Your wifes....


Long Time Member
Or wives.

I was talking with mine about getting a trike. Probably a Harley trike. Anyway, she used to be one of their (the HD finance company) senior collection agents. She resigned after we married to devote full time care to her son. Anyway, she has been in court a few times testifying behind the curtain against gang members. Shes not afraid of much.

So, what jobs does your wife have? Any cool stories?
My wife was a school teacher until we got married. After that she raised me and our four kids.
The kids turned out great, but she failed miserably with me!
My wife ran a daycare out of our shop until our girls were old enough to go to school, then she ventured into the workforce. It was pretty handy having her in the school system while the kids were there. They didn't get away with much. The other teachers let my wife know when they weren't doing right.
Wife's a registered dental hygienist. We are purchasing our second house before we're even 30, all off of her income alone (I'm in school).

She is always telling me the horror stories of some people's teeth.....and all I can say does ANYONE kiss someone with a mouth that disgusting. Black moldy teeth, with inches of black nasty muck on their gums. ????
Wife is amazing, best hunter i know, she's killed some studs. We lived in Alaska together for years, she's hell on the dall sheep, goats, caribou too.
I lost my first wife to cancer, we were both young. So Renee became a wife and mom to my two kids all on one day when we married in '97.

She was the first white woman ever in some of the small villages near the Ghanaian city of Koforidua. She helped them to dig a well there over two years. Once finished the villagers wouldn't drink from it. The clean water was strange to them. :)
Fun fact, they called her Abena REENEE, they couldn't pronounce the "A"...
Abena = a Tuesday, her birth 'day'...
Hardware Deva. She's been in hardware, lumber, construction materials, and tools for 25 years or so. Wonderful to have a wife that understands this world making it super simple to do home repairs. and get tools with employ discounts too.
Mine trained to be a dental tech. After a few years of that, she got bored and moved to the other end of the building to work with two great oral surgeons. Surgical scrub and operating room assistant. Tried to be a housewife for a couple years, and got bored. Back to work as a laser tech and chair side assistant for eye surgery center. That kept her excited and occupied for next 25 years until retirement!!
My wife had had 11 shots at big game animals over the last 15 years. She filled 10 tags... her last elk needed a follow up shot.

She is many years younger than I am, makes more money than I do, is a heck of a lot better looking, and still says she is happy. Not sure how I pulled it off but I am thankful.
Or wives.

I was talking with mine about getting a trike. Probably a Harley trike. Anyway, she used to be one of their (the HD finance company) senior collection agents. She resigned after we married to devote full time care to her son. Anyway, she has been in court a few times testifying behind the curtain against gang members. Shes not afraid of much.

So, what jobs does your wife have? Any cool stories?
Mine is a PhD student. Not super exciting, but hopefully lucrative some day in the future.
Well you could start, on your leads.
Wife's a registered dental hygienist. We are purchasing our second house before we're even 30, all off of her income alone (I'm in school).

She is always telling me the horror stories of some people's teeth.....and all I can say does ANYONE kiss someone with a mouth that disgusting. Black moldy teeth, with inches of black nasty muck on their gums. ????
As is mine, hear the same horror stories MS. We wouldn't be sitting where we are today without that team effort. Best part about my bride is she understands my passion to chase critters. God love that woman, my partner.
Mine is a mean and nasty spiteful ... struggling with issues I can't help her with. I have tried! They are bigger than any power I have. She still blames me for ALL her problems. I am in the process of getting out but damn it... it is still months away. She is doing all she can to make my life a living hell. Go the hospital and watch her fight for her life = not enough. Support her afterward and try to make it work again = not enough. Pray for her to see the gift of another chance = not enough. Trying to stay out of her way so I don't go down with the ship is all I can do now. You guys are lucky.
Keep your head high. You can only do so much. Maybe she is scared. We all can tend to lash out at the people closest to us. Doesn't make it ok though.
Mine is a mean and nasty spiteful ... struggling with issues I can't help her with. I have tried! They are bigger than any power I have. She still blames me for ALL her problems. I am in the process of getting out but damn it... it is still months away. She is doing all she can to make my life a living hell. Go the hospital and watch her fight for her life = not enough. Support her afterward and try to make it work again = not enough. Pray for her to see the gift of another chance = not enough. Trying to stay out of her way so I don't go down with the ship is all I can do now. You guys are lucky.
Crap, I was there in 93. Nothing short of dyin', just like the song, would have pleased her. She forged my name to credit documents, made a 'movie' with another guy, tried to get me arrested for domestic assault...

