Returning a Tag


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-14 AT 04:50PM (MST)[p]Does anyone know if I can return a nonresident tag if I draw next year? This would not be for health reasons, just if I got a conflicting tag elsewhere. If so, would I get both points and fees returned?

I read the proclamations and didn't feel confident with the answer. So I called UTDOW and the lady did not know. So after being a member for 15 years yet never calling them for anything, I figured I'd call Huntin Fool, who are based in Utah. They were not 100% sure, but said they'd check and call me back on it. That was 6 months ago and no return call.

I'd kind of like to be 100% sure on this as I don't feel like gambling with 18 points. Am I really asking too much of these people? Go figure.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
I believe someone asked this question a while back and the general consensus was you can return your tag, provided you cancel/return by a certain date, but you will not get a refund for the cost of the tag. Also, you will not lose your points, but you will not gain a point either.
Yes you can turn it back in up to a certain day.... And you will get your cost of the tag back just not your app fee..... My uncle has done it numerous times when he has drawn tags here but has conflicts... And you do get a point when you turn it back in and you don't loose your points
LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-14 AT 10:47PM (MST)[p]>Zim,
>I pull for you to finally
>draw your Utah tag every

I could have drawn it easily this year. 2 Points more than the guy that drew. It's just my points everywhere are getting up there which complicates things. Some of these I knew I'd draw like WY elk & lope in 2013. This year I thought for sure I'd draw NM elk since the unit was undersubscribed the year before. We have a 50% chance to draw AZ elk this upcoming season, but I'd like to apply for the Utah deer in case we fail in AZ.

However, it turned out to be a blessing I chose not to apply for 2014. I ended up getting a 230 bpm atrial flutter in what would have been the middle of this hunt. It required 3 days in hospital, monkey shock, and eventual ablation heart surgery. Then got a pinched nerve disabling right arm. All this is over with now, and cardio doc approved me to resume hunting last week. But this would have totally ruined my Utah deer hunt if I'd drawn.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
Oilcan, you may be right....with all the states having different policies, it gets confusing!
Zim, for clarification, you can go to:
Are you sitting on 19 points for Elk?
If so, I'm right there along side you.
>Oilcan, you may be right....with all
>the states having different policies,
>it gets confusing!
>Zim, for clarification, you can go
>Are you sitting on 19 points
>for Elk?
>If so, I'm right there along
>side you.

No no 18 only for deer, just 6 for everything else. With the current NR quotas I think all my points outside of deer are pretty much worthless. I expect I'll even dump my elk points after I burn the deer points. Horrible odds.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-14 AT 05:05PM (MST)[p]>You can, but you do not
>get your money back. Even
>though people are telling you
>that you do.

$568.00 would be kind of a pricy insurance policy. Would be a different story for a resident.

The year I cash my deer points I want to devote all my PTO days to it since it will be a long archery season. Don't want any other tags.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
I had to turn 2 tags back this year due to back surgery. You will get your points back but not a refund.
Thanks people. I knew I could count on MM for a good answer. A lot quicker than 6 months too.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
Zim, Rather than believing one of the varying opinions that have been given log onto and read #6. With it be a LE tag if you return the tag more than 30 days before opening day of your hunt you can return your tag and get a full refund minus a $25 handling fee.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-14 AT 10:37PM (MST)[p]>Zim, Rather than believing one
>of the varying opinions that
>have been given log onto
> and read #6. With
>it be a LE tag
>if you return the tag
>more than 30 days before
>opening day of your hunt
>you can return your tag
>and get a full refund
>minus a $25 handling fee.

Yes I saw that last year. The thing is I didn't see any mention of retaining preference points if returned 30 days before hunt, only surrendered permits. Apparently there is a difference. So then I called UTDOW to ask about the details and the lady could guarantee me nothing. I asked if it required a medical excuse or any reason and she did not know. Everything sounded fishy and at their discretion. I got no concrete answers. Guess I better try calling again?

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
Here is the Utah State Code. R657-42-5. Refunds

I am not going to post it all, but you can chew on this for a minute. Confused yet?

5)(a)(i) A person may receive a refund for a once-in-a-lifetime or limited-entry permit provided the permit is surrendered to the division no less than 30 days prior to the season opening date identified on the permit

I will finish by saying my mom turned a tag in and I am pretty sure she didn't get the refund, but maybe if you bug them enough they would. It seems like a couple years ago they changed it to military deployment and medical reasons, but I can't verify that.
I drew a Willard Peak nanny goat tag in 2012 that I had to turn back in because I was moving to Nevada and I was broke. I got all but like $40 of what I paid back.

Now I am a non-resident with 11 points and I will probably not draw a billy tag for another five years or so thanks to point creep and no nanny tags being offered on Willard this year.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-14 AT 02:37PM (MST)[p]>Here is the Utah State Code.
>R657-42-5. Refunds
>I am not going to post
>it all, but you can
>chew on this for a
>minute. Confused yet?
>5)(a)(i) A person may receive a
>refund for a once-in-a-lifetime or
>limited-entry permit provided the permit
>is surrendered to the division
>no less than 30 days
>prior to the season opening
>date identified on the permit
>I will finish by saying my
>mom turned a tag in
>and I am pretty sure
>she didn't get the refund,
>but maybe if you bug
>them enough they would. It
>seems like a couple years
>ago they changed it to
>military deployment and medical reasons,
>but I can't verify that.

Exactly what my impression was. Especially if I have 19 years invested, the least the DOW should do is have guidelines cut and dry in stone. There is no room for words like "I think", "maybe, "pretty sure", "can't verify". I heard those exact same words when I called the DOW office and HF both. WTF??? 19 years to depend on crap like this? UTDOW Totally unprofessional.

I think they all have been going to Don Peay's round table discussions too often and his terminology has rubbed off on them.

Just made another attempt to get a straight answer. Trying to do it via email to UTDOW this time. Better to get things in writing.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
Zim, Send Amy a PM. She works for the DWR and is really good at getting to the bottom of an issue and getting back to us that use the forum.
>Zim, Send Amy a PM. She
>works for the DWR and
>is really good at getting
>to the bottom of an
>issue and getting back to
>us that use the forum.

^^ this

You gotta get past the front desk...
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-14 AT 08:38AM (MST)[p]OK I exchanged some emails with UTDOW and it seems yes I can go ahead and apply for my tag this year. It would only cost me $25 if I needed to return it for any reason. Fees & points reimbursed. Just need to surrender tag 30 days prior to the hunt opener.

This is nice as I'm about assured I'll have one great tag next year.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-14 AT 04:16PM (MST)[p]I am soooooo lucky I was misinformed last year, because had I understood this policy I definitely would have applied for and draw my tag as I was two up on the guy who got it. My heart problem struck in late August in what would have been the middle of my hunt. I would have waited 18 years for nothing! Just stupid lucky.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
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