lockdown/masks forever


Very Active Member
or just until Nov. 4 if Biden wins?

Screen Shot 2020-09-24 at 9.57.40 AM.png
Democrats and liberal news will call that fake news. Their goal is to keep the economy down until the election.

All anybody has to do is ignore democrat mandates. What will they do about it? Yank a business permit away from you? Oooo, scary...
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Just saw that Governor Herbert is all set to announce a new daily record high for cases in Utah...1198.

How about this?

Yep, just a hoax...fake news.

Seems its enough for Herbert to declare state of emergency...more fake news?

More winning...hugely.
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In my county there has been just over 1100 cases of Covid-19 and 7 deaths reported as the result of Covid-19.

The FACT that keeps escaping some are what the numbers really show, cases (and deaths) per million.

Let's start with those numbers before we go around wringing our hands and crying "Wo is me, Wo is us".
This should go down as one of the biggest CF's in modern history

And who pushed this CF to destroy the economy and is still pushing it until Nov?

Fewer and fewer people are wearing them where I work. The local wally world doesn't have their compliance gestapo standing at the doors anymore.
that's because they all eat dirt regularly , never wash their hands and all have taken hydroxychloroquine for malaria........
Bingo... they've all had malaria, more than once, and they all take or have taken Hydroxychloroquine for it. They have perhaps the worst healthcare on the planet and the China Flu would have ravaged them but it didn't.
I support private property rights. If a business owner wants to require a mask, that's his right to do so. If I don't like it, I'll go somewhere else.
see......it's not that hard to be normal Grizz...you might get used to it
Just don't be so fun to mess with. The people who actually know me ltmfao at how riled I get you guys. But, like I've said a hundred times, though it never seems to stick with you guys, it's only fake.

Some of y'all take your MM posts WAAAAY too seriously.
Griz is actually a pretty good guy. He is coming around a little as well.

You and I have had some good substantive debates in the past, but anybody that thinks the Political page here is anything but an amusement takes themselves way too seriously!

You know me well enough, and we have enough mutual friends, that you know I'm just having fun. I keep telling the guys here that, but they just get sucked in again.

I was having a conversation just yesterday with somebody that you probably know about people who get riled up too easily and how much harder life would be if a person was angry all the time.

It made me feel a little bad for playing devil's advocate on MM if it's contributing to people actually taking it seriously and getting upset. It's just fun for me, but some other people are actually triggered by what they read on MM. Jokes are only funny if both people know they're joking, otherwise it's just mean. The fact I consider this as BS'ing is why I never could understand all the name-calling... Why attack somebody when we're all just supposed to be having fun?

I find the banter here amusing, but clearly others consider it real life and offensive. Maybe I should lighten up a bit if some guys are actually bothered by it?
I hear you Griz,
After working with the general public as a healthcare provider for over 30 years, many people are worried, have anxiety, and 30-50% are depressed. We have some great guys that love to hunt and share our passion. We are living in a crazy world right now. Have a little fun, but some may not respond well or understand.
We all need to look in the mirror and decide are we helping make others lives better and making a better future for those who we love and who serve to protect us and our country.
We are going to have some hard times even after the election.
Interesting discussion. I have disagreed with Grizz and Huntin50 on many issues over the years but I consider them both to be good guys and fellow sportsmen. I enjoy talking politics with friends, family and co-workers but I also try not to take myself too seriously and to remember that others are entitled to their opinions. Plus, many on these forums are just looking to have a little fun and p"oke the bear." It okay to talk, debate and disagree but remember that most of us have far more in common than that which divides us.

Having said that . . . Trump 2020!

AMEN Hawkeye.
Also we need more hunting pictures and less pictures and drama of burning cities, killing cops, and destruction.
A flock of about 50 Aleutian geese flew over the house yesterday. The first one's I've seen since mid April.

A BLM protestor got hit by a car here yesterday. She drove herself to the hospital.
I agree Homer. Less pictures of destruction doesn't mean less destruction.
Most people feel a lot better looking at great hunting and family memory pictures than all the destruction going on.
Look at good pictures for 30 minutes and then look at destruction and watch peoples lives and businesses ruined for 30 minutes and compare you you feel.

Trump is for law and order. I think most people are figuring that out.
CA good point. I should like at the other forums for pictures and this forum for fights and destruction videos from Biden voters.
CA good point. I should like at the other forums for pictures and this forum for fights and destruction videos from Biden voters.
Was that post helpful in making people feel better or was that an attempt to "poke the bear" as Hawkeye mentioned above?
Was that post helpful in making people feel better or was that an attempt to "poke the bear" as Hawkeye mentioned above?
uh...no, that was a post to explain this is the POLITICAL forum...not the nice guy romper room....

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