I am truly sorry and wish stuff would get better for you.
Hey doc!

I'd Still Like a Copy of That Huntin Movie!

Crap, I was there in 93. Nothing short of dyin', just like the song, would have pleased her. She forged my name to credit documents, made a 'movie' with another guy, tried to get me arrested for domestic assault...

I am truly sorry and wish stuff would get better for you.
Crap, I was there in 93. Nothing short of dyin', just like the song, would have pleased her. She forged my name to credit documents, made a 'movie' with another guy, tried to get me arrested for domestic assault...

I am truly sorry and wish stuff would get better for you.
That's very common. I think most men just have regular wives.
Hey doc!

I'd Still Like a Copy of That Huntin Movie!
If you are on FB, I can send you her name. Get one for me too.

Kind of a funny story. We were in my storage unit getting some of her stuff out so she could put it in the moving truck. I had to get in the safe to get a ring of her mom's. As I am opening the safe, I realized there were about a dozen movies on the upper shelf. She asked what they were. (the labels had and 'X' on them) I just said they were for work.
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Oh, I forgot (other than she's awesome because she's married to me).

She's the most professional backseat driver in the world! I always know just what to do, where to go. how fast to drive and where to park etc. when she's with me.

I have no idea how I can do it when I'm alone in the truck!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

She really is a good woman to put up with all my sh!t!!!

My wife is an architect and is incredibly understanding about my hunting. I spent 30+ days out of state hunting in 2022, with 23 of those days being on one LE hunt. We have an 8 and 10 y/o, and know that when I'm gone all the work is on her. She's been pushing me for years to do a Dall sheep hunt, but I just can't bring myself to spend that kind of money for a hunt.
I met my wife in high school and at the time I lived for hunting and fishing. It's just who I was. She accepted it from day one and from the time we got married until today she makes sure we have extra money so I can still enjoy it. She is not a material person in the slightest, almost to a fault. She worked for a couple years at our community college but she wasn't happy there so I asked her to quit. Now that we're older and she has some health issues I'm going to take care of her like she took care of me all those years.
I met my wife in high school and at the time I lived for hunting and fishing. It's just who I was. She accepted it from day one and from the time we got married until today she makes sure we have extra money so I can still enjoy it. She is not a material person in the slightest, almost to a fault. She worked for a couple years at our community college but she wasn't happy there so I asked her to quit. Now that we're older and she has some health issues I'm going to take care of her like she took care of me all those years.

did you get married before or after the civil war?
Oh, I forgot (other than she's awesome because she's married to me).

She's the most professional backseat driver in the world! I always know just what to do, where to go. how fast to drive and where to park etc. when she's with me.

I have no idea how I can do it when I'm alone in the truck!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

She really is a good woman to put up with all my sh!t!!!

For Christmas a few years ago, I got her a toy steering wheel at Toys'R'Us, the kind that has a little horn button in the middle. Meep Meep. Then I mounted it on the dash of my Power Wagon and we took a very silent drive.
Thinking about another wife, maybe. 20 more years and I think I'll go mail order. I'll have burnt all my pref points by then.Move to her palm hut somewhere in the South Pacific.
My wife has been a hairdresser since she was 19. She owns a large salon in Orcutt. She's got 22 women renting booths/studios from her. She started with a small salon and has grown it to be a hugely successful business. This will be the last salon she'll have. It's a lot of work.

She has her real estate license and has been licensed for 18 years. She obviously hangs her license at my brokerage so I don't have to give her a cut of the commissions. LOL.

She's a fantastic wife and is the best Mom I know. Our kids are mostly grown yet she still wants to supply them with the best. She's got a huge heart and has been through the ringer in life. Parents divorced, brother passed (drug overdose), 17 day old son passed (Potters disease), nearly died due to a bad surgery (she sued the surgeon but he flew his plane into a mountain), got breast cancer (8 year survivor). She's a trooper....she's made me a better man. I love her dearly. I always need to remind myself that if she can make it through what she's gone through, I have nothing to complain about.
Or wives.

