Ted Nugent, admits guilt


Long Time Member
There was a thread in the Cali Forum a while back about the show that Uncle Ted filmed in Northern Calif. During the show which apparently was filmed over two years, Ted took a spike, a mediocre buck, and a freaking toad non-typical cross buck while displaying very poor shot selection and shooting skills. During the show, in the "trophy shot", he claimed that the spike was actually a forky but the close up views in the film clearly showed that it was a young thin horned spike. Apparently there was some baiting going on as well and that, along with shooting spikes, is not legal in Cali.


I enjoy Ted's show and feel a debt to him for his tireless efforts to protect the Second Amendment and our gun rights. He is though, no better or worse than the average hunter and if/because he did violate our Fish and Game laws, he is/should be subject to the penalty same as the rest of us. Not sure how he got the shooting of a spike charge dropped. Maybe fame or money has it's privileges!

I know he got a ticket on the pauns here in utah around 10 years ago for intent....

The fact that the whole thing was video taped for a show tells me that Ted was unaware of the laws in CA. No excuse, I know but still. He hunts a lot of states where baiting is legal and so are spikes.

I would rather he pled guilty to all charges rather than hire a lawyer to try to beat it or part of it with a plea bargain. Not like he can't afford the fines. If he was in the wrong, he needed to fess up like a man.

He needs to be more careful in the future, and do his homework.

Sounds like another free pass??? Like he got for shitting all over himself when he dodged the draft!!! How many "Blood Brothers"
went to Nam in his place???

I am nominating that for post of the
century on Monster Muleys!

Your are spot on.
God, some of you guys can be such huge rectal orifices!

Do you really think, that with so much to lose, knowing it was going to be aired on TV, that ANY of those "crimes" were done on purpose, by Nugent?

The guy could buy ANY hunt ANYWHERE....but you hatracks think he would poach ...on camera...BRILLIANT!

As far as a plea bargain.....that's how lawyers do business, look into it!

By the way, I can't stand Ted Nugent! I think he is a rude, loudmouthed, hippie wannabe, that plays REALLY bad music....... but I respect his NRA and 2nd Amendment work.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-15-10 AT 11:03AM (MST)[p]Nickman, Don't get your panties all bunched up!!

The purpose of this thread was not a Bash Ted opportunity. I was more looking toward the slant of famous or rich guys and the really minor effect a game violation would have on them.

As for Uncle Ted, all you guys say is probably true except there is no easy way to explain this. Why did he hold up that dink spike to the camera for all us to see and then claim falsely, he almost stuttered it out, that it was a "forky"??? He lied because at that time or before, he knew that he'd done wrong!!

Now i know a young man, actually i know his father, that was caught putting out a salt block near where he planned to hunt. He lost his hunting privileges, plus, what was to him, given a huge fine. Here Uncle Ted comes on a outa state trip, illegally baits deer in, and then shoots a spike...he gets a fine that maybe to him is carrying around money, pocket change, and no loss of hunting priv. Thirdly, i go outa state, maybe your state, and do what amounts to the same as Ted did here, you MMers find out about it, there'll be calls for a rope, at least a prison sentence!!!

I think Ted knew that he screwed up. He knew to lie about the spike by calling it a forky which is legal. He probably forgot to mention to the editor not to include that portion of the tape in the show. Either that or i'm sure he now has a new editor.

This was one of those times where "rich or famous" has it's privileges and that's my take on this whole mess!!

I just put Ted in the Jimmy Houston category.......and that's bad. Really bad because it doesn't get any lower.
Look Sage, I really don't care what Nuge did, or didn't do. According to your take on the thing, it's all about the money. You are saying he lied about it. That is your opinion. The court didn't see it your way.

My point was, it did not make sense that he had the intent to commit a crime. It is all a matter of opinion......and common sense. No big deal.

How about your antelope post;

You are asking if anyone knows about a lope you can collect in your zone. If Bob comes on and tells you that he passes a good one at a water tank every evening on his way home from work, that is OK with everyone. He takes you there the evening before the hunt.

Bob is a good guy and you are the "man" for being able to tag a nice lope.

After the hunt, you and Bob go to town, have lunch and a few beers, you pay the tab..... and you just broke the law.

By Ca law, Bob acted as a guide and by you buying his lunch, you are paying him for that service. Illegal? Yes.
Intent? Doubtful.

....but when the Warden asks if Bob guided you and if you paid him in any way, you are going to lie and say that you are just friends having lunch.

Now we all expect you to say that you would not lie to the Warden, but that will be BS! You lied.

It's ALL just a matter of opinion.
Joey,(aka Sageadvice)Good post.

