy/open sights i would
>have more room for error.
> But when the wind
>shifted and his nose went
>up, I took what I
>Everyone on here has different abilities,
>some are far better than
>mine. Who am I
>to question another based on
>my abilities???
>You have to be your own
>judge, and live with your

Ditto +1
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