I was talking with mine about getting a trike. Probably a Harley trike. Anyway, she used to be one of their (the HD finance company) senior collection agents. She resigned after we married to devote full time care to her son. Anyway, she has been in court a few times testifying behind the curtain against gang members. Shes not afraid of much.

So, what jobs does your wife have? Any cool stories?
OMG! The Toughest for Mrs Sikora would be Being married to me!
Good advice!
If it's really that bad, move along as soon as you can!

I b!otch about my wife at time... but who doesn't? LOL

In actuality, she's the best thing to ever happen to me and it's been that way, through thick and thin, for over 45 years!

Hang in there buddy, there are others here that can relate to your struggles!
Maybe you two can move in together and he can support you through your depression, anger management and addictions. Maybe he can help you understand the consequences of sexting another woman while married, it causes scars and bitterness. Maybe you trying to fix the hurt and damage you have created would help your struggles!! You have a wife of 21 years that works hard and has supported your fishing, horse showing and hunting. Let’s be real and let the boys know who found your hunting land, hotel and processor while I am home working 60 hours a week and taking care of everything while you are gone two weeks!! Why don’t you tell the boys you go hunting every year but have never taken me on a vacation. Safe to say the negative comments about your wife are very painful and not received well! I hope you choke on the meal prepared for you tonight!
Maybe you two can move in together and he can support you through your depression, anger management and addictions. Maybe he can help you understand the consequences of sexting another woman while married, it causes scars and bitterness. Maybe you trying to fix the hurt and damage you have created would help your struggles!! You have a wife of 21 years that works hard and has supported your fishing, horse showing and hunting. Let’s be real and let the boys know who found your hunting land, hotel and processor while I am home working 60 hours a week and taking care of everything while you are gone two weeks!! Why don’t you tell the boys you go hunting every year but have never taken me on a vacation. Safe to say the negative comments about your wife are very painful and not received well! I hope you choke on the meal prepared for you tonight!
Maybe you two can move in together and he can support you through your depression, anger management and addictions. Maybe he can help you understand the consequences of sexting another woman while married, it causes scars and bitterness. Maybe you trying to fix the hurt and damage you have created would help your struggles!! You have a wife of 21 years that works hard and has supported your fishing, horse showing and hunting. Let’s be real and let the boys know who found your hunting land, hotel and processor while I am home working 60 hours a week and taking care of everything while you are gone two weeks!! Why don’t you tell the boys you go hunting every year but have never taken me on a vacation. Safe to say the negative comments about your wife are very painful and not received well! I hope you choke on the meal prepared for you tonight!
Can't we all just get along?
Hey Ms Reiner Chick!

I'm Wondering If You Are Available?:D:D:D

Maybe you two can move in together and he can support you through your depression, anger management and addictions. Maybe he can help you understand the consequences of sexting another woman while married, it causes scars and bitterness. Maybe you trying to fix the hurt and damage you have created would help your struggles!! You have a wife of 21 years that works hard and has supported your fishing, horse showing and hunting. Let’s be real and let the boys know who found your hunting land, hotel and processor while I am home working 60 hours a week and taking care of everything while you are gone two weeks!! Why don’t you tell the boys you go hunting every year but have never taken me on a vacation. Safe to say the negative comments about your wife are very painful and not received well! I hope you choke on the meal prepared for you tonight!
Hard to imagine all the hardships some have went through when you have not dealt with them yourself. Sometimes women really change after childbirth also. Friend’s wife (a relationship I thought would never go south) got really strange after their second child. Another friend who has been married 6 to 7 times (can’t remember and stopped going to the rotating weddings) always thought he could change the women to meet his needs. All his fault in my opinion.
Been with my wife for just shy of 40 years. Dated 5 years before getting married, so we each knew what we were getting in to. Due to her having a mid November birthday I have missed most of her birthdays. She likes to camp but wants nothing to due with hunting and hot and freezing weather. Great wife and mother to our children.
I’ve been watching deer and elk for a long long time……. when it comes to relationships, they got it figured out and us humans don’t.

They’ve found it works much better to get together for a few minutes, once a year………. seems to work out much better.
I guess we laugh to keep from crying... but this some very serious, life changing stuff for some of us. All of you in good relationships thank God and count your blessings and pray for the ones in a hole. I'm working towards getting out but it will be a few more months of hell on the way

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