I went to the site you posted and like alot of us,found myself miles from where I started with linking one site to the next,and the next then forgot how I got there in the first place,until I backspace to the beginning.

I ended on Wikipedia looking for Ted's birth-date.He has the YO Birthday Bash Hunt on 12/10 thru 12/14 and was wondering what his date was(my wife's is the 10th his is the 13th).Anyway I read down the page and found that in 2005 he was taken to child support court for under payment of support for a out of wed lock child(a boy)that was born in 1995,who at the time of the court trial he(Ted)has never seen.The court ordered Nugent to pay $3,500 a month to the mother,or something to that effect.

I pay child support and in IL and MO it's 20% of your GROSS Pay,so I don't know what the laws are in that state,but if the same or close(is my math right)?Is Ted saying he only makes $240k a year? Liar Liar Pants on Fire.

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you think their right"

-Joe E Sikora
FREE Uncle Ted...............................

For Gods Sake... it's old news, It happended in Kalifornica. FREE Uncle Ted. He is entertaining which is more than I can say for this post.

Nickman, as i said, and again, don't get your panties in a bunch!!!

Being all about the money is the direction i wanted the topic and conversation to go. Yes part of my take is that he lied, he did! He said the spike was a forky, the evidence is not refutable...he was just not convicted of that charge, read the article, something with the plea bargain??? The reason he was in court was that he was charged with F&G game violations. I'm not sure how or even what you are saying, "The court didn't see it your way." As fact, they did, for the most part...he needed to be held accountable! I felt that he should be held accountable from the very beginning.

Intent or not?? Go to Wyoming and shoot a big 3 point in a 4 point only unit. Intent or not, you will at least be hung out in the cop shop until you pay the full fine.

As far as your made up scenario with some guy i bought lunch for after he gave me some info being anywhere near the same as flagrant Deer Baiting here in Kali and then shooting a illegal deer to boot,...that's a pretty far stretch!!

BTW, Nickman, your take is apparently completely different from mine. Seems to have been several times here lately. I generally value your opinions, maybe we should talk...530-258-4191

"For Gods Sake... it's old news, It happended in Kalifornica. FREE Uncle Ted. He is entertaining which is more than I can say for this post.


Thank you for your Very Typical comment!

Famous guys live by different rules?"

Ted turned into an azzhat a long time ago. I quit watching his shows and buying his music years ago. They shoulda tossed his azz in the can just cause he's Ted...

Not a problem at all with your post. Too bad people like this get treated different than others.

I can't stand the guy, and I can't stand his shows.

I can never understand why he is placed
on such a high pedestal????
I had to laugh about 15 years ago!
Jr lived for the Outdoor Channel.
If it was somebody rifle hunting he was right in front of the TV with his Gun.
If it was somebody Archery hunting he was right in front of the TV with his Bow.
He was watching Uncle Ted,Ted shoots a Doe,Jr jumps up and says:If he shoots one more Doe I'll never watch him again!
Just one of the times I had to laugh at Jr,I'll never forget it!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
If he was ignorant of Cali laws regarding deer hunting and baiting he's a complete fool. If I went out of state and behaved as such ,every local would want to tar and feather me. I don't get the "He didn't know" thing. He's either a blatant law breaker, or a complete idiot regardless of his stance on hunting, and gun rights.
Ted didn't put out bait ....the landowners did...they had obviously been putting it out long before Ted was ever called with the opportunity to hunt the property...when the larger buck was spotted they called Ted to offer him an opportunity to hunt him...Ted obviously wasn't really aware of the Ca fish & game laws ...his fault ..but he was hunting with Ca residents who were irresponsible and maybe a little awestruct...I don't think Ted is so stupid that he would incriminate himself with televised video..while he looks like a moron, he still does more good than bad for those of us who like guns and hunting wild game.
"During the show, in the "trophy shot", he claimed that the spike was actually a forky but the close up views in the film clearly showed that it was a young thin horned spike."

Joey, I completely missed that part of your post! I only clicked on the newspaper story, and I never saw the show. Obviously he intentionally tried to deceive. Calling an obvious spike a fork on video is not too sharp.

nickman, I know that the lawyers job is to get the best deal he can for the client. I just wish more people would say "I screwed up your honor" and take their lumps. Sounds corny I know.

Joey Joey Joey

Didn't your Moma drag you to Sunday School when you were little ? I remember someone saying something like "He who is without sin cast the first stone?"

Uncle Ted went to court and paid the fine.. and yes there are different rules for folks with money.. It may not be right but it is a fact of life. Money buys good Lawyers, good hunts, good property, good equipment. Money can even warp an ethical man.

