Auction Tags. Idaho Sportsman Need To Read This!


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-16 AT 06:06PM (MST)[p]Looks like the Utah influence is creeping in to Idaho:

Public announcement made on Friday, the 29th, and public input is only welcome until Feb 2nd?
2 working days to put in a comment?
No public comment will be allowed at the meeting on Feb 4th?

Are they thinking of auctioning them off this year? How incredibly stupid would that be? All the big conventions will already be over. Someone with money living in Idaho will probably end up with these tags relatively cheap, if it goes through.
"95 percent of the proceeds from the tags would go to Fish and Game, which could use up to the 30 percent of the proceeds for sportsman access programs."

My biggest fear is that the State Legislature will just cut the Fish and Game budget once they start counting on the income from these tags. It happens everywhere this happens. Then there is the above quote stating up to 30 % "could" go for access programs. Not a great confidence booster with that statement.

Mike Henne
I wonder who the "non profit" organizations are going to be. There is quite a long thread going on the General forum that involves our southern neighbor,a "non profit" organization and auction tags.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-01-16 AT 01:19PM (MST)[p]>"95 percent of the proceeds from
>the tags would go to
>Fish and Game, which could
>use up to the 30
>percent of the proceeds for
>sportsman access programs."
>My biggest fear is that the
>State Legislature will just cut
>the Fish and Game budget
>once they start counting on
>the income from these tags.
> It happens everywhere this
>happens. Then there is
>the above quote stating up
>to 30 % "could" go
>for access programs. Not a
>great confidence booster with that
>Mike Henne

The expected income from the tags is minimal ~ $200k with $100k expected from a third sheep tag. This is a pittance when compared to IDF&G's annual budget of roughly $100MM. By only selling five, they may receive $50k.
I have sent in my .02, not sure the commissioners will listen

RE: Auction Tags. Idaho Sportsman Need To Read This!

I replied as well.

Pressure needs to be on us hunters/fishermen to foot the budget in form of license and tag fee's. Pressure for legislators to pass the requests for increases in fee's, based on their constituents needs not their selfish desire to get changes for the benefit of their special interests. Lastly, pressure for F&G to manage their budget to the best of their ability.

No additional Auction Tags
No new BP systems
No additional landowner benefits without equally beneficial increases to habitat

These are all slippery slopes that need to be avoided selling our opportunity to the highest bidder and/or 1%ers
RE: Auction Tags. Idaho Sportsman Need To Read This!

I agree 100% BPK. Scary thing is many hunters seem to think auction tags will have a minimal impact on "normal" guys.
RE: Auction Tags. Idaho Sportsman Need To Read This!

LAST EDITED ON Feb-02-16 AT 07:20PM (MST)[p]What a scary thought that Idaho Fish and game would start down the same road that Utah's on right now, kind of smells fishy that they allowed such a short amount of time to get the word around and to comment on this.
Just seems to have the feel of SFW.
Even if SFW has nothing to do with it its
A bad idea all the way around.

Will add that there has to be a 1000 better ways to spend the money other than access yes. What a ridiculous program that is.
Just about every property that I have seen with access yes has absolutely no value to sportsman,
It's bad enough that they're spending the super tag money on it.

I sent them my thoughts on the whole deal, but somehow I just don't think it will make a difference, I have a feeling their mind is already made up...
RE: Auction Tags. Idaho Sportsman Need To Read This!

The Idaho Legislature is driving this. Fish and Game has had the opportunity to offer auction tags aka Governor's Wildlife Partnership Tags for a while now. Under Senate Bill 1236 Section 9 Senator Steve Bair and Representative Mike Moyle have changed the verbage from "MAY" issue to "SHALL" issue said Partnership Tags.
Why such a short amount of time to comment?

For the 80% of outdoorsman that aren't on forums, they probably still don't know about this.
"Based on a recent, random, mail survey of hunters that showed 54 percent agreed with auctioning tags to raise money for wildlife management and sportsmen access, and 51 percent agreed with offering more big-game tags for auction, commissioners asked the department to prepare a proposal that included five new auction tags."

Over half of the people surveyed are OK with moving closer to the Utah model. That's scary. Like a virus slowly spreading.
My 2 cents NO Auction tags Period .. If its NOT about the $$ give everyone a chance at these TAGS FREE !! If & we all know it is about the $$ raise the fees . I looked on F&G's site but could not find a # for the Total # of licenses sold along with tags & special permits .My suggestion to F&G was IF its about lack of $$ cut the dead weight in their departments extend the leases on their vehicles !! Many options here was my main suggestion raise the cost of EVERYTHING they sell all tags licenses ETC a BUCK or TWO I am sure that would bring in more $$ than auctioning 12 tags !!! again just my 2 cents
I'm totally against auction tags too, but i think F&G is looking at ways to fund the department without raising liscence and tags fees. I myself think they should increase tag and liscense fees by $10.00.
I'm fine with a couple auction tags, but also understand the slippery slope that could come with it. And that's certainly scary.

More surveys would be good, in regards to generating new revenue. Transparency would be key.

What about a month long survey asking about our reactions if they increased the price of the bear tag by $10? Put a link on the website, in the statesman and any other free or cheap medium to spread the word.

What about a $30 deer tag, or a $40 elk tag?

I'm in favor for all 3. I think most of us on the forums are for it. But will farmer fran quit buying a $19 deer tag to throw in the truck for driving around on the farm?

