41" Oryx-83" Goat



After much deliberation I am going to clear the air. I was fortunate enough to draw some really good NM tags and have killed a couple of world-class critters. I was very fortunate, and a bit lucky as well, on a 41" Oryx bull and a 83" goat. I had A LOT of good people behind me!

The Oryx hunt was a lot of fun and I made some great friends in the process. Gilbert of the WSMR was a lot of help and if you ever draw a Oryx tag he is all about helping you be successful. stinkystomper (Tony Pennington), and the WSMR fireman (Tony Padilla), and my little brother were all there helping me out. I had a goal of a 36" bull or 38" cow. We saw a few like this but the Tony's told me no. When we found my bull the Tony's began to get overly excited. What happened after that was a blurr, but a 41" bull was dead and everyone was excited. He looked good to me like a nice bull, but by the way guys were acting I knew I had a great animal. Like I said, the group mentioned above were very much responsible. The fireman made arrangements for a cooler for the head and meat. I am indebted to him for that. stinky drove so I could enjoy the hunt and bought the fuel. Very nice guy and I appreciate that also. My brother did the gutting and lifting. Cannot do it without him either. Gilbert was very accomodating.

Next was the goat. I hunted an area with very few goats. I was not finding anything but two little dinks. Travis Scott of Southwest Hunting Adventures lined me up with a good friend of his Tom McReynolds of Black Mountain Outfitters. Tom took me out personally and showed me my goat. These two guys are great people and I would highly recommend either of them for NM or Arizona. I finally met Travis and he is a very nice guy. I was able to go kill Tom's goat. He measures about 83" with good mass, great length, and awesome prongs. I did this with my wife and kids and they had fun. My wife is good to help me out and a pretty good sport about things.

If someone would like to post a few pics I will send them to them. I am putting vini on notice and if this thread takes on any back biting or gets into any personal issues it will be gone for good and so will I. I have been on MM for 8 or so years so I figure I should share these great critters. Again, the above is exactly what happened and if anyone decides to turn this into a negative or starts anything about personal issues it is gone. Seems a little bit of stuff is being said I am not privy to. I wanted to hold off for official scores, but oh well. Enjoy!
Cant wait to see the pics KTC. Sounds like NM did you real well.

NM forum in the past has always been the most laid back forum on MM.
Lately, it seems the rest of the site has infected the NM forum also. I have gotten to where I hesitate to post because comments get twisted and some folks just want to argue or try to insult you.

Not the way it was and not the way it should be. I have always been willing to help someone that asks for help because that is the way I think it should be.
Sounds like for ktc's hunt that is what happened and it was an awesome experience.
That is what hunting should be all about. Getting out, having fun, helping when you can, and it all comes back to you from my experience.
with KTC permission, here are few awesome pictures of his NM success..:)




congrats KTC....

vinihunt :)
LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-09 AT 11:45AM (MST)[p]Thanks guys. Lets just keep it clean.

My green score puts him at #6 SCI free-ranging North American Oryx. Everyone in the photo is 6'4" or bigger except the fireman.;-) He is vertically challenged!
Truely Awesome.... wow.

I think you can stop killing these monsters and save some for the rest of us...

Great Job... look forward to seeing more pics in the future.

Congrats KTC!!! You sure made the most of your tags. I really like the shape of the antelope. What a beautiful trophy.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-09 AT 12:48PM (MST)[p]I don't know anything about oryx, but that one is HUGE. Your speed goat is very nice, there aren't a whole lot them around that are that big. The cutters are absolutely great.

That's more of a "Hey I'm a badger but I really like ponies and rainbows too" smile. - mtnmayhem
there ain't no way that thing is 41 inches. did you guys measure from the tip of his nose or what? and the body is even as small as a german shepard. i could be wrong but it only looks 36 to 37 tops. but i guess no one is gonna measure the mount on your wall. lol. the goat on the other hand is real nice. good job on both.
yeah it'll look smaller against a giant of a man! He's only 6 foot 5 inches! He's a big man killing big animals.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-09 AT 01:55PM (MST)[p]AWESOME, AWESOME Ty. These trophies could not have gone to a better guy! Congrats again, and if you don't room for them let me know. I will take them of your hands!!