So Joey.. what is in it for you ? Planning on sueing Uncle Ted ? Or a little Politics ? Going to Change some Laws ? Or perhaps charge the Minions to do away with the Western Point Count with some Evil Plan to be Easternized and count every point on the Antlers ? HMMMMMM ?

"Joey Joey Joey"

Destiny, Spare me the condescending crap attitude!

I find your line of thinking completely unacceptable. The Law is The Law and they are here for EVERYBODY!!

I am Far from a saint myself, Ted made himself guilty by looking us in the eye and lieing, by telling us that "this buck is a forky".

Let me ask you, were you taught to lie when caught in a bad situation?

It is NOT ok for Ted or anybody else, myself included, to lie and break F & Game laws then not be held accountable... even here in Kalifornicwhatever you call us!

Eel, Thanks Guy!!

Buck64, Sorry you think that way. Are you sure you are not from Utah?

Woodruff, Nice of you to stop in, Thanks!!

Thanks for the conversation guys and gals. i must bow out, there's hunting to be done!!

I can't get out the door soon enough on my Ca Antelope hunt! I'm packed and ready to roll, in the early morning, up north a bit. Sat is opening day, i'll be talking to a lot of people-ranchers-farmers and covering a lot of country between now and then. And Yes, i'll buy a steak dinner, about my limit, for anybody who points me toward the kind of lope that i'm looking for!! :)

Just how ignorant is it to accept the fact that Ted does more good than bad? So basically he is the best we could do? If we need Ted as a spokesman for outdoorsman then we are in serious trouble. He's a high-fenced, doe shooting, no child-support payin, bad music playin, farm animal killin, hunter wannabee. I'd bet he wouldn't walk across the street to actually hunt something.

I saw the show in question and smelled a rat as soon as the first shot was fired. He made terrible shots and that big buck was too good to be true. If he didn't but the bait out then he is at least as guilty for hunting the animal. Hang him. We don't need deadbeats like him.....or Jimmy Houston.
For you guys that think he got off easy on the fine. I have known Judge James Dawson for over 30 years. That fine he levied was one of his higher ones for the violation Nugent was found guilty of.
Dawson has a history of going light on first time offenders in his court and will give them the benefit of the doubt if their story is reasonable. Come up against him a second time and you will be doing time and a fine.
The fine levied on Nugent for that paticular F&G violation is normaly about 600-800 bucks for most offenders in Yuba County.

Ziggy for hating everything about Nugent, I find it interesting that you watched his show and saw that paticular one. I myself did not see it as I normally do not watch his programs. I hope you are not being a little bit of a hypocrit and watch his shows more then you let on too us.

OK......if the evidence that he actually killed a spike was "irrefutable", according to Sage, why was he not convicted on that charge, which surely is more of a crime than baiting? As I said, the court apparently did not see it "your" way.

I'm not trying to start a fight here, I'm just sayin' it ain't always black or white....grey exists.

Lying on TV most certainly may be wrong, but it is hardly a crime in this country!

And as far as your buying a steak dinner for whoever puts you on a lope.....you just proved my point. You are about to break the law, and you probably don't know it exists......as, quite possibly Ted was unaware that bait and spikes were not legal in this state.

And obviously, since his company aired the show, they probably remained unaware until someone, a loyal viewer like yourself, brought it to the fore.

I doubt that Ted even knew what the term "forked horn" even meant....Easterners generally never use that term.
Buying a steak dinner is breaking the law and considered receiving money for illegal guiding. You are gonna have to post when that has actually happened with ALL the specifics and don't leave anything out. Details man. I've illegally guided for years if that's the case. The fact that you are comparing having someone buy you a steak and shooting bucks illegally really shows how ridiculous you are. I believe it's called comparing apples to oranges. The term "forked horn" really isn't that highly technical of a word is it??? WOW! You are really getting desperate and only digging a deeper hole for yourself. Let Ted dig his own hole, he doesn't need any help.

Is this post getting more and more embarrassing for you Ted defenders or what?


I saw the show and not because I'm a fan of Ted's. It just happened to be on while I was working and noticed how terrible of a shot he made and then another. You see, after one hunting show is over, then another one comes on. I'll explain later. The forked horn comment was ridiculous but I can see how the term "fork" can be so confusing to easterners. (LMAO!!) It is almost worth watching just to see the comedy of errors with Ted. He does more damage to hunters that it's not really that funny after it's all said and done. I don't want any part of his ideals because they are not about hunting at all. He needs fences and dogs and farm animals and guides and masses of people to look for his wounded critters. Ted wouldn't last 15 minutes hunting like most of us do because he's not a hunter.
I did not see the show and really don't care as I really do not care for Ted Nugent but I know this much... Rules are rules but they apply differently to those with money. It's always been that way and it always will. Remember a certain ex-football player that "the glove" wouldn't fit? Well I can assure you if I had been in his shoes at the time even if the glove didn't fit I'll bet any amount of money I would have gotten convicted.. Which he finally got his but that's another story..