I think more frequent and interactive communication with residents and sportsman will be helpful down the road.
The Commission has had the authority to turn out the Governor's Partnership Tags (auction tags) I believe since 2010. The Fiscal Report for SB 1236 which I have referenced above claims an measly $200,000 positive impact out of the new auction tags.That is an estimate btw. The bill changes verbage from "may" offer to "shall" offer. I think the legislators that put all of the riders on last years fee increase have an axe to grind. There are many ways Fish and Game could cut costs across the board. We can all agree on that. I was for the fee increases last year, as I think lots of others were too. This doesn't have anything to do with revenue,it's about legislators slapping Fish and Game's hand and trying to appease the folks that donated heavily to their campaign coffers.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-16 AT 10:40PM (MST)[p]I have to be honest. I hunt Idaho for several reasons even though as a non-resident with an average salary it really does hurt my pocket book. Those three reasons are as follows in order of significance:

1) Currently Idaho isn't even close to the level of "good'ol boy" auction tags, governor tags and 3rd party affiliation for distributing them with the likes of uh...the groups dominating Utah. I just respect the fact that they've held out for so long.

2) It has been my first hand experience that the Idaho parks and DWR field operatives genuinely care about the OHV rules and will go out of their way to enforce situations like illegal ATV use.

3) Idaho's policy for youth tag fees. I will introduce my kid to hunting for the first time this year and it most likely won't be in our resident state of Utah because of these three reasons. I will put her in for two controlled of which is a guaranteed draw.

I wish you all luck staying off the slippery slope it appears you will soon start side descending.
As a non resident, over the last few months, I've possibly considered Idaho hunts in the future. However, I sent an email to Blair suggesting he reject SB1236.
I have family in different parts of Idaho (McCall and Coeur d'alene) shared this info and encourged them to call or send emails as well.

It is a slippery slope and I hope that if it happens, your Fish and Game is held more accountable than Utahs.


Theodore Roosevelt's guidance concerning
"The movement for the conservation of wildlife,
and the conservation of all our natural resources,
are essentially democratic in spirit,purpose and

"We do not intend that our natural resources shall
be exploited by the few against the interests of the
majority. Our aim is to preserve our natural
resources for the public as a whole, for the
average man and the average woman who make
up the body of the American people."

"It is in our preserve game..and to give
reasonable opportunities for the exercise of the
skill of the hunter,whether he is or is not a man of
I know many of you live for the hunt, but know nothing of the reasons why you get to and trust that others will fight for you to keep the hunting as you have it. Some times this works, but sportsmen need to work together and help stop bad legislation. This is all about numbers and the more people we get involved the better we are represented. So here is my Idaho Challenge, Write your legislators and then tag a buddy to do the same. They want to model this our auction tags off of Utah's corrupt system. Share this and tag your friends LOL
There is a bill in the Idaho legislature, SB1236, that will have the Legislature directing Fish and Game Policy re: hunting Tags. This is not the process for managing our Fish and Game Resources.
Bill SB1236 would force the Idaho Fish and Game (F&G) Commission to begin issuing auction tags for Moose, Deer, Elk, and Antelope. There have never been auction tags for these species. This bill is written and sponsored by our local Senator, Senator Steve Bair
The Idaho Fish and Game Commission is established under the law as an independent, citizen commission for a reason. Politicians don't belong meddling with our fish and game resources. They provide NO state funds for the F&G Dept. We, the citizen hunters, fishermen, and trappers pay all the funding not the legislature. Politicians know nothing of wildlife science or management. We citizen sportsmen, working with the F&G Commission, must be the system that manages wildlife in Idaho, the same model present in almost every state.
This bill is the political camel?s nose under the tent on the way to stealing hundreds of tags from us, the citizens of Idaho. We the citizens own all the wildlife in this state and our appointed F&G Commission makes decisions based the best wildlife science. Utah now auctions over 500 tags at prices far above what the average citizen can afford. These new Idaho tags would be sold at similar prices. There are many in Boise who want to go the way of Utah and we are already well on the way to that situation.
Wildlife is supposed to be available to our citizens on a democratically based, equal access system for all regardless of politics, power, or money. Bill SB1236 makes tags available only to the rich.
If you want access to wildlife for your kids, no matter how they might interact with it, you need to educate Senator Bair about how you feel. All Idahoans who love wildlife must care. You?d better set him straight because many other destructive actions have already occurred in past legislatures and more are coming if you don't speak up. There are far too many politicians in Boise with ideas like SB1236.
Senator Bair?s phone: 208-332-1346 e-mail [email protected]
>It looks like S1236 died in
>committee. We won this year,
>but you can bet they'll
>be back again.

Nice, that is great news!
How/where did you find this out?

No doubt they wil be gunnin' for the tags again pretty soon but I think this last bout has opened some eyes as to who's behind these tag grabs and will be ready to stand against
em when they come back.
I checked the legislature page and the bill had not advanced out of committee. The legislature adjourned for the year today right around noon.
Guys, we lost one, and won one. Bill 1344-S was signed into law on 3-22-16,which allows a private contracted company to administer the controlled hunt tag draws.Fish and Game was totally against this,and it was sponsored by the same group of scum bags that was for the auction tags. This has Utah's S.F.W. hand prints all over it,and this group will not give up. We will have to be vigilant,and attack these parasites,and realize they want to privatize hunting, like Utah. 2017 will be a real battle!!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-25-16 AT 06:10PM (MST)[p]Thanks customweld.

So what harm can come from a private contracted company to administer the controlled hunt tag draws?
Is it the added expence? or is there more to it?
New law is a knee jerk to the rumor that fish/game and other "important" people were repeatedly drawing elite type tags....they fell for the old crooked government boogeyman.

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