You lion hunters are nuts


Active Member
Just went on my first lion hunt my cousin has a tag for CO and all I have to say is man what a demanding hunt I have never covered that much country in that short of time and had that good of time. I cant wait to go again, My cousin said its alot more fun when you actually have one up a tree. I cant wait.
"You lion hunters are nuts" - Your ability for understating the obvious is impressive. :) Lion hunting ain't for everybody. I have sworn it wasn't for me several times. You have to be pretty hard core to really eat it up the way most of these guys do. I'm too old to be that hard core anymore. :) But... it is pretty cool when you are sittin' on a snowy ridge and the canyon is ringing with bawlin' dogs (whether they be chasing a lion or deer). :) Then again when you are sittin' in a truck (or under a tree) freezing, at 3:00am, wondering where the hell the dogs are and how the hell you got drug along on this rodeo, if you still think it's fun then you are hooked. And if you are hooked, in my crystal ball I see dogs in your future. Several of them. And vet bills. And feed bills. And divorce. And broken down, dented up trucks running on bald tires. And... etc, etc.

I'm just a tag-along and in no way consider myself a lion hunter. I just like to hang out here among the dregs of society so I can feel better about my so-called life :).
When I get to feeling blue, I just thinking about them guys and what they have to spend a year just to do what they love and all of a sudden my life isn't so bad after all, if fact it like a rose in a weed garden. Your right about them being crazy, who else would spend a fortune on what they do and end up just being called crazy, DON'T spend any time with them or you could be come one of them, not a pretty sight, you sure don't see alot of fat ones, don't know if it the starvtion diet or the running of the hills that does it.
Good observation Avsman...

If you were to sit down for a day and read back over our posts on this forum for the past year or so... you would see that we haven't exactly been claiming to be Rocket Scientists all this time.

One of the endearing traits with hound guys, in fact maybe the ONLY one is that most of us have no illusions of grandeur. A majority of die hard hound guys realize in no uncertain terms how stupid and idiotic it is to feed dogs all year long and then go chase things with them.

It's not like we are claiming to be Diety of Sportsmen. You'll have to go upstairs to the other forums for that. We pretty much know our place on the food chain and we're content with it.

And if you're wise you'll run fast back to your deer and elk hunting and be thankful the "Disease" wasn't fatal in you. I just sent a client home last week back to his home in Maryland.

When he left he told me, "If I'd known it would be this hard I never would have come out here lion hunting. And I never intend to again." Now this was a wise man.

One week of hounding is all it took for him to realize how lucky he was to be a whitetail and a turkey hunter.

How many guy's heads have you wanted to tear off when they spout off that ole great sentence "WHO COULDN'T SHOOT A LION OUT OF A TREE!" I remember heaving my guts out when I got to my "Lion Tree"!
You had a good time and didn't even tree any game?? If not catching anything is fun for you my friend, you'd really have a blast with the pack of shiteaters I've got!! :)
Lion Hunters are a rare breed. It is good that time lets you forget because after many of the "death marches" after cats, I've told myself I wouldn't ever go again, but then find myself a few days later following the hounds again. I'm no lion expert, but what a thrill to finally catch up with a big cat and see the sheer beauty and power they possess. We caught a cat in a cave and while looking in from a crack in the rock, a couple of bright yellow eyes appeared just inches from my face and the cat let out a loud hiss right in my face. The smell was enough to almost make a guy hack, but what a memory and a shock that was seeing those eyes glowing in the dark right in my face. I took that lion within inches of my gun barrel. The harvest is only a small part of a lion hunt. To try and follow these animals trail, and see the way they live and the beauty of the country they live in, and just the chance to be away from the BS of everyday life, make it an enjoyable experience. Anyone who thinks it is easy to "shoot a lion from a tree" needs to go and give it a try. First, you have to try and get to the tree!!!!
I Agree, Lion Hunters are NUTS! But they are good NUTS!
'NUTS' 'BERRIES' I don't know which best describes them!! For the past two years I've been hooked! Would leave home 11pm Friday night drive 250 miles and hook up with the buds around 4AM to head out chasing the big '*****'. Would go all day - catch a couple hours Sat. night and chase all day Sunday just to leave well after dark for a 250 mile drive home. Did this for almost three months straight. Did kill a '*****' both years. Have moved away from that fun and have not found anyone that foolhearted so am getting my own dogs to get ready for next year. The withdrawals this year are terrible !!!!
Is anyone up to starting a 'NATIONAL LION ORGANIZATION'. Our motto could be 'A CHASING ***** WE WILL GO!' or' WE WILL TRAVEL TO THE ENDS OF THE STATE TO GET OUR *****' how about 'NO ***** TO BIG FOR US!' maybe 'EAT WHAT YOU KILL - KILL A ***** TODAY'
Any other slogans will be considered - come on you "***** CHASERS " lets hear them.

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