I'm not slamming people with money, quite the contrary for however they made it good for them but with money comes perks that the average guy cannot enjoy... it may be high priced hunts, first class travel, and lodging accommodations,estate homes, exotic cars, legal representation and the list goes on and the more you have the more perks you receive and add celebrity status to the mix and many perks become free.

It's just the way it is..
No comment in regards to Uncle Ted and hunting, but he is a great "cheerleader" for the 2nd amendment! As far as the violations, I would be so bold as to blame the "outfitter" for a least the baiting, and possibly the "spike". I personally would presume that baiting would be legal if the outfitter was doing it. In Ted's shoes (busy?), he may have gotten instructions from the outfitter as far as legal deer as well (or misjudged spike/fork?). I never actually saw the show BTW.
Well Zigger, that's the difference between us....I am ridiculous, but you on the other hand, are an uninformed loudmouth.....always. (Please remember, you started the name calling.)

You think I am wrong about the rules regarding guides and pay in this state, look into it.

Apples and oranges? Hardly. It is a question of who knew the laws.

Seems that there is a young golfer that "made a mistake" in the PGA tournament yesterday. He didn't know the existing rules. I am NOT defending Ted.....just the ability to make a mistake.

See, you think you know the law regarding guiding, but you don't, therefore you could make a mistake......sort of like your parents did.
Nickman said, "I'm not trying to start a fight here,..."

Yes you are Nickman, and you are being a jerk while you're doing it!!! I have no time for this, i'll be back in two weeks or sooner if i get my lope...

"And as far as your buying a steak dinner for whoever puts you on a lope.....you just proved my point. You are about to break the law,..."

Yeah Right!! A Farmer says that he saw a big lope out in his back field a week ago, lets me hunt it, and i buy him dinner or a jug after i kill the buck and i'm breaking the law?? As i said, You are really reaching on this one Nick and i'm not so sure of why.

And he said, "And obviously, since his company aired the show, they probably remained unaware until someone, a loyal viewer like yourself, brought it to the fore."

Is that a snide remark or what? Loyal viewer?? i watch a lot of hunting tv. Uncle Ted is NOT among my favorites but sometimes choices are limited and as right now, some show is on but i'm doing this. If you read the article i posted, he was brought up on charges by others besides myself. a Game Warden who watched the show, something about jumping outa his chair!

Defending the guilty because they didn't know is BS. Ted a fairly sharp individual i'm told and he's hunted here before. You just can't get me to believe that he didn't know. I believe Ted did what he wanted to do because he is Ted and he lives by his own rules!

Mod70guy, thanks for posting! Most all the things you listed as perks of having money, aren't breaking the LAW. :) OJ though, was a pretty good one...

Far from being down on having money, i'm all for it myself, have my own business in hopes to make more, and have several good friends that are loaded and are living the good life. They don't break the Fish & Game laws though, we get along fine.

I gotta get!!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-10 AT 12:55PM (MST)[p]nickman = Ted Nugent???

So Ted, errrr....I mean nick, I don't care if the guide or game warden tells you to shoot the neighbors cow, IT'S GOING TO BE THE HUNTER'S AZZ AND THE OUTFITTER WILL GO DOWN WITH HIM. Ask any game warden.

Get it?

If you are hunting, you need to know the law even if you are being drug around by an outfitter. Not rocket science. It's your tag and your azz so make the most of it or stay the eff home. A judge would be more than happy to explain that to you in court I would bet on it.

Keep digging.
Best of luck to you Joey! Don't forget, your tag says "horns above the ears" to be legal. And NO baiting!:)

Ted is from back east, He probably thought one spike on each side added up to a 2 point.

The guy calls shooting a deer inside a 75 acre fenced off enclosure a hunt.

I think he does more harm than good.

And yes he probably got a sweetheart deal that the average Joe would not have gotten.
Seems we have alot of forum lawyers here. Worth every penny they are paid! No one pleaded guilty! Pay fines and move on. Also,what other charges may be coming to CALI F&G, against them? This is not over. Stay tuned folks. Some of you Cannibals may be in for a few surprises. Let it play out.
>Seems we have alot of forum
>lawyers here. Worth every penny
>they are paid! No one
>pleaded guilty! Pay fines and
>move on. Also,what other charges
>may be coming to CALI
>F&G, against them? This is
>not over. Stay tuned folks.
>Some of you Cannibals may
>be in for a few
>surprises. Let it play out.