Jungle- did you miss the part where ktc said don't turn this negative? I think the people scoring were able to read a tape. Come on man keep it good!

Great bull, ktc..
I have passed MANY bull oryx (in Africa) looking for that one who will surpass the 40" mark.. and I'm still looking! Have yet to pull the trigger on one yet!

DRSS Chapuis 470NE
Nice work for sure!!! I also have been here for 8 yrs or so.....very reluctant to post for your same reasons, as my post total will attest to. That being said, I am glad you did, it is always nice to see great animals. I do not know any of the guys you referred to other than Travis Scott, even though I see their posts all the time. If any of them are like Travis, yourself included, (seems like it to me) then they are all great people. I have learned that everyone on here are all not "rear-ends". Thanks for the pics & congrats on a great couple of hunts!!!
Excellent Job Ty!! Looks like the antelope came from my neck of the woods by the looks of the trees in the back ground. Excellent job and I hope you enjoyed your time in the great state of New Mexico.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-09 AT 02:41PM (MST)[p]Jive,

You calling me a liar? This is why it is a pain in the ass to post anything. You are right he is 40 6/8ths since you asked. Come by and measure him for yourself. Better yet call Gilbert he knows. Or, you can watch the SCI North American free-ranging Oryx and see where he fits in, that would probably satisfy your doubts even better.

Thanks for the nice comments. I truly had a great time in NM.

no worries. im not calling you a liar. just couldn't see all those inches from that picture. if you say it is then it is. good job with your hunts, glad you had a good experience. its always nice to have good help out there.
KTC, nice comment. Post a link to the NM record site once you get him official. Anyways, those pics aren't the greatest. If the horns were positioned more vertical then it would show a little better. Maybe if you posted a pic like this one with a yard stick next to the horns people would believe you.

Here's a zoomed in pic of the bases with the yard stick


Here's is the full pic with the yardstick


And here is a pic that really shows the length


Jive, your totally clear. I agree 100% that those pics suck at showing the size of that bull. The last pic I posted is the only one I thought did him justice. Don't sweat it. I sound like a jerk all the time even though I'm a pretty nice guy.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-09 AT 04:11PM (MST)[p]yeah I agree you should have posted them pics from the beginning!! What an awesome specimen!!!
Sh#t.....I never gave much thought to those animals. He looks big to me in the original pics, now he looks huge. I think I want one, cost could be out of my league, though. Amazing animal!!
Thanks TY!!! Been driving me nuts knowing about it and not seeing the actual pics. Congratulations again and may you draw some more NM tags in the future....
Congrats Ty! Good job to all of you guys but that's a funky looking spike elk.....
LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-09 AT 05:30PM (MST)[p]Guys,

I was very fortunate and pretty lucky that the stars aligned on both hunts. It was fun to hang out with some good guys. I enjoyed the antelope because my whole family was there and my oldest daughter helped me in the getting him down part. I told her when we went down I was going to show her how to put a book critter down.;-) You NM guys have the greatest stae to hunt in IMO. You have some top quality critters running around. It feels pretty good to get the compliments from guys who have spent a lot of time with the desert ponies. They are spectacular animals and they are the best tasting things I have tried in a long time.


No problem. I jumped pretty quick at your comment, but I try to give good honest measurements. It does me no good to inflate scores and would prefer being on the small side. I am not trying to prove anything to anyone but myself. I have tunnel vision when it comes down to what I will shoot and wont shoot. I hope you have a successful fall.