Will they be any more surprising than his horrible shooting skills on video?
I would just like to add.

90 % of hunting shows are terrible. I think most aren't honest about what happens on the hunts. They take a lot of money and time to put together and the end result most of the time is not a good one.

Ted and his show are no different. He should be ashamed of shooting a fork or a spike for his show.

I feel he should adjust his style toward hunting and away from killing. He would come across with a lot more respect from his fans.

My brother went to his concert last week, he said it was amazing that a 62 year old had that energy to do the show.

Maybe he could use an ajustment in his ways, as far as his shows go.
Im courious, They called that big buck a blacktail, however the buck was killed in placerville, Ca. To register a Pope and young kill from Placerville would be a Mule Deer. I wonder which species that deer was measured? Just a thought.
I spent about 15 seconds looking for the video and couldn't find it. I would hide it too if I were him. It was really bad but actually the best of his I've seen....but still really bad.
You guys forget, he is from Michigan, and in Michigan shooting a spike over a bait pile is quite the accomplishment!
I just can't believe that a group of hunters would bash a guy that has spent the last 25 years fighting for your rights. The guy has done more for hunting, gun rights, military charity, then all of the people on this site put together. The guy has battled the liberal media over and over on TV for you.

The guy may have not served his country, but he has SERVED the military well. Charity concerts in Iraq. Free hunts for wounded soldiers. He always solutes and thanks the military.

I am not trying to start something up here but if the guy paid his fine let it end. I just hope fellow hunters stop bashing the guy as he is battling for you.
>I just can't believe that a
>group of hunters would bash
>a guy that has spent
>the last 25 years fighting
>for your rights. The guy
>has done more for hunting,
>gun rights, military charity, then
>all of the people on
>this site put together.
>The guy has battled the
>liberal media over and over
>on TV for you.
>The guy may have not served
>his country, but he has
>SERVED the military well.
>Charity concerts in Iraq.
>Free hunts for wounded soldiers.
> He always solutes and
>thanks the military.
>I am not trying to start
>something up here but if
>the guy paid his fine
>let it end. I
>just hope fellow hunters stop
>bashing the guy as he
>is battling for you.

your right! Alot of blame goes to the guy that hosted the hunt.He knew NO BAIT, NO SPIKES!
>>I just can't believe that a
>>group of hunters would bash
>>a guy that has spent
>>the last 25 years fighting
>>for your rights. The guy
>>has done more for hunting,
>>gun rights, military charity, then
>>all of the people on
>>this site put together.
>>The guy has battled the
>>liberal media over and over
>>on TV for you.
>>The guy may have not served
>>his country, but he has
>>SERVED the military well.
>>Charity concerts in Iraq.
>>Free hunts for wounded soldiers.
>> He always solutes and
>>thanks the military.
>>I am not trying to start
>>something up here but if
>>the guy paid his fine
>>let it end. I
>>just hope fellow hunters stop
>>bashing the guy as he
>>is battling for you.
>your right! Alot of blame goes
>to the guy that hosted
>the hunt.He knew NO BAIT,

Well said +1
is it legal to shoot spikes on a hunting ranch..........most likely he was on a outfitted hunt on a ranch.
If the landowner had those "land owner" tags I think it's allmost like a depredation permit. "Not sure" if that was the case. He would not have been charged with anything. But still, I'm not positive of anything except that he pleaded guilty to the charges.
In CA. the same laws apply to hunting deer on private and public land. If he had a buck tag, must be at lease a fork horn on one side.
As for the areas designated blacktail vs. mule deer, I believe any deer harvested East of Interstate #5 is considered mule deer and west is blacktail. We have a lot of crossbreeding between the two East of #5 and the Nevada border. Where he shot the deer is East of #5 and considered mule deer.
Doe hunts are almost not heard of here due to public pressure from the bambi lovers.

Cant watch him for more than a couple of minutes.The guy is just a little too strange for me.Hope to never meet him!
Safe hunting
I enjoyed all of this! We outdoorsmen have as many diverse opinions as any group.
I like "the Nudge" for the way he stood up to the anti's crap for all these years.

I will say he is a piece of work and there are others I would
rather hunt with given a choise. I would like to meet him and talk
to him over a wild game dinner. I don't think anyone can match him for passion and I'm sure It would be a meal to remember!

I don't get how anyone in the hunting bussiness could make such and error in judgement! I guess there is some pressure to produce, does anyone remember Nole Feather?

what's the scoop on Jimmiy Houston? I am unaware of his actions that some of you seem to know.

Best wishes to all!

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