You missed out on the fun!:)


The prongs are 6 even and 5 5/8.
Wow , congrats on two huge animals . Looking at those pictures of that oryx really gets my blood pumping , and chomping at the bit for my turn in January . Thanks for sharing .
great duo Ty! and now that you showed your wife how to put a booner on the ground (as if she hasnt already!) you have the goat hunt to look forward to.
Finally! Geez Ty, I thought you were never going to post...should resolve a few rumors. Congrats again man, great pics.
Did you have the lucky rabbit foot with you?
Hey don't wipe the luck off of it and send it my way for my elk hunt.Ha
Good job this year, now I hope the success can carry over on your wifes mountain goat hunt.
What a couple true trophy class animals you have taken this year
Congrats and what a bunch of first class guys to help you out sounds like everybody involved had a blast.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-09 AT 11:25PM (MST)[p]Hey Ty, congrats to you. My dad and Travis really talked about what a great Lope you killed and what an awesome family you had. You have every right to be proud. I only wish I could have made the trip also.
KTC- Congrats on your success.. Those are some great animals..thanks for posting the pictures.. It ain't your fault your a big 6"4" horse! I can't wait to see how big my oryx will look next to my scrawny 5'9" frame.
Very nice Ty! To kill 2 great trophy's in one year is a great accomplishment. Congratulations to you and those who helped ya! It is great guy's like them that really make hunting the best it can be! Thanks for sharing your pic's.

I'm just wondering where you shot both animals ty??????????
Your also a lucky man in the fact that not too many people get to have their pictures taken on range at the scene of the kill. Gilbert was an outstanding guy to get that cleared for you.

Congrats!!! That oryx is awesome! Then again, I think every oryx looks awesome. That stinky goat aint bad either.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
41" Oryx & 83" Goat!!!

Wow! Congratulations Ty! Both top end trophies! You and your family have really taken some beautiful animals. You are gonna need a bigger trophy room. I just knew I was going to be hunting antelope that weekend, but not; maybe next year. I've given up on oryx and will be hunting them in Namibia in 2011. I can only dream about one like the one you tagged. Good Job and thanks for posting!
RE: 41" Oryx & 83" Goat!!!

All the comments are appreciated! Makes a guy feel good to get feedback that you have taken a very nice animal. I cannot say it enough though, the group Oryx photo and the two outfitters Travis and Tom are very much responsible. All of my help has originated from MM. There are a few clods here and there, but most guys here are good people willing to give and take help. I hope one day I can return the favor to each and every one of the people who have stepped up and given me a hand.

Good luck 1BD. You will enjoy the Gemsbok hunt! NM goats are worth the drive. They grow them big! Good luck drawing next year. If I can give you some advice let me know.
Thanks Scott. I appreciate those comments. Hopefully my wife can get a mountain goat that fits in.:)

It is a ton of fun. I wish I could have been there longer to look around, but I had to leave, those are the rules. Gilbert is a good guy and he can help you if needed. Good luck! Go get one!

I know I caught some grief for calling my Oryx 41" I went and had him officially measured bt a SCI Master Scorer today afterbthe drying period. He officially scores 94 2/8". His horns are 40 0/8 and 40 1/8 respectively. He should be in the top 10-15. 94 5/8" is number 10. I had an errant bullet hit his base on one side chipping the base. He had to be measured up to where the horn was solid all the way around. My poor shooting cost me 1".

Anyway, just an update for those who were wondering.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-18-09 AT 11:06PM (MST)[p]Not to sound ungrateful because of score, I could not be more pleased with him. It is what it is. I will say it again, I had some great help from some great NM residents and they are the reason this worked out well. Thanks guys and thanks to NM for providing this very unique opportunity! Never ever thought I would get a top 20 anything.

BTW; the meat is absolutely fantastic! I would say it is as good as beef in a lean way!
ktc, dont have to explain anything. 90% of ELKBOYs posts are taking pop shots at anybody about anything. Also 90% of his posts are in the wee hours when he is either drunk enough to make is "internet badboy posts" or when he sneaks in to use Moms computer.

That oryx of yours was all about good times. Fellow hunters joining in your hunt to help, Killing a once in a lifetime animal, and then for it to be one of the Top Oryx ever killed is just a super neat story. Most of us love to hear the final measurments, very interesting about the bullet clipping the horn.

Ignore post #61.
ktc, awesome specimens! What a trophy Oryx, this thread has really gotten me jacked up for my upcoming Jan. 30-31 Rhodes Canyone hunt. Congrats on the bull of many lifetimes!

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